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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 11133 COCA: 12590

(something that causes) the usually sudden destruction of a person, organization, or government and their loss of power, money, or health衰败;倒台,垮台

Rampant corruption brought about the downfall of the government.腐败横行导致政府垮台。
In the end, it was the continual drinking that was his downfall.不断酗酒最终搞垮了他的身体。
BNC: 11133 COCA: 12590


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DOWNFALL | DOWNFALL + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEeventual, ultimate最終的垮台dramatic, tragic戲劇性的/悲劇性的失敗VERB + DOWNFALLbring about, cause, lead to造成垮台;導致垮台a scandal that brought about his downfall導致他垮台的醜聞contribute to, hasten促使垮台;加速衰落The failure of this plan contributed to her eventual downfall.這個計劃的失敗促使她最終垮台。plot密謀推翻They were found guilty of plotting the downfall of the government.他們被判犯有密謀推翻政府罪。DOWNFALL + VERBcome失敗來臨The movement's downfall came with the failed coup d'état.政變流產了,這場運動也隨之失敗。PHRASESbe sb's downfall是某人垮台的原因His greed was eventually his downfall.貪婪最終導致了他的垮台。
BNC: 11133 COCA: 12590
downfall noun
BNC: 11133 COCA: 12590
Changing social or professional status: acquire, ascent, bankrupt...
General problems and difficulties: problem, difficulty, trouble...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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