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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 342 COCA: 550

cost noun MONEY SPENT

A2 [ U ] the amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something价格;费用;成本

When you buy a new computer, you usually get software included at no extra cost (= for no additional money).买电脑时通常免费附送软件。
In most families, two salaries are essential to cover the cost of (= pay for) raising a family.对许多家庭来说,要支付孩子学费双职薪水必不可少。
The supermarket chain announced that it was cutting the cost (= reducing the price) of all its fresh and frozen meat.这家连锁超市宣布其所有鲜肉和冷冻肉降价销售。
It's difficult for most people to deal with the rising cost of (= increasing price of) healthcare.大多数人都难以承受医疗保健费用的上涨。
I was able to buy the damaged goods at cost (= for only the amount of money needed to produce or get the goods, without any extra money added for profit).我能以成本价买到残损商品。
costs [ plural ]

the amount of money needed for a business or to do a particular job成本;支出

We need to cut our advertising costs.我们需要削减广告支出。
The estimated costs of the building project are well over £1 million.这项建筑工程的成本预算大大超出100万英镑。

More examples

Whether or not we go to Spain for our holiday depends on the cost.

Do you agree with the principle that everyone should pay something towards the cost of healthcare?

The average cost of a new house has gone up by 5 percent to £76 500.

Their estimate of the cost of the project was wildly inaccurate.

My main concern about moving to London is the cost of housing.


B2 [ S or U ] something that is given, needed, or lost in order to get a particular thing代价;牺牲;付出

We were going to paint the house ourselves, but when we considered the cost in time and effort, we decided to get a painter to do it for us.我们本打算自己漆房子,可是考虑到既费时又费力,还是决定请油漆工来做。
The driver managed not to hit the child who ran in front of his car, but only at the cost of injuring himself.司机避开了在他车前乱跑的小孩,可自己却受了伤。
She has finally got the job she wanted, but at great personal cost (= she has had to give up other things that were important to her).她最终得到了想要的那份工作,可是个人付出的代价很大。
UK It's not worth getting into an argument with Paula, as I learned to my cost (= from my unpleasant experience of having done so).不值得和葆拉发生争执,因为我已有过教训。

More examples

I didn't read the contract fully before I signed it but I'm counting the cost now.

Victory in the war was achieved at the cost of great human suffering.

He tried to fight for justice, but in the end the personal cost was too high.

She supported the refugees at great personal cost.

I discovered to my cost that he was a violent man.

cost verb [ T ] MONEY

A2 cost, cost If something costs an amount of money, you must pay that amount to buy or do it.价钱为;需花费

"How much does this book cost?" "It costs £25."“这本书多少钱?”“25英镑。”
It costs a lot to buy a house in this part of Sydney.在悉尼的这一地区买栋房子要花很多钱。
[ + two objects ] The trip will cost you $1,000.这趟旅游要花去你1000美元。

costed, costed to calculate the future cost of something计算成本;计算花费

My boss asked me to cost the materials for the new fence and gate.老板让我计算出新围栏和大门的材料费用。
Has your plan been properly costed (out)?你的方案好好计算过成本吗?

More examples

"How much will the trip cost?" "No more than £40."

Smaller cars have better mileage and so cost less to run.

The repairs to our car cost much more than we were expecting.

These shoes only cost £20.

The projected extension to the motorway near London is going to cost over £4 million.

cost verb [ T ] DESTROY

B2 cost, cost to cause someone to lose or destroy something valuable使付出代价;使丧失;使牺牲

Drinking and driving costs lives (= can cause accidents in which people die).酒后驾车会付出生命的代价。
[ + two objects ] His affairs cost him his marriage (= his marriage ended because of them).婚外情葬送了他的婚姻。

More examples

Alcoholism cost me my job, my health and finally my family.

Many of the fans believe that the omission of Heacock from the team cost England the match.

Ireland squandered several chances, including a penalty that cost them the game.

They won the war, although it cost them millions of lives.

Writing the book cost me my job and my marriage.

IELTS BNC: 342 COCA: 550


1money needed to buy sth費用ADJECTIVE | VERB + COST | COST + VERB | COST + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, high相當大的/高額的費用The high cost of energy was a problem for consumers.能源費用高對消費者來說是一個問題。enormous, exorbitant, huge, prohibitive巨大的/極高的/巨額的/令人望而卻步的費用The cost of repairs would be prohibitive.修理費會高得令人卻步。low, minimal低費用;最低費用escalating, increasing, rising, soaring, spiralling/spiraling不斷上漲的/不斷增加的/上升的/飛漲的/連續上漲的費用basic基本費用full, overall, total全部費用;總花銷You will have to bear the full cost of the work.你得承擔這項工作的全部費用。added, additional, extra追加費用;額外費用She was unwilling to pay the extra cost to get a room to herself.她不願意多付錢自己住一個房間。associated相關費用hidden隱藏的費用average平均花費A total of 3.6 million tickets at an average cost of $58 are available.比賽共有 360 萬張票供出售,平均每張 58 美元。gross, net總費用;淨花費budgeted, estimated, projected預算/估計的/預期費用likely, potential可能的/潛在的花費real, true實際費用annual, monthly, etc.每年、每月等的費用replacement更換費用What is the current replacement cost of these assets?現在更換這些資產的成本是多少?marginal (business商業) 邊際成本Competition will drive the price down near to the marginal cost (= the cost of the work and materials to produce the product).競爭將把售價壓至接近邊際成本。per-unit, unit (= the cost of producing one item) (business商業) 單位成本initial, upfront先期/預付費用capital, start-up (both business商業) 資本/啟動成本The capital cost of these projects (= what it costs to set them up) is some $100 million.這些項目的資本成本大約是 1 億美元。direct, indirect直接/間接成本VERB + COSTcarry, have需要/包含⋯費用The entire project carries a cost of $2 million.整個工程需要 200 萬美元的費用。bear, cover, meet, pay承擔費用;支付費用Contractors can now be required to carry the cost of delays.現在可以要求承包商承擔延誤費。Allow €100 per day to cover the cost of meals.每天留出 100 歐元來支付餐費。Delegates receive allowances to meet the cost of travel.代表有差旅費津貼。drive up, increase, push up推高/增加/提高費用Inflation is pushing up the cost of living.通貨膨脹推高了生活成本。bring down, cut, decrease, drive down, lower, reduce, slash減少費用;削減費用;降低花費keep down壓低費用estimate, put估計費用I would put the cost of a new employee at $80 000 a year.我估計雇一名新員工的費用為一年 8 萬美元。calculate, work out計算/算出花費afford負擔得起花費spread分攤費用You can spread the cost of your loan repayment over 10 years.你可以將貸款分 10 年償還。reimburse償還費用offset抵消費用share, subsidize分擔/補貼費用COST + VERBescalate, go up, increase, rise, soar費用逐步上漲/上升/增加/上漲/猛增The cost of dental treatment is increasing.治牙的費用在上漲。fall, go down費用下跌/降低COST + NOUNreduction, savings費用的降低/節省the pursuit of cost reduction力求降低費用increase費用的增加containment, control成本遏制/控制overrun費用超支There were cost overruns on each project.每個工程都有超支的費用。estimate成本概算advantage成本優勢structure成本結構base成本基礎It is essential that we operate with the lowest possible cost base and most efficient facilities.我們要以盡可能低的成本基礎和最有效的設備來運營,這一點至關重要。accounting成本會計PREPOSITIONat a cost of以⋯的費用A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000.一個新的計算機系統已經安裝完成,費用為 8 萬英鎊。cost to⋯需承擔的花費The cost to the government will be quite high.政府花費會相當高。PHRASESan increase in cost, a reduction in cost費用的上升/降低at great cost, at a great cost to sth以高額費用;以⋯的高額費用The victory was achieved at great cost to the country's infrastrucure.這一勝利是在國家投入高額基礎設施費用的基礎上實現的。at minimal cost, at a minimal cost to sth以最少的費用;以⋯的最少費用Now people can access the Internet at minimal cost.現在人們可以以極低的費用上網。at no extra cost無額外費用The hotel offers tea and coffee at no extra cost.酒店供應茶和咖啡,不另收費。the cost of living生活成本The cost of living has risen sharply in the last year.去年生活成本急劇上漲。cost per day, unit, child, etc.每日、每個單位、每個孩子等的費用the cost per day for an electrician雇用一名電工的每日費用


2costs money needed to run a business, home, etc.成本;開支ADJECTIVE | VERB + COSTS | COSTS + VERB ADJECTIVEconsiderable, enormous, great, high, huge相當高的成本;巨額成本;高成本low低成本escalating, increasing, rising, soaring, spiralling/spiraling不斷上漲的/不斷增加的/上升的/飛漲的/連續上漲的成本We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs.因為成本不斷上漲,我們不得不提高價格。administration, administrative, borrowing, construction, development, fuel, labour/labor, maintenance, manufacturing, production, research行政開支;借款成本;建設成本;開發成本;燃料開支;勞動力成本;維修成本;製造成本;生產成本;研究成本research and development costs研發成本operating, running運營成本shipping, transport, transportation, travel運輸成本;差旅費health-care, medical保健/醫療開支fixed, variable (business商業) 固定/可變成本Fixed costs include rent.固定成本包括租金。out-of-pocket付現成本overhead間接費用VERB + COSTSincur產生費用The corporation will pay all costs and expenses incurred.公司將支付產生的所有費用。pay支付費用increase增加成本bring down, cut, lower, reduce減少成本;降低成本The company has to find ways of cutting costs.公司得找到削減成本的方法。control, keep down, minimize控制/降低/盡可能降低成本The use of cheap materials helped to keep costs down.使用廉價原料有助於降低成本。cover支付費用We're hoping that we'll at least cover costs at the conference.我們希望至少能付得起會議的開支。recoup, recover收回成本defray支付費用COSTS + VERBbe associated, be involved開支與⋯相關/有關the costs associated with buying and selling property與資產買賣有關的開支escalate, go up, increase, rise, soar成本逐步上漲/上升/增加/上漲/猛增The company's costs have risen over the last 5 years.公司成本在過去 5 年裏上漲了。


3effort/loss/damage to achieve sth代價ADJECTIVE | VERB + COST | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, enormous, great, heavy, huge相當大的代價;高昂的代價;沉重的代價They advanced a few hundred yards, but at a heavy cost in life.他們推進了幾百碼,但是人員傷亡十分慘重。dreadful, terrible可怕的代價the terrible cost of the war in death and suffering這場戰爭造成的死亡與苦難的可怕代價real, true實際的代價environmental, financial, human, personal, political, social環境/金錢/人力/個人/政治/社會代價the environmental cost of nuclear power核動力的環境代價VERB + COSToutweigh大於損耗Do the benefits outweigh the costs?收益是否大於損耗?suffer (especially NAmE) 蒙受損失The country has suffered the enormous cost of trade sanctions.該國蒙受了貿易制裁所造成的巨大損失。count計算損失The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.鎮裏目前正在計算由於防洪不力而導致的損失。PREPOSITIONat cost (to), at a cost (to)以(⋯的)代價He worked non-stop for three months, at considerable cost to his health.他連續不斷地工作了 3 個月,健康受到很大損害。The raid was foiled, but at a cost: an injured officer who was lucky to survive.襲擊被挫敗了,但也付出了代價:一名警察受了傷,所幸沒有生命危險。at the cost of以⋯為代價She saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own life.她從火中把他救了出來,卻犧牲了自己的生命。cost in⋯方面的代價I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy.我覺得需要讓大家滿意,耗費多少時間和精力都在所不惜。PHRASEScosts and benefits代價和好處the costs and benefits of this strategy這一戰略的代價和好處at all costs, at any cost不惜一切代價You must stop the press finding out at all costs.你必須不惜一切代價防止媒體發現真相。to your cost付出代價He's a ruthless businessman, as I know to my cost (= I know from my own bad experience).我吃了苦頭後才知道他是個無情的商人。


4costs in a court case訴訟ADJECTIVE | VERB + COSTS ADJECTIVEcourt, legal訴訟費用administrative行政訴訟費用VERB + COSTSincur產生訴訟費用Both sides incurred costs of over $50 000.雙方須付 5 萬多美元的訴訟費用。pay支付訴訟費He was fined £200 and ordered to pay costs.他被罰款 200 英鎊,並被勒令承擔訴訟費用。be awarded免付訴訟費用If you win your case you will normally be awarded costs.如果你贏了官司,通常訴訟費用由對方承擔。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBfully, properly充分/準確估計成本The project has not been properly costed yet.這項工程的成本還沒有被準確估算出來。PREPOSITIONat花費估計為⋯The project was costed at €6 million.這個項目的花費估計為 600 萬歐元。
IELTS BNC: 342 COCA: 550
cost noun
costs (running costs) price (the cost of living)
cost verb
cost (How much does this cost?) price (cost a project)


cost ♦︎ be ♦︎ sell ♦︎ trade ♦︎ go ♦︎ retail ♦︎ set sb back sthThese are all words that can be used when sth costs a particular amount of money and you need to pay that amount in order to buy, make or do it. 这些词均表示价格或费用为某数额。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配How much does this cost / is this?That costs / will set you back a lot of money.sth sells / trades / retails at £9.95sth sells / goes / retails for £9.95 cost (cost, cost) [transitive] If sth costs a particular amount of money, you need to pay that amount in order to buy, make or do it. 需付费;价钱为I didn't get it because it cost too much.我没买,因为太贵了。Calls to the helpline cost 38p per minute.拨打热线服务电话每分钟收费38便士。All these reforms will cost money (= be expensive).所有这些改革都要花很多钱。Good food need not cost a fortune (= be very expensive).好吃的东西不一定要花费很多。 see also cost price noun be

linking verb

(especially spoken) to cost 需花费;价格为'How much is that dress?' 'Eighty dollars.'“那条连衣裙多少钱?”“八十元。”
sell (sold, sold) [intransitive] to be sold at a particular price (以某一价格)出售;售价为The painting sold for $70 000 at auction.那幅画以7万元拍卖售出了。 trade [intransitive, transitive] (business 商业) to be bought and sold, or to buy and sell sth, on a stock exchange (= a place where shares in companies are bought and sold) (在证券交易所)交易,买卖Shares were trading at under half their usual value.那些股份的交易价低于通常价值的一半。The futures contract is traded at a clean price and does not include accrued interest payments.那份期货合约以净价交易,不含应计利息。 go (goes, went, gone) [intransitive] (rather informal) to be sold, especially for a particular price on a particular occasion (尤指在某一场合以某一价格)出售We won't let the house go for less than £200 000.这房子低于20万英镑我们是不会卖的。There was usually some bread going cheap (= being sold cheaply) at the end of the day.在收市之前有些面包常降价出售。 retail ˈriːteɪl [intransitive] (business 商业) to be sold in a shop at a particular price (以某一价格)销售;零售价为The book retails for $14.95.这本书的零售价是14.95元。NOTE 辨析 Sell, go or retail? Sell is a more general word than retail, which is used mostly in Business English, and only for goods that are sold to the public through shops. * sell较retail含义广,后者主要为商务用语,且只用于经商店向大众销售的商品The book retails / sells at £14.95.这本书的零售价是14.95英镑。The painting retailed for $70 000 at auction. Go in this meaning is more informal than sell. In British English it is used especially in the phrase going cheap and about particular items being sold on particular occasions. 表达此义时,go比sell较为非正式。在英式英语中,go尤用于短语going cheap,以及某些场合下出售的某些物品The painting went for $70 000 at auction.那幅画以7万元拍卖售出了。In informal American English you can also use go to talk about the usual price of sth in a shop. 在非正式的美式英语中,也可以用go指某物在商店里的通常价格These boots usually go for around $30 a pair.这些靴子一般每双卖30元左右。 ˌset sb ˈback sth

phrasal verb

(setting, set, set) [no passive] (informal) to cost sb a particular amount of money 使花费;使破费The repairs could set you back over £200.修理这些部件大概要花你200多英镑。Set sb back sth is used especially about things that are considered expensive. * set sb back sth尤用于昂贵的东西。
IELTS BNC: 342 COCA: 550

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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