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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


outrageous ♦︎ shocking ♦︎ disgraceful ♦︎ shameful ♦︎ criminal ♦︎ scandalous ♦︎ deplorable ♦︎ unforgivableThese words all describe actions, behaviour and situations that shock you and are unacceptable. 这些词均表示行为、表现和情形令人震惊且无法接受的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be outrageous / shocking / disgraceful / shameful / scandalous / deplorable / unforgivable that...outrageous / shocking / disgraceful / shameful / criminal / scandalous / deplorable behaviouran outrageous / a shocking / a disgraceful / a shameful / a criminal / a scandalous wastean outrageous / a shocking / a scandalous storya shocking / disgraceful / shameful / scandalous / deplorable situation / conditiona shocking / disgraceful / shameful / criminal / deplorable statequite outrageous / shocking / disgraceful / deplorable / unforgivableutterly outrageous / disgraceful / scandalous / deplorableabsolutely outrageous / shocking / disgraceful / scandalous outrageous aʊtˈreɪdʒəs that offends or upsets you because you think it is morally wrong 令人气愤的;惹人憎恶的;无法容忍的'That's outrageous!' he protested.“简直骇人听闻!”他抗议说。She thought it absolutely outrageous that he should be promoted over her.他竟然提升为她的上司,她觉得是可忍孰不可忍。 see also outrage anger noun , outrage anger verb , outraged furious outrageously


They behaved outrageously.他们的行为表现让人难以容忍。The meal was outrageously expensive.这顿饭贵得吓人。
shocking that offends or upsets you because it is morally wrong or very serious 令人气愤的;惹人憎恶的;骇人听闻的What a shocking waste of money!如此挥霍,令人咋舌!Today we reveal the shocking truth about heroin addiction among the young.今天我们披露年轻人服用海洛因成瘾这一骇人的真实情况。 see also shock offend verb shockingly


a shockingly high mortality rate高得惊人的死亡率
NOTE 辨析 Outrageous or shocking?To talk about behaviour or actions that you think are morally wrong you can use either word. 描述不道德的行为时,用这两个词均可outrageous / shocking behaviour令人愤慨的行为a / an outrageous / shocking act / waste / story / suggestion骇人听闻的行为;令人咋舌的浪费;耸人听闻的故事;极端无礼的暗示If you are offended by sth because it seems unfair to you personally, use outrageous. 遇到对你个人来说似乎是不公平的事,因而感到气愤时,用outrageousShe thought it shocking that he should be promoted over her. For situations that are very serious or dangerous, use shocking. 描述非常严重或危险的情况用shockingthe outrageous truth about heroin addiction
disgraceful very bad or unacceptable; that people should feel ashamed about 不光彩的;可耻的;丢脸的It's disgraceful that none of the family tried to help her.家里竟无人肯帮助她,太不像话了。 see also disgrace disgrace noun 1 2 disgracefully


He considered that Liza was behaving disgracefully.他认为莉莎的行为很不光彩。
shameful (rather formal) disgraceful 不光彩的;可耻的;丢脸的It was shameful the way she was treated.她竟然受到那样的对待,太不像话了。We reveal one of the most shameful secrets of modern US history.我们揭露了美国现代史上最可耻的一个秘密。 see also shame disgrace noun 2 shamefully


The buildings have been shamefully neglected.这些大楼一直无人照管,真不像话。
NOTE 辨析 Shameful or disgraceful? Disgraceful is more frequent in spoken English than shameful, especially in British English. Shameful, but not disgraceful, is used to describe secrets and people's secret thoughts. 与shameful相比,disgraceful较常用在口语中,在英式英语中尤其如此。描述secret和secret thought用shameful,不用disgraceful。
criminal that you think is morally wrong 道德上错误的;不道德的This is a criminal waste of resources.这是一种浪费资源的可耻行为。 see also crime disgrace noun 1 scandalous that offends you because you think it is morally wrong 令人气愤的;可耻的;不可原谅的It is scandalous that he has not been punished.他没有受到惩罚,天理难容啊。The decision is nothing short of scandalous.这个决定实在令人愤慨。Scandalous actions and situations are ones that you think are actually immoral, rather than ones that you think are unfair to you personally. They often involve people with power or money being treated much better than other people. * scandalous指行为和情形有违道德,而非仅对你个人不公;常指有钱或有势的人待遇要好得多,令人愤慨。 scandalously


scandalously low pay低得令人愤慨的工资
deplorable dɪˈplɔːrəbl (formal) very bad and unacceptable, often in a way that shocks people 糟透的;令人震惊的;令人愤慨的They were living in the most deplorable conditions.他们生活在最糟糕的环境里。The acting was deplorable.那演技糟透了。 see also deplore disapprove deplorably


They behaved deplorably.他们的表现糟透了。
unforgivable ˌʌnfəˈgɪvəbl; NAmE ˌʌnfərˈgɪvəbl(of sb's behaviour) so bad or unacceptable that you cannot forgive the person (某人的行为)不可原谅的,难以饶恕的It was an unforgivable thing to say.那么说真是不可原谅。He had committed the unforgivable sin-he had betrayed his friends.他犯下了不可饶恕的罪过-出卖朋友。 OPP forgivable Forgivable behaviour is behaviour that you can understand and forgive. * forgivable指行为可原谅的、可宽恕的His rudeness was forgivable in the circumstances.他当时的无礼情有可原。 unforgivably


She was unforgivably rude.她非常无礼,不可原谅。

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