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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To continue something, or to continue to do something
verb /kənˈtɪnjuː/
[I/T] to keep doing something without stopping (使)继续

Doctors advised him to continue the treatment for another six weeks. 医生建议他再继续治疗6个星期。

continue doing something :

He continued typing while he spoke. 他一边说话,一边不停地打字。

continue with :

She decided to continue with her studies for another two years. 她决定再用两年时间继续自己的学业。

go on
phrasal verb
[I] to continue happening or doing something as before 继续;持续

The meeting went on a lot longer than I expected. 会议持续的时间比我想象的要久。

We can't go on like this any more. Things have got to change. 我们不想再这样下去了,应该有所改变。

go on with :

Burton smiled and went on with his work. 伯顿笑了笑继续他的工作。

go on doing something :

She can't go on pretending that everything is fine when it clearly isn't. 事情很明显不好,她不能再装作一切都好的样子。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
follow through
phrasal verb
[I/T] to continue doing something until it has been completed (把…)进行到底

Jack hasn't followed through on one project this year. 杰克今年没有完成一个项目。

follow through with :

The government needs to follow through with some very necessary reforms. 政府需要将有些非常必要的改革进行到底。

follow through on :

Voters will expect Washington to follow through on its promises.

verb [I] /pə(r)ˈsɪst/
to continue to do or say something in a determined way 坚持;执意

‘But why?' he persisted. “但是为什么呢?”他继续问道。

persist with :

They are determined to persist with their campaign. 他们下定决心继续竞选。

persist in :

She persisted in her refusal to pay. 她坚持拒绝付款。

persist in doing something :

Why do you persist in denying that it was your fault? 为什么你就是死不承认那是你的错呢?

press ahead
phrasal verb [I]
to continue doing something in a determined way, despite difficulties, opposition, or interruptions 奋力前进;勇往直前

They pressed ahead regardless of objections. 他们不顾反对,勇往直前。

press ahead with something :

We shall press ahead with our plans for reform. 我们必须坚持推行我们的改革计划。

verb [I] /ˌpɜː(r)sɪˈvɪə(r)/
to continue trying to achieve something difficult 毅力;锲而不舍
persevere in/with :

Police negotiators will persevere with their efforts to free the hostages. 警方的谈判代表将竭尽所能使人质获释。

carry on
phrasal verb
[I/T] [carry on something] to continue doing something (使)继续

Carry on. You're doing fine. 接着干,你做得不错。

He moved to London to carry on his work. 他搬到伦敦继续他的事业。

For the moment we've been told to carry on as usual. 我们目前得到的指令是照常进行。

carry on with :

Just carry on with what you were doing. 接着做你们以前在做的就是了。

carry on doing something :

If you carry on spending money like that, you'll end up in debt. 如果你继续那样花钱,你会债台高筑的。

[T] to continue something that someone else started 继续(他人已开始的事)

Her daughter intends to carry on her mother's research. 女儿打算将她母亲的研究继续下去。

get on
phrasal verb
[I] British to continue doing something, especially with more effort or more quickly than before 抓紧时间(做某事)

Can we please get on, because there are a lot of things still to discuss. 请抓紧时间,我们还有很多事情要讨论。

get on and do something :

I need to get on and cook this chicken before everyone gets here. 我得抓紧时间在他们到这里前把鸡煮好。

stay the course
to continue doing something despite difficulties 坚持到底

Voters thought McMiller should stay the course and finish his term. 选民认为麦克米勒应该坚持到底完成任期。

keep going
to continue to do something although it is difficult 坚持下去

They forced themselves to keep going even though they felt exhausted. 即使感到筋疲力尽,他们还是迫使自己坚持下去。

More Synonyms
bash away at
phrasal verb [T] British mainly spoken
[bash away at something] to continue to work hard on something 继续努力做

She's still bashing away at her last chapter. 她还在继续努力写最后一章。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
To work hard: work at, forge, overwork...
bash on
phrasal verb [I] British informal
to continue to do something when you would prefer to stop 硬着头皮继续做
bash on with :

I'd better bash on with this – I'll see you later. 我得硬着头皮继续做这件事,一会儿见。

bump along
phrasal verb [I]
to continue at around the same level, rising and falling only slightly 略微上下波动

Their standard of living bumped along without any significant increase. 他们的生活水平没有大的提高,只是略微上下波动。

crack on
phrasal verb [I] British informal
to continue doing something as quickly as possible 继续奋力(做某事)

We really need to crack on with this painting. 我们真的需要赶紧把这幅画完成。

dust down
phrasal verb [T] British
dust yourself down to quickly try something again or continue to do what you were doing after a problem or failure, without getting upset 不厌其烦地重做;不厌其烦地继续

You have to learn to just dust down yourself and try again. 你得学会不厌其烦,再试一次。

go ahead
phrasal verb [I]
to start or continue to do something, especially after waiting for permission 开始;继续

‘Go ahead,' he insisted. ‘I won't interrupt again.' “继续”,他坚持说,“我不会再插话了。”

go ahead and do something :

Go ahead and eat before everything gets cold. 趁东西还没凉赶紧吃。

go ahead with :

The club will be going ahead with its plans for a new stadium in the summer. 俱乐部会在夏天开始建造新体育馆。

go along
phrasal verb [I]
to continue doing something 继续
as someone goes along (=while doing something else) 当某人做其他事情时 :

The teacher seemed to be making up the lesson as he went along. 老师讲课的内容好像是现编的。

go further
to continue telling someone something 进一步地说

I'm going to stop you before you go any further. 在你继续说下去之前,我要打断你的话。

go on your merry way
to continue doing something without thinking about other possibilities 一意孤行

People tend to just go on their merry way until something goes wrong.

go the (full) distance
phrase informal
to continue doing what is necessary until you achieve your goal 坚持(直到实现目标)

She's a singer with the talent and determination to go the distance.

gut out
phrasal verb [T] American informal
to be determined to continue doing something that is difficult or unpleasant

He had gutted out his first semester at military school.

gut it out:

Brad spent his whole career winning matches he shouldn't have won, just by gutting it out.

hang on
phrasal verb
[I] to continue doing something and achieve success even though there are difficulties 坚持不懈;不气馁

The visiting team hung on for a narrow victory.

hang (on) in there
phrase informal
to continue doing something in a determined way even though it is difficult 坚持不懈;不气馁
hew to
phrasal verb [T] mainly American
[hew to something] to continue to use or do something, and not change to something new

They hewed to the narrow principles of the old school.

We felt that our reporting was accurate and hewed closely to the facts.

hold on
phrasal verb [I]
to manage to stay alive or continue to do something or deal with something in a difficult or dangerous situation

You just have to hold on until the ambulance arrives.

hold out
phrasal verb
[I] to continue to defend a place that is being attacked 抵挡进攻;坚守

We can only hold out for a few more hours. 我们只能再守几个小时了。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
insist on something
phrasal verb [T]
insist on/upon doing something to keep doing something that annoys people 一直做某事;坚持做某事

Why do you insist on leaving your dirty clothes all over the floor? 你为什么总把脏衣服弄得满地都是?

verb /kiːp/
[T] to do something many times, or to continue doing it 反复做;继续做
keep doing something :

I keep on telling you but you won't listen. 我反复对你说过,但你就是不听。

Keep taking the tablets. 继续服用这种药片。

I keep forgetting to put the answering machine on. 我老是忘记打开电话答录机。

keep at it
to continue doing something even if you want to stop 坚持

The secret of dieting is to keep at it. 节食的秘诀在于坚持。

keep on
phrasal verb
[T] [keep on doing something] to continue doing something 继续,不停(做某事)

My sister kept on asking me question after question. 我妹妹不停地问我一个又一个的问题。

keep up
phrasal verb
[T] to continue to do something 继续做

We're on a winning streak – hopefully we can keep it up. 近来我们连连获胜,但愿能够再接再厉。

Keep up the good work. 继续好好干。

The trade unions continued to keep up pressure for higher wages. 工会继续施压,要求提高工资。

keep your head down
phrase British informal
to continue doing something quietly, especially when there is trouble happening around you (尤指有麻烦时)不抛头露面

I have got to keep my head down and play it as it comes.

make of
phrasal verb
make an evening/a day etc of it informal to continue doing something for a whole evening, day etc 整晚/整天等做(某事)

Let's make an evening of it and eat out. 我们出去吃饭吧,尽情地享受今晚。

muddle along
phrasal verb [I]
to continue to live or do something without having a clear idea of what you want to achieve 混日子;杂乱无章地做下去

They're content to just muddle along. 他们满足于得过且过。

peg away
phrasal verb [T] British informal
[I] to keep doing something in a determined way, especially when it is boring or difficult 坚持不懈地做(尤指乏味或困难的事)
peg away at :

I don't know how people peg away at such a dull job. 我不知道人们怎么能够坚持不懈地做一件那么乏味的工作。

plough ahead
phrasal verb [I]
to continue to do something that may involve problems or that other people are opposing

Their decision to plough ahead before safety checks had been made was strongly criticized.

plough on
phrasal verb [I]
to continue doing something that takes a lot of effort or is likely to cause you problems 不顾困难继续(做某事)
plug away (at something)
phrasal verb [I]
to continue doing something in a determined way despite difficulties 不畏困难地坚持做

I'll just keep plugging away and try to get it finished by tonight. 我会一鼓作气争取在今晚就把它做完。

verb [I] /prəˈsiːd/
used about something that you continue doing, usually something that you might have stopped doing 继续做某事(通常指可能中断过的事)

We have been advised by the legal team to proceed cautiously. 法律小组奉劝我们谨慎行事。

proceed with :

The council is proceeding with its plan to move the stadium. 理事会正在继续实行其搬迁体育场的计划。

verb /ˈprɒsɪˌkjuːt/
[T] formal to carry out an activity, especially a war 实施;从事(尤指战争)
push ahead
phrasal verb [I]
to continue trying to achieve something despite opposition or difficulties (不顾反对或困难地)推进,推行
push ahead with :

They are pushing ahead with plans to expand production. 他们正在推行扩大生产的计划。

push on
phrasal verb [I]
to continue doing something, especially when you do not have much time (尤指时间不太多时)继续做(某事)

There's a lot to do, so let's push on. 还有很多事要做,所以我们抓紧干吧。

push on with :

I've pushed on with the work because I want to finish it today. 我抓紧工作是因为我想今天把它做完。

see out
phrasal verb [T]
to continue to the end of a period of time or an activity 持续到…结束

He will see out the year remaining on his contract. 他会完成他今年的合同。

see through
phrasal verb [T]
[see something through] to continue doing something until it is finished, especially something unpleasant or difficult 把…做完(尤指令人不快或困难的事)

Having come this far, she was determined to see things through. 既然走到这么远了,她决定把事情做到底。

serve out
phrasal verb [T]
to continue doing something until you are officially allowed to stop doing it 做到…期满

We want you to serve out your full contract. 我们希望你做到合同期满。

to continue to do something even though it is difficult or unpleasant

We'll just have to soldier on till we finish the job.

verb /ˈstæɡə(r)/
[I] to continue doing something despite great difficulty 顽强继续

He staggers on as president, despite his increasing frailty. 尽管过失越来越多,他依然在总统的位置上硬撑着。

The museum is staggering under debts of nearly £5 million. 博物馆在将近500万英镑债务的重压下顽强地坚持着。

stand fast/firm
phrase formal
to continue to do something that you believe is right even when other people are trying to stop you 坚持不变;不让步
stay with
phrasal verb [T]
[stay with something] to continue doing something although it is difficult or although other people have stopped doing it

How many students stay with the course?

verb /stɪk/
[T] British informal to continue to the end of a difficult or unpleasant situation 把…坚持下去;继续应付(困境)

I don't know how she's stuck that job this long. 我不知道她是怎么坚持那么久做那份工作的。

stick at
phrasal verb [T] British
[stick at something] to continue to work at something difficult or unpleasant in a determined way 坚持不懈

Just stick at it and I'm sure it'll get easier. 只要继续下去,坚持我相信事情会变得容易一些。

stick out
phrasal verb
[T] very informal to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant to the end 继续做,坚持做(困难或不愉快的事情)
stick it out :

It was a tough course, but we stuck it out. 这门课程很难,但我们坚持下来了。

stick to
phrasal verb [T]
[stick to something] to continue to do or use one particular thing and not change it or stop it for any period of time 坚持;不改变

I think we should stick to our original plan. 我想我们应该坚持我们最初的计划。

stick to the rules (=obey the rules) 遵守规则 :

If everyone sticks to the rules, we shouldn't have any problems. 如果每个人都遵守规则,我们就不应该有任何问题。

stick rigidly/resolutely to something (=without changing or stopping) 严格坚持某事 :

If you stick rigidly to your diet, you will lose weight. 如果你严格坚持节食,你就会瘦下来。

stick with
phrasal verb [T] informal
[stick with something] to continue to do or use something, and not change it 坚持;不改变

They're going to stick with the same team as last Saturday. 他们将继续支持上周六的那支球队。

stick with it :

We had a tough time for a few years, but we stuck with it. 我们曾经有过几年困难时期,但我们坚持下来了。

hang in there
phrase informal
to continue doing something in a determined way even though it is difficult 坚持不懈;不气馁
plow ahead
phrasal verb [I]
to continue to do something that may involve problems or that other people are opposing

Their decision to plow ahead before safety checks had been made was strongly criticized.

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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