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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 586 COCA: 1055

wish verb FEEL SORRY

B1 [ I + (that) ] used with the past simple to express that you feel sorry or sad about a state or situation that exists at the moment(與過去時連用,對已經存在的情況表示遺憾)但願,希望

I wish (that) I was/were a bit taller.我個子再高一點就好了。
I wish (that) you were coming with me, Peter.你要是和我一起去就好了,彼得。

B1 [ I + (that) ] used with the past perfect to express that you feel sorry or sad about a particular action in the past(與過去完成時連用,對過去某事表示悔恨)但願,希望

I wish (that) I hadn't eaten so much.我真希望自己沒吃那麽多。
I bet she wishes (that) she'd never got involved in the whole mess.我敢打賭她希望自己從未卷入整個事件裏去。

More examples

I almost wish I hadn't invited him.

I wish I hadn't overindulged so much last night.

He wished he was more muscular.

He now wishes he'd never tried to fix the toaster himself.

I wish I'd never volunteered to do the washing up.

wish verb WANT

B2 [ I or T ] formal to want to do something希望;想要

As you wish, Sir. It will be done.只要是您想要這樣,先生。我們一定會去做。
[ + to infinitive ] I wish to make a complaint.我要投訴。
Passengers wishing to take the Kings Cross train should board now.去往國王十字車站的乘客請現在上車。
I don't wish to worry you but he did say he'd be back by midnight.我不想讓你擔心,但他確實說過午夜之前會回來。
[ + obj + adj ] Sometimes I was so depressed that I wished myself dead.有時我特别消沉,甚至希望自己死了。
I wish (that)...

used to express anger at someone's behaviour(用來表示對某人行爲的厭煩)我希望…

I wish she'd shut up for a minute and let someone else talk.我希望她能閉一會兒嘴,讓其他人來說。
I wish you'd look at me when I'm trying to talk to you!我希望在我跟你講話時你能看着我!

More examples

I wish you'd stop making cheap jokes about my friends.

I wish you'd do something about your bedroom - it's a real mess.

I wish they wouldn't fight in front of the kids.

I wish I could find the time to do more reading.

I do wish you'd stop going off with my car without asking me beforehand.

wish verb HOPE

B1 [ T + two objects ] to hope or express hope for another person's success or happiness or pleasure on a particular occasion祝願

We wish you every success in the future.我們祝願你將來事事成功。
I didn't even see her to wish her a happy birthday/wish a happy birthday to her.我甚至沒能見到她,當面祝福她生日快樂。
I wished her a safe journey and waved her off.我祝她旅途平安,並與她揮手道别。
wish sb well

to hope someone will succeed祝(某人)成功

I wished him well with his new venture.我祝他的新企業成功。

wish verb MAGIC

[ I or T ] to hope that something you want will be made real because of good luck or magical powers希望(因爲好運或魔力而)夢想成真

[ + that ] I remember blowing out the candles on my birthday cake and wishing that John Lee would be my boyfriend.我記得吹滅了生日蛋糕上的蠟燭,並默默希望約翰‧李能成爲我的男朋友。
If I could wish myself anywhere in the world (= go anywhere as a result of making a wish) right now it would be somewhere hot and sunny.如果現在我想去什麽地方就能去什麽地方的話,我希望去一個暖風撲面陽光明媚的地方。
He's funny, bright, handsome - everything a girl could wish for really.他幽默、聰明而又英俊——真正擁有一個女孩子希望的一切。
"Your job must be very glamorous." "I wish!" (= not at all.)“你的工作一定非常有意思。”“我倒希望是那樣!”
"By the time I'm 40, I'll be rich." "You wish!" (= There is no chance of that happening.)“到了40歲的時候,我就會富了。”“你想得美!”

wish verb GREET

[ T ] Indian English to welcome someone with particular words or a particular action(用特定的言辭或舉動)歡迎,問候

He wishes me every morning.他每天早上都問候我。

wish noun [ C ] WANT

B2 a feeling of wanting something希望;願望

[ + to infinitive ] Did he express any wish to see me?他表達了想見我的願望了嗎?
In accordance with his wishes (= what he wanted), he was buried next to his wife.依照他的意願,他葬在了妻子的旁邊。
They've deliberately gone against my wishes and sold the house.他們故意違背我的意願,把房屋賣了。
[ + that ] It was grandpa's greatest wish that one of his grandchildren would become a doctor.爺爺最大的願望就是有個孫子或孫女成爲醫生。

More examples

She sold the house even though it was against his wishes.

How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority?

In accordance with her wishes, she was buried in France.

I'm sorry but your personal wishes are not relevant in this case.

She had no wish to be president.

wish noun [ C ] GREETING


A2 something you say or write at the end of a letter, etc. to show that you hope someone is happy and has good luck(用於信件末尾)祝好

He ended the letter "Best wishes, Carlo".他用“祝好,卡洛”結束了那封信。
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.祝你早日康複。
With best wishes, Louise Foster.把最誠摯的祝福送給你,路易絲‧福斯特。
When you see Joyce, please give her my good wishes.當你見到喬伊斯時,請送上我的美好祝福。

wish noun [ C ] MAGIC

C2 a hope that is made real with magical powers(靠魔術實現的)願望,心願

[ + that ] If I could have just one wish I suppose it would be that all the fighting in the world would stop tomorrow.如果我只有一個願望可以實現,那我希望世界上所有的戰爭明天都停止。
Close your eyes and make a wish.閉上眼睛許一個願。
It's that part of the story where the fairy grants the little girl three wishes.故事裏的那個片斷中,仙女答應實現小女孩的3個願望。
May all your wishes come true.祝你所有的心願都成真。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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