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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

strength noun POWER

B2 [ U ] the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort体力;力气;力量;实力

She had the strength and stamina to take the lead and win the gold medal.她有领先并夺金的体力和耐力。
Admitting you've made a mistake is a sign of strength, not weakness.承认自己犯了错误显示出的是坚强,而不是软弱。
He showed great strength of character when he refused to accept the bribes.他拒绝接受贿赂,表现出崇高的人格。
We will struggle on, drawing our strength from the courage of others.我们应该从其他人的勇气中汲取力量,继续奋斗。
Much of the country's military strength lies in its missile force.这个国家的军事实力主要体现在导弹部队上。

C2 [ C usually singular ] the degree to which something is strong or powerful强度;力度

If the two parties joined forces, their combined strength would be 127 seats.如果两党联合,他们将共同拥有127个席位。
You can gauge (= measure) the strength of a democracy by the way it treats its minorities.你可以根据一个国家对待少数民族的方式来估量其民主程度。

More examples

I'm not being lazy - I'm just conserving my strength for later.

You must eat to keep your strength up.

The team will need all the strength they can muster to win this game.

This will be a severe test of our strength.

They gave him soup to build up his strength.

strength noun GOOD FEATURE

C1 [ C ] a good characteristic优点,长处,强项

She's well aware of her strengths and weaknesses as an artist.她非常清楚自己作为一个艺术家的优点和不足。
His greatest strengths are his determination and resilience.他最大的长处是他的决断力和适应力。

strength noun NUMBER

[ U ] the number of people in a group人数;人力

What's the current strength of the city's police force?城市目前的警力有多少人?
in strength

in large numbers大量地

Demonstrators arrived in strength to protest against the military action.大批的示威者赶来,抗议采取军事行动。
below strength UK

If a group is below strength, it consists of fewer people or members than usual.人手不够,人员不足

The office will be below strength in August when a lot of people will be away.8月份许多人不在,办公室就会人手不足。
at full strength

at the best level of ability possible处于最佳状态;处于能力最强的阶段

He is not expected to be at full strength for the rest of the season.不能期待他的能力在赛季剩下的时间里可以达到最高点。

with the complete number of people who are usually in a group以全员,以满员

Staff cuts have meant that we haven't been working at full strength for a year.裁员意味着我们已经在人手不足的情况下工作了一年了。


1how strong sb/sth is力量;強度ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRENGTH | STRENGTH + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, enormous, great, immense, incredible, tremendous巨大的力量;極大的力量;驚人的力量high高強度The material has exceptionally high strength for its weight.這種材料的質量強度比格外高。greater, superior更強的/超強的力量His superior physical strength won him the title.他憑藉超強的體力贏得了冠軍。relative相對強度Profits have been helped by the relative strength of the euro against the dollar.歐元相對於美元較為堅挺,因此收益較高。maximum最大強度growing, increased不斷增加的/提高了的力量new-found新獲得的力量continuing持續的走強the continuing strength of the pound英鎊的持續堅挺surprising, unexpected令人驚奇的/出人意料的力量superhuman, supernatural超人的/超自然的力量brute, sheer蠻力He got the door open with brute strength.他用蠻力打開了門。extra外加的強度They are reinforced with steel for extra strength.產品都加了鋼,以增加強度。collective, combined, overall集體的力量;合力They believe their combined strength will overwhelm the competition.他們相信他們團結起來將會贏得比賽。numerical人數上的實力the numerical strength of the Chinese army中國軍隊的人數優勢emotional, inner, mental, spiritual情感/內心/心理/精神力量muscle, muscular, physical肌肉力量;體力tensile抗張強度The steel adds tensile strength to the concrete.鋼增加了混凝土的抗張強度。arm, leg臂力;腿部力量It's well known that cycling builds leg strength.眾所周知,蹬自行車能增強腿部力量。lower-body, upper-body下身/上身力量economic, electoral, financial, industrial, military經濟/競選/財政/工業/軍事實力police, troop, union, etc.警力、軍力、工會力量等US troop strength in Afghanistan dropped to 18 000.美國在阿富汗的兵力降至 18,000 人。bargaining (especially BrE) 談判實力wind風力signal信號強度The phone company aims to improve signal strength within buildings.電話公司打算提升建築物內部的信號強度。alcoholic酒精濃度VERB + STRENGTHhave, possess擁有/具有力量He had just enough strength to reach for the phone.他只剩下伸手去夠電話的力氣了。lack缺乏實力find, muster, summon, summon up獲得力量;匯聚力量;鼓足勁兒I'm trying to summon up the strength to do some more work.我試圖鼓足力氣再幹些活兒。draw, draw on, use吸取/利用/使用力量She was able to draw on her immense inner strength.她能夠吸取內心深處的巨大力量。put投入力量He put all his strength into reorganizing the department.他把所有的精力都用到部門改組上了。take花費力氣It took all his strength to open the box.他使出全部力氣才打開那個盒子。boost, build, build up, improve, increase增強力量;積累力量You need to try and build up your strength before the winter.你需要在冬季到來之前努力增強體力。I began taking gymnastics classes to boost my strength and flexibility.我開始上體操課,以增強體力和柔韌性。gain, gather獲得/聚集力量The opinion that the president should stand down has gained considerable strength.總統應該下台的觀點已經獲得大量的支持。gain in, grow in, increase in力量得以增加add增加力量conserve, maintain, save保存力量lose失去力量sap消耗力量The series of steep hills sapped the cyclists' strength.一連串的陡峭山坡耗盡了騎車人的氣力。get back, recover, regain恢復力氣;重獲力量give sb/sth, lend sb/sth給予⋯力量Her love and support gave me strength.她的愛和支持給了我力量。The metal reinforcement gives it the strength to resist the high winds.金屬補強使它有力量抵抗強風。reduce, undermine減少/削弱力量Her unwillingness to answer questions undermined the strength of her position.她不願意回答問題,這使她地位不穩。assess, measure, test評估/估量/測試實力The Moroccan athlete ran a fast lap to test the strength of the other runners.摩洛哥運動員快跑了一圈,以試探其他選手的實力。underestimate低估實力vary in濃度上有變化These wines vary in strength between 11% and 15%.這些酒的濃度在 11 度到 15 度之間。STRENGTH + VERBgrow, increase實力增加/增強decline, drain, drain away, ebb, ebb away, fade, fail, falter, wane實力減弱;力量耗盡;實力衰退The country's economic strength is declining.該國的經濟實力在下降。Her strength was ebbing fast, so her children were called to her bedside.她的氣力在迅速消減,因此孩子們被叫到她牀邊。return恢復實力PREPOSITIONup to strength達到所需人數The Korean team was not up to strength for the final.韓國隊決賽時人員不齊。below strength, under strength (both BrE) 人手不足The Chilean team was below strength for the final.智利隊決賽時人員不齊。with strength用力She pushed him away with unexpected strength.她一下推開了他,力氣之大出乎意料。strength in⋯的力量She gradually regained strength in her legs.她逐漸恢復了腿部力量。PHRASESat full strength以全員The orchestra was at full strength for the Mahler symphony.交響樂團全員演奏馬勒的交響曲。back to full strength完全恢復力量I'm still not quite back to full strength after my illness.我生病後體力還沒完全恢復。every ounce of strength每一分力量She summoned up every ounce of strength she possessed.她使出了所有的力量。draw strength from sth從⋯吸取力量I draw great strength from the support of my family.家人的支持使我獲得極大的力量。a feat of strength力量特技He used to entertain people with his feats of strength.他過去常以力量特技表演娛樂觀眾。a pillar of strength, a tower of strength支柱He was a tower of strength to his sisters when their father died.父親死後,他成了姊妹們的支柱。a position of strength強勢地位They are negotiating from a position of strength.他們在談判中處於強勢。reserves of strength潛在的力量When she had twins, she discovered reserves of strength that she didn't know she had.有了雙胞胎之後,她發現自己擁有此前根本沒意識到的潛能。a show of strength力量展示50 000 troops massed on the border in the biggest show of strength to date.有 5 萬軍隊集結到邊境上,這是迄今為止最大規模的實力展示。a source of strength力量的源泉Her childhood memories were a great source of strength when her mother was killed.母親被害後,童年的記憶成了她巨大的力量源泉。strength of character, strength of purpose, strength of will意志力;決心;毅力strength of feeling情感的強烈程度the strength of sb's position某人地位的影響力a test of strength, a trial of strength對實力的考驗Today's vote is being seen as a test of strength for the government.今天的投票被看成是對政府實力的考驗。The dispute developed into a trial of strength between management and the union.這場糾紛演變成了資方與工會之間實力的較量。with all your strength竭盡全力She threw the rope with all her strength.她使出全身氣力扔出了繩子。


2useful quality有益的品質ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRENGTH | STRENGTH + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgreat強大的優勢What's your greatest strength?你最大的優勢是什麼?real真正的強項individual, personal, unique個人的長處;獨一無二的優勢combined聯合優勢relative相對優勢We want to learn more about the relative strengths of our students.我們想更多地瞭解學生的相對優勢在哪裏。core, key核心/關鍵優勢The company's key strength is its people.該公司的關鍵優勢在於其人員。VERB + STRENGTHcapitalize on, exploit, play to利用優勢;發揮優勢The team may not have the best players, but it plays to its strengths.這個隊也許沒有最優秀的選手,但他們善於發揮自己的長處。discover, identify發現/找到優勢STRENGTH + VERBcome from sth, lie in sth優勢來自⋯/在於⋯Her great strength lies in her flexibility.她的極大優勢在於她的靈活變通。PHRASESstrengths and weaknesses強項與弱點
strength noun
strength (her inner strength) benefit1 (the strengths and weaknesses of the argument) force (physical strength)


strength ♦︎ resilience ♦︎ endurance ♦︎ stamina ♦︎ resistanceThese are all words for sb's ability to continue in a difficult situation or not to be affected by sth. 这些词均表示人的毅力、耐力、抵抗力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配resilience / resistance to sththe strength / resilience / stamina to do sthgreat strength / resilience / endurance / staminaremarkable strength / resilience / endurancemental strength / endurance / staminato have strength / resilience / endurance / stamina / resistanceto show strength / resilience / enduranceto build up endurance / stamina / resistancesb's reserves of strength / resilience / stamina strength [uncountable, singular](in people) the quality of being brave and determined in a difficult situation 毅力;坚强决心;意志力量During his ordeal he was able to draw strength from his faith.在磨难中,他得以从自己的信仰中汲取力量。You have shown great strength of character.你表现得很有毅力。She has a remarkable inner strength.她有非凡的意志力。OPP weakness weakness 2 strong


It's difficult, I know, but be strong!我知道这不容易,不过你要坚强!
resilience rɪˈzɪliəns [uncountable, singular](in people and things) the ability not to be affected or to continue quickly after sth unpleasant, such as a shock, injury or disadvantage (人或事物遭受打击、伤痛或困难等后)快速恢复的能力,适应力This comeback says much for the resilience of the team.再度获得成功充分说明这支队伍的快速恢复能力。The industry has developed a resilience to the dips the national economy may take.该产业已经形成了一种对国民经济暂时衰退的适应力。 resilient


He'll get over it-young people are amazingly resilient.他会克服这些的-年轻人有惊人的适应力。
endurance ɪnˈdjʊərəns; NAmE ɪnˈdʊrəns [uncountable](in people) the ability to continue doing sth painful, unpleasant or difficult for a long period of time without complaining (人的)忍耐力,耐久力They were humiliated beyond endurance.他们被羞辱到忍无可忍的地步。This event tests both physical and mental endurance.这个比赛项目既是对体力也是对心理承受力的考验。She was almost at the limits of her endurance.她几乎坚持不住了。 see also endure stand 2 stamina ˈstæmɪnə [uncountable](in people) the physical or mental ability to continue doing sth difficult or tiring for long periods of time (人的)耐力,耐性,持久力She didn't have the stamina to complete the course.她没耐力跑完全程。 resistance [uncountable, singular](in people, animals and plants) the power not to be affected by sth, especially a disease or drug (人、动物和植物对疾病或药物等的)抗力,抵抗力AIDS lowers the body's resistance to infection.艾滋病会降低身体的抗感染能力。Many viruses develop resistance to drugs.很多病毒对药物产生耐药性。 see also resist withstand resistant


plants that are resistant to disease抗病植株heat-resistant materials耐热材料
Physical strength: strength, force, energy...
The quality of being strong and not easy to break: strength, resistance, intensity...
Patience: patience, strength, acceptance...
Power, authority, influence and leadership: leadership, power, authority...
Skill, talent and ability: experience, ability, skill...
Group members and describing group members: academician, alumnus, arriviste...

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