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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Describing movement towards a place or person
adjective /dɪˈrekt/ /daɪˈrekt/
going straight to a place and not stopping or changing direction on the way there 径直的;笔直的

direct flights from Scotland to North America 从苏格兰直飞北美的航班

There is a more direct route straight up the motorway. 有条更近的路可直接上高速公路。

The building had taken a direct hit and was completely destroyed. 大楼被直接击中,彻底被摧毁。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb /dɪˈrekt/ /daɪˈrekt/
going straight to a place and not stopping or changing direction on the way there 径直地;中间不停顿地

All the major airlines fly direct to Los Angeles. 所有大航空公司都有直飞洛杉矶的航线。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective [only before noun] /ədˈvɑːnsɪŋ/
moving forwards or progressing 行进中的;进行中的;进展中的

an advancing army 行进中的部队

the advancing flames 蔓延的火势

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈɒnˌkʌmɪŋ/
moving towards you 迎面而来的

oncoming traffic/vehicles 迎面而来的车辆

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb /əˈhed/
moving, pointing, or looking towards a place in front of you 向前方

Francesca was staring ahead into the darkness. 弗朗西斯卡凝视着漆黑的前方。

straight ahead :

Instead of turning left, he drove straight ahead towards the river. 他没有左转,而是径直向前开往河边。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective, adverb, preposition /ʌp/
moving near to someone or something and then stopping 向…走去;走到…跟前

One of the salespeople came up and asked if she could help. 其中一位店员走过来,问有什么需要她帮忙的。

up to :

Two women ran up to us, shouting in Spanish. 两个女子用西班牙语叫喊着向我们跑来。

Just go up to him and say hello. 走过去跟他打声招呼吧。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective, adverb /ˈfɔː(r)wə(r)d/
moving in the direction in front of you 向前

The car started to roll forward very slowly. 汽车开始缓慢地向前移动。

Suddenly the door opened, blocking my forward movement. 门突然打开,挡住了我。

I reached forward to touch her hand, but she moved it away. 我把手伸向前去摸她的手,但她把手移开了。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
preposition strong /ˈɪntuː/ weak /ˈɪntə/
moving towards something and hitting it 朝;向;触及;靠在

Their car had crashed into a tree. 他们的车撞到了一棵树上。

He was so angry he slammed his fist into the wall. 他非常生气,拳头猛地朝墙上打去。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
preposition /təˈwɔː(r)dz/ /tɔːdz/
used for saying in which direction someone or something is going, facing, or looking 往;向;朝…方向

a stream of traffic speeding towards West London 快速驶往伦敦西区的车流

I saw Joanna hurrying towards me along the drive. 我看到乔安娜沿着车行道匆匆向我赶来。

Victor was standing with his back towards me. 维克托背对着我站着。

She directed a brief glance towards Peter. 她朝彼得瞟了一眼。

a path leading towards the river 通往这条河的小路

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
bound for something
travelling towards a place 前往…的

The drugs were found on a container ship that was bound for Spain. 在一条开往西班牙的集装箱船中发现了毒品。

a taxi bound for Heathrow airport 开往希思罗机场的出租车

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
from all sides
from all directions towards one object or person 从四面八方

Suddenly the crowd came at him from all sides. 人群突然从四面八方向他涌来。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
More Synonyms
adverb, preposition /əˈkrɒs/
moving or looking from one side of a place, space, or line to the other 横过;穿过;越过;向对面

Over 70 airlines fly across the Atlantic between Europe and North America. 70多条航线飞越欧洲和北美之间的大西洋。

Barbara stared across the room at her husband.

The children ran straight across in front of our car. 这些孩子就在我们的汽车前横冲过去。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb, preposition /əˈlɒŋ/
moving forwards on a line, road, path etc towards one end of it 沿着(线、道路、小道等前行)

Mrs Barnes was hurrying along the path towards us. 巴恩斯太太沿着小道匆匆向我们走来。

We walked along in silence. 我们静静地前行。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
moving from one place to another while staying near the side or edge of something 沿着(某物边缘从一地移往另一地)

They were sailing along the southern coast of Australia. 他们正沿着澳大利亚南部的海岸线航行。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb, preposition /əˈraʊnd/
moving so that you get to the other side of something 到另一面;转向

At that moment a truck came rushing around the corner. 那时一辆卡车绕过街角冲过来。

Go around to the back of the house and see if anyone's in the garden. 转到屋后看看花园里是否有人。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb /dɪˈrek(t)li/ /daɪˈrek(t)li/
going straight to a place and not stopping or changing direction on the way there 径直地;直接地

His British lawyer arrived at Frankfurt airport this morning and went directly to the prison. 他的英国律师今天上午到达法兰克福机场后直接前往监狱。

Patrick took Jane by the elbows and looked directly into her eyes. 帕特里克拉住简的胳膊肘,直视她的眼睛。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective, adverb, preposition /daʊn/
moving or looking along a road, track, path etc 沿(马路、小道、小径等走或看)

I was walking down the street with a couple of friends. 我和几个朋友沿着大街向前走。

James looked back down the drive to see if anyone was following him. 詹姆斯顺着车道向后望去,想看看是否有人在跟踪他。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
preposition strong /frɒm/ weak /frəm/
used for stating where someone or something was before leaving or being removed (表示离开或被拿走之前所在的地方)从

Frank snatched the pen from Rachel. 弗兰克从雷切尔手中夺过钢笔。

Two prisoners have escaped from Durham Jail. 两个囚犯从达勒姆监狱逃跑了。

He took a hammer from his toolbox. 他从工具箱里拿出一把锤子。

Remove the pan from the heat. 把锅从火上移开。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
used for stating where someone was or what they were doing before they came back (表示某人回来前所在的地方或从事的活动)从…归来

We hardly recognized him when he came back from the war. 当他战后归来时,我们几乎认不出他了。

She was injured in a car crash while returning from a dance. 她从舞会回来的时候出车祸受了伤。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
go from place to place/room to room etc
to go to many different places/rooms etc one after the other 从一个地方到另一个地方/从一个房间到另一个房间等

You can move the phone from room to room, or even into the garden.

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
here comes someone
used for telling other people that someone is moving towards you 某人走过来了

Here comes Dad, and he doesn't look very happy. 爸爸走过来了,他看上去不太开心。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective, adverb, preposition /ɪn/
moving into a place or a space 进入

The door was open so I just walked in. 门开着,我便走了进去。

The water's very deep – don't fall in! 水很深——别掉进去!

The guards fired a few shots in the air. 卫兵们朝天开了几枪。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective /ˈɪnbaʊnd/
travelling towards a station or an airport 入站的;入境的;归航的
 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective /ˈɪnˌkʌmɪŋ/
coming in, or arriving 正来临的;到达中的

incoming calls/messages/mail 正打进的电话/正到来的消息/寄送中的邮件

incoming and outgoing traffic/flights 来来往往的交通/航班

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective /ˈɪnwə(r)d/
going towards the inside or centre of something 向内的;向中心的

inward migration 向内的迁移

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb /ˈɪnwə(r)d/
an American spelling of inwards
 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
 Synonyms and related words
Not obvious: unclear, subtle, underlying...
adverb /ˈɪnwə(r)dz/
towards the inside of something 向内

The heavy door swung inwards. 那扇沉重的门向内转去。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
on a collision course
moving towards something and likely to crash into it 可能撞上的
 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adjective /ˈɒnˌrʌʃɪŋ/
moving quickly towards someone or something 猛冲的;直冲的
 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb, preposition British /raʊnd/
moving so that you can get to the opposite side of something 转到(某物的)另一边

A number 26 bus was just coming round the corner into Station Road. 26路公共汽车正好绕过街角驶入车站路。

He walked round to the back of the building. 他走着转到了这栋楼的背面。

 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb literary /ðens/
from a particular place or point 从那里;由此
 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb /ˈðɪðə(r)/
an old word meaning ‘to that place' or ‘in that direction' (古时用语)到那儿,向那儿
 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
preposition mainly American /tɔː(r)d/ /təˈwɔː(r)d/
 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person:direct, advancing, oncoming...
adverb /weə(r)ˈtuː/
an old word meaning ‘to the place that has been referred to' (古时用语)向那里
 Synonyms and related words
Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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