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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

face noun HEAD

A1 [ C ] the front of the head, where the eyes, nose, and mouth are脸,面孔

She has a long, thin face.她长着一张瘦长的脸。
She had a puzzled expression on her face.她一脸困惑不解。

A1 [ C ] an expression on someone's face面部表情,神情

I was greeted by smiling faces.迎接我的是一张张笑脸。
I could see from his face he was unhappy.我从他的脸上看出他并不高兴。
make a face

B1 UK also pull a face to make a strange expression with your face, for example to show that you do not like someone or something做怪相,扮鬼脸

I was making silly faces to get the baby to laugh.我正做着各种鬼脸逗宝宝乐。
"This tastes horrible," said Tom, pulling a face at his glass.“这太难喝了,”汤姆一脸苦相地看着杯子说道。

More examples

There was a look of intense concentration on her face.

The rain beat against her face as she struggled through the wind.

She had a look of utter devastation on her face.

She slapped him across the face.

It was so cold that he wrapped a scarf tightly around his face.

face noun FRONT

[ C ] the front or surface of an object(物体的)前面,正面,表面

the north face of a mountain山的北坡
the west face of the building建筑物的西侧

[ C ] the front of a clock or watch that has the numbers or marks that show what time it is钟面,表盘

a watch face with Roman numerals有罗马数字的手表表盘

More examples

The north face of the Eiger is a very difficult climb.

She abseiled down the rock face.

When she received her prize I think I was the proudest parent on the face of the earth.

The postcard shows a view of the magnificently carved west face of the cathedral.

I rather like that watch with the square face and roman numerals.

face noun RESPECT

C2 [ U ] the respect and honour of others脸面,面子;尊严

He thinks he would lose face if he admitted the mistake.他觉得承认错误会丢面子。
She tried to save face by inventing a story about being overseas at the time.为了尽量挽回面子,她谎称那时在海外。

face verb DEAL WITH

B2 [ T ] If you face a problem, or a problem faces you, you have to deal with it.面对,面临,必须对付(难题)

This is one of the many problems faced by working mothers.这是身为职业妇女的母亲们面临的众多难题之一。
Passengers could face long delays.旅客可能会长时间滞留。
You're faced with a very difficult choice there.你眼下面临一项艰难的抉择。

B2 [ T ] to accept that something unpleasant is true and start to deal with the situation正视,承认

I think Phil has to face the fact that she no longer loves him.我觉得菲尔必须承认她不再爱他这一事实。
We have to face facts here - we simply don't have enough money.我们必须正视现实——我们根本没有足够的钱。
He's dying but he refuses to face the truth.他命不久矣却拒不正视现实。
can't face sth/doing sth

B2 to not want to do or deal with something unpleasant不想面对…,受不了做…

I can't face walking up all those steps again.我可受不了再爬一遍那些台阶。
I know I've got to tell her but I can't face it.我知道我必须告诉她,可我就是没法这么做。

C2 [ T ] to deal with someone when the situation between you is difficult面对,应对(不想见到的人)

She half hoped he would not find her, though she knew she would have to face him sooner or later.她心存侥幸,希望他找不到她,可是她知道早晚有一天要面对他的。

More examples

Some of the leaders of the coup took their lives rather than face dishonour.

Teachers who fail to fall in line with the new regulations may face dismissal.

There's a law to protect refugees from forcible return to countries where they face persecution.

He is fighting extradition to Hong Kong to face trial on fraud charges.

I can't face the hassle of moving house again.

face verb TURN TOWARDS

B1 [ I usually + adv/prep, T ] to turn or be turned towards something physically; to be opposite something(使)转向,(使)面向;正对

The balcony faced towards the sea.阳台面对大海。
Our apartment faces south.我们的公寓朝南。
Their houses face each other across the street.他们的房子隔街相望。

More examples

He made towards the door, but stopped and turned to face me.

The balcony faces west.

She turned around so that she was facing her opponent.

She wheeled round to face him and saw him take out a gun.

The window of their hotel room faced the sea.

face verb BUILDING

[ T ] If you face a building, you put an extra layer in front of what is already there.(在建筑物表面)覆盖,抹盖,贴上

The house was built of wood but faced in/with brick.这栋房子是木质的,但表面砌上了砖。

Phrasal verb(s)



1front part of the headADJECTIVE | VERB + FACE | FACE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEangelic, beautiful, cute, handsome, lovely, perfect, pleasant, pretty, sweet天使般的/美麗的/逗人喜愛的/英俊的/可愛的/完美無瑕的/討人喜歡的/漂亮的/甜美的面孔plain, terrible, ugly很普通的相貌;可怕的面孔;醜陋的面孔colourless/colorless, grey/gray, pale, pallid, white沒有血色的/蒼白的/發青的/沒有生氣的/灰白的臉flushed, pink, red, ruddy緋紅的/粉嘟嘟的/通紅的/紅潤的臉Her face was flushed after her run.她跑完步後滿面通紅。tanned曬黑的臉dark黝黑的臉sallow蠟黃的臉heart-shaped, oval, round, square心形臉;橢圓臉;圓臉;方臉bearded, freckled, unshaven蓄有鬍鬚的臉;有雀斑的臉;鬍子拉碴的臉smooth光潔的臉lined, wrinkled有皺紋的臉pock-marked麻子臉fat, plump胖臉;豐滿的臉She had a plump, pretty face.她有一張豐潤俊俏的臉。gaunt, haggard, lean, pinched, thin, wizened憔悴的面孔;瘦削的面孔;乾癟的臉craggy, rugged粗獷的面孔a craggy face with deep-set eyes and bushy brows一張粗獷的臉,眼睛深陷,眉毛濃密delicate嬌嫩的臉龐elfin小巧精緻的面孔Her short hair suited her elfin face.她留短髮適合她那張小巧精緻的臉。baby娃娃臉painted塗脂抹粉的臉happy, smiling快活的面容;笑臉tear-stained, tear-streaked (especially NAmE) 帶淚痕的臉human人臉VERB + FACEhave長有⋯臉龐She has a beautiful, oval face.她有着一張漂亮的橢圓臉。tilt, turn扳過臉;轉過臉She turned her face away.她把臉轉過去。He tilted her face up to his.他扳起她的臉來對着自己。bury, cover, hide遮住臉;蓋住臉;捂住臉FACE + VERBlook, peer, stare臉看;臉窺視;臉凝視A face peered around the door at him.門邊有一張臉窺視着他。appear面孔出現PREPOSITIONin the/sb's face在某人的臉部The ball hit him in the face.球打到了他的臉上。His eyes were sunken in his gaunt face.他面容憔悴,眼窩深陷。on the/sb's face(在)某人的臉上She put some powder on her face.她往臉上擦了些粉。PHRASESa sea of faces (= many faces) 人山人海From the stage, he looked down at a sea of faces.他從台上看去,台下一片人海。


2expression on sb's face表情ADJECTIVE | VERB + FACE | FACE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEanimated, cheerful, friendly, grinning, happy, radiant, smiling充滿生氣的臉;愉快的表情;友善的表情;笑臉;幸福的表情;容光煥發the sight of Sarah's smiling face beaming up at him薩拉滿臉微笑對着他的樣子smiley笑臉She drew a little yellow smiley face.她畫了一個黃色的笑臉符。anxious, concerned, troubled, worried擔憂的/關切的/不平靜的/擔心的表情frightened, shocked, surprised受驚的/震驚的/吃驚的表情disgusted厭惡的表情She made a disgusted face at that and walked away.她擺出一副厭惡的表情,走開了。angry, furious生氣的/憤怒的表情hard, set, stern嚴厲的/僵硬的/嚴肅的表情His face was set and hard.他板着臉,一副很嚴厲的樣子。grave, grim, serious, solemn嚴峻的/冷酷的/嚴肅的/莊重的表情long, sad拉長的臉;愁眉苦臉The news for the company isn't good, judging from the long faces in the boardroom.從董事會上人們拉長的臉可以看出,對公司來說這不是個好信息。tired一臉疲憊funny滑稽的表情She made a funny face and gave a snorting sort of laugh.她做了個鬼臉,撲哧一聲笑了。honest, innocent, kind真誠的/天真的/和藹的表情expectant期待的表情rapt全神貫注的表情expressive, open表情豐富的臉;坦率的表情She looked at the honest, open face of her husband.她看着丈夫真誠、坦率的臉。blank, expressionless, impassive, poker面無表情;沒有表情的面孔;冷漠的神情;死板的面孔His face remained impassive, so strong was his self-control.他依然面無表情,自控能力如此之強。VERB + FACEmake, pull扮鬼臉;做怪相What are you pulling a face at now?你扮什麼鬼臉啊?search察言觀色He searched her face for some clue as to what she meant.他仔細觀察她的表情,想弄明白她的意思。appear on, cross, spread across出現在臉上;滿臉(某種表情)A slight smirk appeared on his face.他的臉上現出一絲得意的笑容。A wry smile crossed his face.他一臉苦笑。FACE + VERBlook, seem表情看上去⋯/似乎⋯His face looked a little confused.他看上去有點兒困惑。grow, turn表情變得⋯Her face suddenly grew serious.她的表情突然嚴肅起來。brighten, glow, light up容光煥發Her little face lit up when I gave her the present.我給她禮物時,她的小臉上煥發出了光彩。beam, smile面帶微笑The face smiled benignly at him.這張臉親切地朝他微笑。break into a smile突然面露笑意Her face broke into a wide smile.她突然面露笑意,樂得合不攏嘴。cloud, crumple, drop, fall臉色陰沉;臉沉下來Her face crumpled and she started crying.她耷拉着臉哭了起來。'I can't come,' she said. His face fell.“我來不了。”她說。他臉色沉了下來。clear面色轉晴His face cleared and she smiled back.他面色轉晴,她對他報以微笑。darken, harden, set臉色陰鬱;表情變嚴峻Her face darkened with anger.因為生氣,她的臉沉了下來。His face set in grim lines.他表情陰沉嚴峻。soften表情變得溫和The father's face softened as he hugged his little boy.父親摟着小兒子時臉上的表情也變得溫和了。burn, flame, flush, go red, redden臉火辣辣的;面紅耳赤;臉色泛紅;臉氣得通紅Jack's face flushed with embarrassment.傑克窘得臉通紅。go white, pale臉色變得蒼白Her face paled with fright.她嚇得臉都白了。contort, crease, pucker, tighten, twist表情扭曲;臉皺起;臉緊繃Her face contorted in pain.她痛得臉都歪了。betray sth, reveal sth, show sth表情中透露出⋯;面上流露出⋯;臉上現出⋯Her face betrayed no emotion at all.她的臉上沒有顯露出任何情感。PREPOSITIONon sb's face在某人臉上She had a big smile on her face.她臉上帶着燦爛的笑容。PHRASESa face like thunder (= a very angry face) (BrE) 滿臉怒氣Mr Hibbs came in with a face like thunder.希布斯先生面帶怒容走了進來。keep a straight face (= not laugh or smile, although you find sth funny) 繃着臉;忍住不笑an/the expression on sb's face, a/the look on sb's face⋯臉上的表情/神情The look on his face was priceless.他臉上的表情很滑稽。a grin on sb's face, a smile on sb's face, a smirk on sb's face某人面帶微笑;某人臉上的微笑;某人臉上得意的笑a frown on sb's face某人皺眉的表情He had a slight frown on his face.他臉上現出有點兒愁眉不展的樣子。


3front part/side of sth正面ADJECTIVE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfront, rear前面;後面North, South, etc.北面、南面等steep陡峭的表面We slowly climbed the steep face of the crag.我們沿着懸崖峭壁緩慢地往上爬。cliff, rock懸崖/岩石表面clock鐘面PHRASESface down, face downwards/downward面朝下She placed the cards face down on the table.她把牌反扣在桌上。face up, face upwards/upward面朝上


4personADJECTIVE | VERB + FACE ADJECTIVEfamiliar, old熟悉的面孔;老面孔I looked around for a familiar face.我環顧四周想找一個熟人。I'm so bored with seeing the same old faces!我看到的都是些老面孔,真是煩人!different, fresh, new, strange, unfamiliar不同的/新來的/全新的/陌生的/不熟悉的面孔famous, well-known名人a restaurant where you often see famous faces一家你經常會看到名人的餐館VERB + FACEsee看到某人


5particular character/aspect of sth特徵;方面ADJECTIVEhuman人性的一面bureaucracy with a human face有人情味的官僚機構acceptable, unacceptable (both especially BrE) 可接受的/令人無法接受的方面Social deprivation is the unacceptable face of capitalism.社會貧困是資本主義令人不可接受的方面。public公共形象He has become the public face of the company.他已成為公司的公眾形象。true真實的一面changing變化中的特徵the changing face of Britain不列顛變化中的特徵entire, whole所有方面;整個特徵This discovery changed the whole face of science.這一發現改變了科學的整個面貌。
face noun
expression2 (sb's face lights up) screw your face up tighten verb
face verb
face (face a financial crisis) accept (face facts)


 See also the entries for confront and tackle 另见confront条和tackle条face ♦︎ confront ♦︎ braveThese words all mean to have to deal with a problem or difficult situation. 这些词均表示面对问题、面临困境。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be faced / confronted with sthto face / confront a problem / dilemma / challenge / difficulty / crisis / situationa problem / dilemma / challenge / difficulty / situation faces / confronts sb face [transitive] to have to deal with a particular situation, especially a difficult one; (of problems or a difficult situation) to appear and need to be dealt with by sb 面临,必须应付(尤指困境);(问题或困境)使无法回避,出现We could all face higher fuel bills this winter.我们这个冬天免不了都要付更多的燃料费。On their journey across the desert they faced danger of all sorts.他们在穿越沙漠的旅途中应对了各种危险。I just can't face (= am not willing to deal with) work today.我今天就是不想工作。She is faced with a difficult situation.她正面临困境。 confront kənˈfrʌnt [transitive](of problems or a difficult situation) to appear and need to be dealt with by sb; to deal with a problem or difficult situation, especially one that you need to stop avoiding (问题或困境)使无法回避,出现;处理,解决(尤指无法回避的问题或困境)The government found itself confronted by massive opposition.政府遭到了强烈的反对。She knew that she had to confront her fears.她明白自己必须克服恐惧心理。NOTE 辨析 Face or confront?If you confront a problem or a situation, you usually actively decide to do sth to deal with it, rather than trying to ignore it. If you face sth, the problem or situation exists and you have no choice but to deal with it. * confront通常指面对问题或困境时会采取积极的态度去解决,而不是置之不理。face指别无选择,只能去处理、应对存在的问题或困境。 brave [transitive] (written) to show that you are willing to deal with sth difficult or unpleasant in order to achieve sth 勇敢面对;冒(风险);经受(困难)He did not feel up to braving the journalists at the airport.他怯于在机场直接面对记者。Over a thousand people braved the elements (= went out in bad weather) to attend the march.一千多人不顾天气恶劣参加了游行。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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