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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 309 COCA: 503

full adjective CONTAINING A LOT

A2 (of a container or a space) holding or containing as much as possible or a lot(容器或空間)裝滿的,充滿的

This cup is very full so be careful with it.這個杯子太滿了,要當心。
My plate was already full.我的盤子已經滿了。
I tried to get in the cinema last night but it was full.昨天晚上我想去看電影,但已經滿座了。
Don't talk with your mouth full!嘴裏盡是吃的東西時就别說話!
The shelves were full of books.那些架子上擺滿了書。
When she looked at him her eyes were full of tears.當她看着他的時候,眼中飽含着淚水。
I tried to get on the 8.45 train but it was full.我想坐8:45的火車,可是已經滿員了。
Don't fill your glass too full or you'll spill it.杯子别倒得太滿,否則會灑的。
The stadium was only half full.體育場裏只坐了一半的人。

A2 containing a lot of things or people or a lot of something充滿…的;有很多…的

This sweater is full of holes.這件毛衣上面都是洞。
His essay was full of spelling errors.他的論文裏滿是拼寫錯誤。
I'm full of admiration for you.我對你充滿敬仰。
You're always so full of energy.你總是如此精力充沛。

involving a lot of activities安排滿的;有大量活動的

I've got a full week next week - could we postpone our meeting?下周我相當忙——我們能把會議推遲嗎?
She has a very full life.她的生活豐富充實。
be full of sth

UK to be talking or thinking a lot about something that you have enjoyed or found exciting對(感興趣的事)興奮地說個沒完,念念不忘

"Did the kids enjoy their trip to the zoo?" "Oh, yes, they were full of it when they got back this afternoon."“孩子們去動物園玩得高興嗎?”“高興,今天下午回來他們還說個沒完呢。”
be full of your own importance disapproving

to think and act as if you are very important自以爲了不起

Since he got his new job, he's been very full of his own importance.自從得到新工作以來,他總是自以爲了不起。
be full of yourself disapproving

C2 to think that you are very important in a way that annoys other people自以爲是

I can't stand her - she's so full of herself.我受不了她——她真夠自以爲是的。

More examples

Her book is full of long convoluted sentences.

We've brought a cooler full of beer with us.

He's got a whole drawer full of odd socks.

The museum is full of rare and precious treasures.

It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes.

full adjective COMPLETE

A2 [ before noun ] complete, whole, or containing a lot of detail完整的;全部的;整個的

Please give your full name and address.請提供你的全名和地址。
We do not yet have full details of the story.我們並沒有掌握該事件的全部細節。
Few journalists have managed to convey the full horror of the situation.幾乎沒有哪個記者能完全地表達出那種情形有多恐怖。
Scientists have not yet determined the full impact of the oil spill.科學家們還不清楚原油洩漏的全面影響。
Today's my last full day in Paris.今天是我在巴黎呆的最後一個整天。
He unwound the rope to its full extent.他把繩子拉開到最長。
Are you a full member (= do you have all the membership rights) of the club?你是俱樂部正式成員嗎?
Some plants need to be in full sun (= to have the sun shining on them) all the time.有些植物常年需要充足的陽光。
in full

B1 completely完全地;全部地

The bill must be paid in full by the end of the month.賬單到月底必須全部付清。
in full flow

UK If an activity is in full flow, it is happening fast and with energy.(活動)全力進行

Preparations for the event are now in full flow.活動的準備工作正在全力進行。
be in full swing

If an event is in full swing, it has already been happening for a period of time and there is a lot of activity.(事件)正在進行中,處於活躍狀態

The party was in full swing by the time we arrived.我們到達時聚會正是高潮。
in full view

able to be seen by other people能被清楚看到

Andy kissed Vicki full on the lips in full view of her friends.安迪和薇姬在他們的房子前吵得很兇,全都被鄰居們看見了。

More examples

The board concurred that the editor should have full control over editorial matters.

He made a full confession to the police.

When the newspapers published the full story, all his earlier deceits were revealed.

The prognosis after the operation was for a full recovery.

The minister accepted full responsibility for the disaster and resigned.

full adjective GREATEST POSSIBLE

B1 [ before noun ] the greatest possible最大的;最大量的;最高級的

James is very bright, but he doesn't make full use of his abilities.詹姆斯非常聰明,但他並沒有充分發揮自己的才能。
Nobody got full marks (= all the answers right) in the spelling test.在拼寫測驗中沒人得滿分。
It doesn't seem likely that we will see a return to full employment (= that all the people in the country will have a job) in the near future.近期内恢複全民就業似乎不太可能。

More examples

The opposition was in full cry in Parliament last night over the proposed changes to the education bill.

When we arrived, the party was in full swing and the room was abuzz.

You need it on full lock .

The move from stage to films allowed Gildit to give full play to his sense of the fantastic.

I don't feel I'm achieving my full potential in my present job.

full adjective FOOD

B2 also full up having eaten so much food that you cannot eat any more吃飽的

No more cake for me, thanks, I'm full.我不要蛋糕了,謝謝,我已經吃飽了。
on a full stomach

having recently eaten剛吃飽飯

Never go swimming on a full stomach.飯後不要立即去遊泳。

More examples

I've only eaten one course and I'm already full.

The children were too full to eat their pudding, and they asked to get down from the table.

full adjective LARGE

(of clothing) loose or containing a lot of material, or (of parts of the body) quite large and rounded(衣服)寬鬆的,寬大的;(身體部位)圓鼓鼓的,豐滿的

a full skirt寬鬆的裙子
Women often have full faces/become full in the face when they're pregnant.女性懷孕時面龐通常會變得圓鼓鼓的。
Her full lips curved into a smile.她的豐滿上揚,露出了微笑。

used to avoid saying "fat"(fat 的婉轉說法)豐滿的

They advertise clothes "for the fuller figure".他們做廣告說衣服“適合豐滿體型”。

full adjective STRONG

(of a flavour, sound, smell, etc.) strong or deep(味道、氣味)濃厚的,強烈的;(聲音)圓渾的

This wine has a full fruity flavour.這種葡萄酒有濃鬱的水果香味。
A cello has a fuller sound than a violin.大提琴的聲音比小提琴的要圓渾。

full adverb COMPLETE

know full well

to understand a situation completely完全了解情況

You know full well that you're not supposed to go there without asking me!你非常清楚未經我同意你不能去那裏!

full adverb STRAIGHT

straight; directly直接,徑直

He was kicked full in the stomach.他被一腳踢中小腹。
The intruders turned and ran as the police shone their torches full on them.當警察拿手電筒直接照在那些闖入者身上時,他們轉身就跑了。
to the full/to the fullest

as much or as well as possible最大量;盡可能

She certainly lives life to the full.她的確是盡可能地享受生活。
BNC: 309 COCA: 503


1holding/containing as much as it will hold裝滿VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe, look, seem滿;看上去滿;似乎滿become, get變得滿滿的The garage is getting full of junk again.車庫裏又開始堆滿亂七八糟的東西。ADVERBabsolutely, completely極其滿;十分滿The kitchen was absolutely full of flies!廚房裏滿是蒼蠅!almost, nearly, virtually (especially BrE) 差不多滿了;幾乎是滿的The reservoirs are all virtually full.所有的水庫差不多都滿了。half, two-thirds, etc.半滿、滿了三分之二等too太滿了PREPOSITIONof滿是⋯The bottle was half full of water.瓶子裝了半瓶水。


2containing a lot of sth包含大量VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, look, seem很多;看上去很多;似乎很多ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常豐富Her wine glass was still fairly full.她的酒杯裏還有不少酒。


3having had enough to eat or drink吃飽;喝足VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, feel飽了;感覺飽了ADVERBabsolutely, completely飽極了;完全吃飽了rather挺飽PHRASESfull up (BrE) 飽極了I'm full up. I can't eat another thing.我飽極了,再也吃不下什麼了。
BNC: 309 COCA: 503
full adj.
full (a full bottle of wine) busy2 (lead a full life) deep2 (a deep, full sound) whole (your full potential)


 See also the entry for crowded 另見crowded條full ♦︎ packed ♦︎ crammed ♦︎ overcrowded ♦︎ congested ♦︎ stuffedThese words all describe sth that contains a lot of sth. 這些詞均表示滿是⋯的、充滿⋯的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配full / packed / crammed / overcrowded / congested with sb / sthpacked / crammed full of sb / sthovercrowded / congested cities / roads full containing or holding as much or as many of sth as possible, having no empty space; having or containing a large number or amount of a thing, feeling or quality 滿的;充滿的;滿是⋯的;有大量⋯的a full bottle of wine一滿瓶葡萄酒She could only nod, because her mouth was full.她只能點點頭,因爲她嘴裏塞滿了東西。There were cardboard boxes stuffed full of clothes.有塞滿衣服的一個個紙箱。The sky was full of brightly coloured fireworks.滿天都是色彩絢麗的煙火。She was full of admiration for the care she had received.她對所受到的關懷照顧贊不絕口。In British English full up is also used to describe sth that has no empty space in it, but not sth that has a large amount of sth. 在英式英語中,full up亦可表示滿的、充滿的,但不能表示有大量⋯的Sorry, the hotel is full up tonight.對不起,旅館今晚客滿。Life is full up of coincidences. Full (or full up in British English) can also be used when sb has had enough to eat. * full(或英式英語中的full up)亦可表示吃飽了的The kids still weren't full, so I gave them an ice cream each.孩子們還沒吃飽,所以我給他們每人一份冰淇淋。You shouldn't swim on a full stomach.飽餐之後不應遊泳。 (BrE) No more for me, thanks-I'm full up.謝謝,我不要了,我已經吃飽了。 OPP empty empty packed (of a room or building) very full of people; containing a lot of a particular thing (房間或建築物)擠滿人的,擁擠的;有大量⋯的The restaurant was packed.餐館裏坐滿了人。The show played to packed houses (= large audiences).演出場場爆滿。The book is packed with information.這本書資料豐富。 (informal) The train was absolutely jam-packed.火車上擁擠不堪。 see also pack pack verb crammed [not before noun] (always followed by with sb/sth or full of sb/sth 總是後接with sb/sth或full of sb/sth) completely full of people or things 擠滿人的;塞滿⋯的The room was crammed full of people.房間裏擠滿了人。All the shelves were crammed with books.所有的架子上都堆滿了書。The article was crammed full of ideas.這篇文章包含着許多想法。 see also cram pack verb NOTE 辨析 Packed or crammed?A place or thing that is crammed contains even more than one that is packed, so that it is often uncomfortable (if full of people) or untidy (if full of things). A theatre, cinema, etc. where every seat is occupied because the show is so popular is packed, not crammed. * crammed所表示的擁擠程度甚於packed,常表示擠得讓人難受或東西塞滿而顯得淩亂。劇院、電影院等因爲節目受歡迎而座無虛席用packed,不用crammedThe theatre was packed every night.劇院每晚都爆滿。The theatre was crammed every night. overcrowded ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd; NAmE ˌoʊvərˈkraʊdɪd (disapproving) (of a place) with too many people or things in it (地方)過於擁擠的,人滿爲患的Drugs and violence are rife in our filthy, overcrowded prisons.我們肮髒又人滿爲患的監獄裏充斥着毒品和暴力。Too many poor people are living in overcrowded conditions.有太多貧民的居住條件十分擁擠。 congested kənˈdʒestɪd (usually disapproving) so full of traffic that vehicles cannot move easily 交通堵塞的Traffic engineers believe that the new road could free up congested city streets.交通工程師認爲新馬路或許能使市區街道的擁堵得到緩解。Many of Europe's airports are heavily congested.歐洲許多機場都十分擁擠。 see also congestion traffic stuffed [not before noun] (informal) having eaten so much that you cannot eat anything else I couldn't eat another thing. I'm absolutely stuffed.我再也吃不下了,我真的飽了。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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