A2 [ not usually before noun ] not feeling well, or suffering from a disease生病的,不舒服的
More examples
He was very ill for a while but he's all right now.
She felt quite ill from exhaustion.
Don't talk nonsense! She's far too ill to return to work!
It was a shock to see him looking so ill.
Badly cooked shellfish can make you seriously ill.
C1 [ before noun ] formal or old-fashioned bad壞的,惡劣的
literary badly壞,惡劣地
to say unkind things about someone說(某人)的壞話
to be a sign of bad things in the future是兇兆,不是好兆頭
If you can ill afford to do something, it will cause problems for you if you do it.經不起(做…);一旦…就會遇麻煩
[ U ] formal or old-fashioned harm壞;傷害
[ C usually plural ] a problem問題,弊病
in a way that is bad or not suitable不好的;不合適的
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net