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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1759 COCA: 1984

flow verb [ I ] MOVE

B1 (especially of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move in one direction, especially continuously and easily(尤指液体、气体或电)流动

Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.火山岩浆顺着山坡往下流。
Many short rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean.许多小河汇入太平洋。
The river flows through three counties before flowing into the sea just south of here.这条河流在汇入此处正南边的大海之前流经了3个郡县。
With fewer cars on the roads, traffic is flowing (= moving forward) more smoothly than usual.路上的车少了,交通比平时更通畅了。

More examples

Every day, 30 million gallons of untreated human waste flow from Ciudad Juarez into the Rio Grande.

The teacher drew a diagram showing how the blood flows through the heart.

There's a lovely stream that flows through their garden.

The road was blocked for two hours after the accident, but traffic is now flowing smoothly again.

The pipes creaked as water flowed through the system.

flow verb [ I ] CONTINUE

to continue to arrive or be produced持续抵达;持续供应(或生产)

Please keep the money flowing in!请继续投钱进来!
Offers of help are flowing into the disaster area from all over the country.援助源源不断地从全国各地到达灾区。
My thoughts flow more easily if I work on a computer.如果在电脑上工作,我的想法会更流畅一些。
By eleven o'clock, the wine was starting to flow.到11点时,开始大量提供葡萄酒。
After they'd all had a drink or two, the conversation began to flow.他们都喝了一两杯之后,谈话开始无拘无束起来。

flow verb [ I ] HANG DOWN

to hang down loosely and often attractively飘垂;飘拂

Her long red hair flowed down over her shoulders.她红色的长发飘垂在肩头。

flow noun MOVEMENT

B2 [ C usually singular ] the movement of something in one direction流动;(向某方向的)移动

the flow of a river河水的流动
the flow of traffic车流
the flow of blood血液的流动

More examples

Ligatures are used in surgery to stop the flow of a bleeding artery.

The country's asylum laws were amended to staunch the flow of economic migrants.

They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.

She tied a handkerchief around the wound to stem the flow of blood.

Diets that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the flow of blood.


[ C usually singular ] a regular and quite large number of something大量

There's been a steady flow of visitors.参观者络绎不绝。

[ S ] a situation in which something is produced or moved continuously不断的供应;流,流动

the flow of ideas/information思想的流畅/信息的流动

More examples

The country's asylum laws were amended to staunch the flow of economic migrants.

The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.

They are worried that the flow of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.

He's currently experiencing problems with his cash flow.

There is a stimulating flow of ideas between the departments.

BNC: 1759 COCA: 1984


ADJECTIVE | VERB + FLOW | FLOW + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEheavy, large, massive大流量good相當大的流量adequate充足的流量poor很小的流量Our shower doesn't work very well because of the poor water flow.由於水流很小,我們的淋浴器不太好使。main主流increased, increasing增大的/不斷增加的流量decreased, reduced下降的/減少的流量ceaseless, constant, continuous, endless不間斷的/持續的/不停的/源源不斷的流動free, uninterrupted順暢的/不受阻礙的流動the uninterrupted flow of traffic順暢的車流even, smooth, steady均勻的/平滑的/平穩的流動to maintain an even flow of work through the department保持部門內工作流程的順暢easy, natural自如的/自然的流動I liked the concerto for its natural flow.我喜歡這部協奏曲的自然流暢。outward外流the outward flow of investment from the country該國對外的投資annual, daily, seasonal年流量;日流量;季節流量data, information數據流;信息流air, gas, heat氣流;煤氣/汽油流量;熱流blood, menstrual血流量;月經流量lava, river, water熔岩流;徑流量;水流量traffic交通流capital, cash, financial, investment, production, trade, work資本流動;現金流動;資金流動;投資流向;生產流程;貿易流量;工作流程narrative敍述流VERB + FLOWhave有流動Big pension funds have a constant flow of cash.大型退休基金有持續的現金流。get, obtain獲得流動Squeeze the tube slowly to obtain an even flow.慢慢擠壓軟管使內容物均勻流出。allow容許流動We like to allow a free flow of ideas in our company.我們希望大家在公司裏能自由交流思想。create, generate, produce, provide製造/形成/產生/提供流動The system provides a continuous flow of information to the market.這個系統源源不斷地給市場提供信息。keep, maintain保持流動He kept up a flow of chatter.他一直喋喋不休。ensure保證流動Use a wide pipe to ensure an adequate flow of water.使用大口徑水管以保證水流暢通。control, manage, regulate控制流動;管理流動;調節流量follow跟踪流動encourage, facilitate, stimulate鼓勵/促進/激勵流動to encourage the flow of revenue into the country鼓勵收益流入國內enhance, improve, increase, restore加強流動;改善流動;增加流量;恢復流動The company is trying to enhance its cash flow.公司正努力加強現金流動。affect影響流動disrupt, impede, reduce, restrict, slow, slow down擾亂/阻礙/減少/限制/延緩/放慢流動The continual bombing disrupted the flow of supplies to the ground troops.此起彼伏的轟炸擾亂了對地面部隊的物資供應。block, break, break up, cut, cut off, halt, interrupt, staunch, stem, stop阻塞/終止/中斷/切斷/止住/停住/阻斷/止住/遏制/停止流動They tried to staunch the flow of blood.他們試圖止血。direct指引流動方向divert使⋯改變流向The main flow of water has been diverted to a new course.主水流已被導向一個新的水道。join匯入⋯流measure測流量FLOW + NOUNrate流速The flow rate was measured at 9.5 gallons per second.測量出的流速是每秒 9.5 加侖。chart, diagram流程圖PREPOSITIONagainst the flow逆流They have to swim against the flow of the river.他們不得不逆着河的水流游泳。flow among⋯之間的流動information flow among all the different groups所有不同群體之間的信息流動flow from來自⋯的⋯流First cut off the water flow from the boiler.首先切斷來自鍋爐的水流。flow into進入⋯的⋯流She joined the flow of immigrants to the country.她加入到湧入該國的移民大潮中。flow of⋯流a constant flow of information源源不斷的信息流flow through通過⋯的⋯流the flow of data through the system通過這個系統的數據流PHRASESthe ebb and flow漲落起伏the ebb and flow of the tide潮漲潮落He was at the mercy of the ebb and flow of public opinion. (figurative) 他完全受輿論的擺佈。in full flow滔滔不絕She tried to interrupt his speech, but he was already in full flow (= talking continuously).她試圖打斷他講話,但他已是滔滔不絕了。the rate of flow流速the rate of flow of water through the pipe水流過管道的速率


ADVERB | VERB + FLOW | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBeasily, effortlessly, freely, smoothly順暢地/毫不費力地/自由地/暢通地流動We talked, and the conversation flowed freely.我們毫無拘束地交談着。Wine and beer flowed freely.人們暢飲着葡萄酒和啤酒。seamlessly自然流暢地流動The songs flow seamlessly into one another.這些歌曲自然流暢地從一首過渡到另一首。gently, gracefully輕柔地/優雅地流動fast, quickly, rapidly, swiftly快速/迅速/疾速/飛快流動The river flows very fast here.這兒水流湍急。slowly, steadily緩慢/平穩流動naturally, nicely, well自然地/自如地/順暢地流動In a good production of the play, the action and the words flow naturally.在好的戲劇作品中,動作和台詞都會很流暢地向前推進。directly徑直地流Some of these changes will flow directly from the legislation.這些變化中有一些將會直接來自於立法。constantly, continuously持續/不斷流動away, back, in, out, past流走;流回;流進;流出;流經together一起流動VERB + FLOWseem to似乎在流動begin to, start to開始流動continue to繼續流動Imported food aid continued to flow in.國外的救濟食物源源不斷地湧入。PREPOSITIONacross, along, between, down流過⋯;沿⋯流;在⋯之間流動;順⋯流下a small stream that flowed down the hillside一條沿山坡而下的小溪from從⋯流出Blood was still flowing from the wound.傷口還在流血。into流進⋯One day seemed to flow into the next.時光一天天地流過。out of, over, through流出⋯;流經⋯;流過⋯Information flows continuously through the network.信息通過網絡不斷流動。to流向⋯to get blood flowing to the brain讓血液不斷流向大腦PHRASESebb and flow漲落起伏The sea ebbed and flowed.大海時而漲潮時而退潮。The number of buyers has ebbed and flowed. (figurative) 購買者的人數時多時少。flow in a... direction朝⋯方向流動The best thing is when ideas flow in both directions.最好的是思想雙向流動。flow in the breeze, flow in the wind在微風中/在風中飄動Her long hair flowed in the wind as she ran.她跑的時候長髮隨風飄動。
BNC: 1759 COCA: 1984
flow noun
flow (a continuous flow of refugees/traffic) current (the flow of blood from the wound)


flow ♦︎ stream ♦︎ tide ♦︎ trickleThese are all words for the movement of people or things in one direction. 这些词均表示流动、人流、车流。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a flow / stream (of sb / sth) into / through stha steady / constant flow / stream / tricklea continuous / endless flow / streamto halt / control the flow / tideto go / swim against the flow / tide flow [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a steady and continuous movement of people or things in one direction 流;流动There was a continuous flow of refugees across the border.难民接连不断地穿过边境。We need further measures to increase traffic flow (= make it move faster).我们需要采取进一步的措施以提高交通流量。 stream [countable] a long series or line of sth, especially people or vehicles, moving in a continuous flow (尤指)人流,车流I've had a steady stream of visitors.我不断有客人来。Cars filed past in an endless stream.汽车川流不息,鱼贯而过。A stream can also be a large amount of sth or number of things that arrive or happen one after another. * stream亦可指一连串、接二连三的事情。 see also stream flood noun 2 , stream surge verb NOTE 辨析 Flow or stream?The flow of people or vehicles is the fact of them moving; a stream of people or vehicles is a long series or line of them, coming one after another. In many cases you can use either word, but in some only flow can be used. * flow指人或车在移动这个事实;stream指一长队人或车接二连三地过来。在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,但有些情况下只能用flowa continuous flow / stream of people连续不断的人流to increase traffic stream tide [countable, usually singular] a large amount or number of sth that is increasing or moving in one direction and may be difficult to control (难以控制的)浪潮There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime.犯罪率日益增长,令人忧虑。Measures have been taken to stem the tide (= stop it from getting worse) of pornography.已采取措施遏制淫秽品泛滥的势头。The 1830s saw a tide of emigrants leave Europe for Australia.19世纪30年代,大批欧洲人移民澳大利亚。 trickle [countable, usually singular] a small amount or number of sth coming or going slowly 稀疏缓慢来往的东西As a result of the civil war, the steady trickle of immigration became a flood of refugees.内战致使原本稳定稀疏的移民人数变成大批难民涌入。flow


 See also the entry for trickle 另见trickle条flow ♦︎ run ♦︎ pour ♦︎ stream ♦︎ circulate ♦︎ spew ♦︎ pump ♦︎ cascade ♦︎ spurt ♦︎ gushThese words can all be used when a liquid or gas moves from one place to another, especially in large quantities. 这些词均表示液体或气体涌流、喷出、倾泻。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to flow / pour / stream / spew / pump / cascade / spurt / gush outto flow / run / pour / stream / spew / pump / spurt / gush out of sthto flow / run / pour / stream / spew / pump / cascade / spurt / gush from sthto flow / run / pour / stream / cascade / spurt / gush into sthto flow / run / pour / stream / circulate / pump / cascade / spurt / gush through sthto flow / run / pour / stream / cascade / gush down (sth)to flow / circulate / pump (sth) around / round sthto be flowing / running / streaming / gushing with sthwater flows / runs / pours / streams / circulates / cascades / spurts / gushesblood flows / runs / pours / streams / circulates / pumps / cascades / spurts / gushestears flow / run / pour / stream / gushadrenalin flows / pours / pumpsa waterfall pours / cascades / gusheslight flows / pours / streams / cascadessmoke pours / streams / spewsto flow / run / circulate freely / slowly flow [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of liquid, gas or electricity) to move steadily and continuously in one direction (液体、气体或电)流,流动It's here that the river flows down into the ocean.这条河就在这里汇入海洋。This can prevent air from flowing freely to the lungs.这可以防止空气直接涌入肺部。The current flowing in a circuit is measured by connecting an ammeter.连接上安培计可以测量电路里的电流。 see also flow current noun run (running, ran, run) [intransitive](of a liquid) to flow; to send out a liquid (液体)流淌,流动;流出液体The tears ran down her cheeks.泪水顺着她的脸颊淌下来。Who left the tap running?谁没关水龙头?Your nose is running.你流鼻涕了。The smoke makes my eyes run.烟熏得我直流眼泪。If sth is running with sth, it is covered with liquid. * be running with sth指被液体覆盖、流满His face was running with sweat.他汗流满面。 pour [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (of liquid, smoke or light) to flow quickly in large amounts (液体、烟或光)涌流,倾泻,喷发Blood was pouring from the wound.血从伤口里涌出来。Thick black smoke was pouring out of the roof.黑色浓烟从屋顶滚滚冒出。The kitchen door opened and light poured into the hallway.厨房门开了,灯光一下子把门厅照亮了。 stream [intransitive, transitive] (when there is no object an adverb or preposition is used 不带宾语时与副词或介词连用) (of liquid, gas, smoke or light) to flow quickly and continuously; to make a liquid or gas do this (液体、气体、烟或光)流泻,流动,流出;使(液体等)流出Sunlight streamed through the windows.阳光洒进窗内。Her head was streaming with blood.她头上流着血。The exhaust streamed black smoke.排气管里冒出黑烟。 circulate ˈsɜːkjəleɪt; NAmE ˈsɜːrkjəleɪt [intransitive, transitive](of a liquid or gas) to move continuously around a place or system; to make a liquid or gas do this (液体或气体)环流,循环;使(液体或气体)循环The condition prevents blood from circulating freely.这种病阻碍了血液的循环畅通。Cooled air is circulated throughout the building.冷气在整座大楼循环。 see also circulation current noun spew spjuː [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (especially of smoke or flames) to flow out quickly in large amounts; to make smoke or flames do this (尤指烟或火焰)喷出,涌出;使(烟或火焰)喷出Flames spewed from the aircraft's engine.飞机发动机喷出火焰。Massive chimneys were spewing out smoke and flames.一座座高大的烟囱冒着烟和火焰。 pump [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (of a liquid) to flow in a particular direction as if it is being forced by a pump (液体)涌出,涌流,奔流Blood was pumping out of the wound on his shoulder.血从他肩头的伤口喷出。 cascade kæˈskeɪd [intransitive] (written) (of liquid) to flow downwards in large amounts (液体)倾泻而下,流注Water cascaded down the mountainside.水从山坡倾泻而下。 spurt [intransitive, transitive] (when there is no object an adverb or preposition is used 不带宾语时与副词或介词连用) (of liquid, gas or flames) to burst or pour out suddenly in a fast stream; to produce a sudden fast stream of liquid, gas or flames (液体、气体或火焰)喷出,冒出;使(液体等)喷出Blood was spurting from her nose.血从她的鼻子里汩汩流出来。The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air.火山把团团热气和灰喷向高空。 spurt


[countable] a spurt of blood一股急速喷出的血
gush gʌʃ [intransitive, transitive] (when there is no object an adverb or preposition is used 不带宾语时与副词或介词连用) (of a liquid) to flow out suddenly and quickly in large amounts; (of a container or vehicle) to suddenly let out large amounts of a liquid (液体)喷出,涌出;(容器或车辆)大量泄出(液体)Water gushed out of the pipe.水从管子中涌出。The tanker was gushing oil.油箱在大量喷油。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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