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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 332 COCA: 410
fallverbuk/fɔːl/ us/fɑːl/ fell, fallen


A2 [ I ] to suddenly go down onto the ground or towards the ground without intending to or by accident(突然)跌倒,摔落

The path's very steep, so be careful you don't fall.小路很陡,当心别摔倒。
He fell badly and broke his leg.他重重跌倒,摔断了腿。
Athletes have to learn how to fall without hurting themselves.运动员必须学会跌倒时不伤到自己。
The horse fell at the first fence.那匹马在跳跃第一道障碍物时就摔倒了。
I fell down the stairs and injured my back.我跌下楼梯,后背受了伤。
The object appeared to have fallen from a great height.这件物体似乎是从很高的地方落下来的。
The water's deep here, so don't fall in!这里的水很深,别掉进去了!
She slipped and fell on the ice.她滑了一下,摔倒在冰上。
He fell into the river and had to be rescued.他掉进了河里,需要救援。
I fell off my bike and scraped my knee.我从自行车上掉下来,摔坏了膝盖。
He was leaning out of the window and almost fell out.他从窗户探身出去,差一点摔下去了。
She fell under a bus and was killed instantly.她跌到公共汽车下面,当场被轧死了。
She fell five metres to the bottom of the ravine.她跌进了5米深的沟底。
He fell to his death climbing the Matterhorn.他在攀登马特峰时摔死了。
fall flat on your face informal

to fall and land with your face down脸朝下跌倒,趴倒在地

Poor Kathy fell flat on her face in the mud.可怜的凯茜脸朝下跌进了泥里。

More examples

Keep away from the edge of the cliff - you might fall.

Hold onto the rail so that you don't fall.

They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.

She knocked her head against the wall as she fell.

We heard a splash and then saw that Toni had fallen in the river.

fall verb BECOME LOWER

B1 [ I ] to become lower in size, amount, or strength(规模、数量或力量)减少,降低

Demand for new cars has fallen due to the recession.由于经济衰退,对新车的需求减少了。
The standard of his work has fallen during the year.这一年中他的工作水平下降了。
Salaries in the public sector are expected to fall by 15 percent this year.今年国有企业的工资预计下降15%。
The temperature could fall below zero overnight.气温可能一夜间突降到零度以下。
Average temperatures fell by ten degrees.平均气温下降了10度。
The pound has fallen to its lowest-ever level against the dollar.英镑对美元的汇率下跌到历史最低水平。
When the teacher walked in, the children's voices fell to a whisper (= they became very quiet).老师一走进来,孩子们便压低了声音小声讲话。
Share prices fell sharply this week.本周股价骤跌。

More examples

The temperature has fallen below zero recently.

Inflation has fallen below 2%, and that's official.

The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.

Many economists expect unemployment to fall over the next couple of months.

If your bank account balance falls below the minimum, you'll be nicked for a $5 service charge.

fall verb COME DOWN

A2 [ I ] to come down onto the ground or from a high position to a lower position落下;降落

The snow had been falling steadily all day.雪持续下了一整天。
It was October and the leaves had started to fall.十月了,树叶开始掉落。
She fell into bed, completely exhausted.她筋疲力尽,倒在床上。
A bomb fell on the church and destroyed it.一颗炸弹落在教堂上,把教堂炸毁了。
A huge meteor fell to Earth in the middle of the desert.一颗巨大的流星陨落到地球上,落在沙漠中央。
He begged for mercy as the blows fell on him (= as he was being hit).他挨打时求饶了。
fall to your knees also fall down on your knees

to go down on your knees to show respect下跪(表示尊敬)

The people all fell to their knees and began to pray.人们都跪了下来,开始祈祷。

[ I ] When the curtain falls in the theatre, it comes down because the play or performance has ended.落幕;(戏剧或演出)结束

The audience was still laughing as the curtain fell.演出结束时观众们仍在大笑。

More examples

Although the curtain has now fallen on the Republican era, many of its values still remain.

The fact that aircraft don't fall out of the sky always seems to me to defy the law of gravity.

The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the earth's atmosphere.

Her luxuriant hair fell around her shoulders.

Rain had been falling steadily all day and the ground had become a marsh.

fall verb BELONG TO

[ I usually + adv/prep ] to belong to a particular group, subject, or area属于(某一群体、学科或领域)

The material falls into three categories.这种材料分为3类。
Matters of discipline fall outside my area of responsibility.纪律方面的事不是我负责的。

More examples

They believe that all the outstanding issues should fall within the ambit of the talks.

What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?

This case falls outside the purview of this particular court.

The matter falls outside his area of jurisdiction.

This research paper falls outside my own area of expertise.

fall verb BECOME

B1 [ I + adv/prep, L ] to change to a particular condition from a different one变成(某状态)

He always falls asleep after drinking red wine.他喝完红酒总是会睡着。
She suddenly fell ill.她突然病倒了。
The book fell open (= opened by chance) at a picture of Venice.碰巧翻开书上关于威尼斯的那一页。
The president has fallen strangely silent on the issue of gun control.在控枪问题上,总统奇怪地变得十分沉默。
UK Your rent falls due (= must be paid) on the first of the month.你的房租每月1号须缴付。
Silence fell on the group of men (= they became silent) as they received the news.听到这个消息,他们沉默了。
She fell under the influence of (= began to be influenced by) an older student.她开始受到一名高年级学生的影响。

More examples

They let the palace fall into ruin.

The buildings had started to fall into decay.

He fell unconscious shortly after the accident.

Sophia fell ill while on holiday.

After we'd explained about the change of plan, the children fell strangely quiet for a minute or two.

fall verb BE DEFEATED

C2 [ I ] to be beaten or defeated被打败;被击垮

The president fell from power during the military coup.在军事政变中总统被推翻。
UK The government finally fell after losing the support of the centre parties.失去中间党派支持之后,这届政府最终垮台了。

C2 [ I ] If a place falls in a war or an election, an enemy army or a different political party gets control of it.沦陷,失守;落败

Rome fell to the Vandals in AD 455.罗马在公元455年被汪达尔人攻陷。
UK The constituency fell to Labour at the last election, after ten years of Conservative rule.在保守党主导10年之后,这个选区在上届选举中落入了工党手中。

[ I ] literary If soldiers fall while fighting, they are killed.阵亡,战死

Many brave men fell in the fight to save the city.为保卫这座城市,许多勇士战死了。
During the war, he saw many of his comrades fall in battle.战争中他目睹了许多战友的阵亡。

[ I ] UK In cricket, when a wicket falls, the turn of the player who is hitting the ball ends.(板球)击球手被杀出局

Ten wickets fell in 22 overs.在22次连续投球中,10名击球手被淘汰出局。

fall verb HAPPEN

C2 [ I ] to come at a particular time or happen in a particular place落,降临;发生

Easter falls late this year.今年的复活节来得迟。
My birthday will fall on a Friday this year.今年我的生日在星期五。
Night/Darkness had fallen by the time we got back to the camp.我们返回营地时夜幕已经降临。
In the word "table", the accent falls on the first syllable.table这个词的重音落在第一个音节上。
The Treasury has still not decided where the cuts will fall.财政部尚未决定削减哪些开支。

fall verb HANG DOWN

C2 [ I usually + adv/prep ] to hang down loosely下垂,低垂

The boy's hair fell around his shoulders in golden curls.男孩的金色卷发垂在肩上。
The veil fell almost to her waist.面纱几乎垂到她的腰际。

fall verb UNHAPPY

your face/spirits fall

If your face falls, you suddenly look unhappy or disappointed, and if your spirits fall, you suddenly feel unhappy or disappointed.脸色变阴沉/情绪变低落

His spirits fell when he saw the distance he still had to go.一看到还要走的路程距离,他立刻情绪低落起来。
As she read her exam results, her face fell.看到考试成绩,她的脸阴沉下来。

fall noun LOWER AMOUNT

B1 [ C usually singular ] the fact of the size, amount, or strength of something getting lower(规模、数量或力量的)减少,降低

a fall in the price of petrol/the unemployment rate汽油价格的下跌/失业率的降低
We could hear the rise and fall of voices in the other room.我们能听见另一间屋里忽高忽低的讲话声。
There was a fall in support for the party at the last election.上届选举时,该党的支持率下跌了。

More examples

The last ten years have seen a dramatic fall in the number of adoptions.

The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.

Yesterday the company announced its first ever fall in profits.

The fall in interest rates is excellent news for borrowers.

There was a larger-than-expected fall in unemployment last month.

fall noun SEASON

[ C or U ] US UK autumn the season after summer and before winter, when fruits and crops become ready to eat and the leaves fall off the trees秋季,秋天

I'm starting college in the fall.我秋天开始上大学。
Next fall we'll be back in New York.我们明年秋天回纽约。
a fall day/morning一个秋日/秋天的清晨
fall colours/foliage秋日的色彩/秋叶

More examples

In the fall, everyone is out raking up the dead leaves.

The garden is a blaze of colour in the fall.

They plan to get married in the fall.

Check out our new catalog for all the latest fall and winter fashions.

We were planning a trip to Europe next fall.

fall noun ACCIDENT

B2 [ C usually singular ] the act of falling down to the ground, usually without intending to or by accident跌倒;跌落;倒下

He had/took a nasty fall and hurt his back.他重重跌了一跤,伤了脊背。
the fall of the Berlin Wall (= when the Berlin Wall was destroyed)柏林墙的倒塌

More examples

The soft grass cushioned his fall.

I was in no mood for heroics after my fall and skied very slowly down the mountainside.

The horse broke its front leg in the fall.

He spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair after a fall which left him paralysed from the waist down.

After her fall she complained that she couldn't bend her leg properly.


[ C usually singular ] an amount of something that moves down onto the ground or from a higher position to a lower position降落

a heavy fall of snow一场大雪
See also
falls [ plural ]

often used in place names to mean a very wide waterfall, often made of many separate waterfalls瀑布

Niagara Falls尼亚加拉瀑布

fall noun DEFEAT

C1 [ C usually singular ] the fact of being defeated or losing your power沦陷;灭亡;垮台,失势

the fall of Rome罗马的陷落
The army took control of the city after the president's fall from power.总统垮台后,军队控制了这座城市。
IELTS BNC: 332 COCA: 410


1accident意外事故ADJECTIVE | VERB + FALL | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbad, nasty, terrible摔得厲害;摔得不輕;重重摔了一跤She took a bad fall while out riding.她外出騎馬時重重摔了一跤。accidental意外跌倒VERB + FALLhave, suffer, take摔倒The doctor says she's had a very nasty fall.醫生說她摔得很重。break, cushion緩解摔倒時的衝擊力Luckily a bush broke his fall.幸運的是,他掉落時有灌木擋了一下。survive跌落但幸存The chances of surviving a fall under a train are almost nil.掉到火車下面而幸免於難的可能性幾乎為零。prevent防止摔倒PREPOSITIONin a/the fall因摔跤He was hurt in a fall at his home yesterday.昨天他在家摔了一跤,受傷了。fall from從⋯摔下She broke her neck in a fall from a horse.她從馬上摔下,扭斷了脖子。


2of snow/rocks雪;岩石ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEheavy大量的降落light少量的降落fresh剛下的雪a fresh fall of snow新下的一場雪rock, snow (usually snowfall) 岩崩;降雪PREPOSITIONfall of落下的⋯covered by a light fall of volcanic ash被落下的一層薄薄的火山灰覆蓋着


3decrease減少ADJECTIVE | VERB + FALL | FALL + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, dramatic, great, large, marked, massive, significant, substantial大幅的/急劇的/大量的/很大的/顯著的/大範圍的/明顯的/實質性的下降a big fall in house prices房價的大幅下降This triggered the recent dramatic falls on the Tokyo stock exchange.這引發了最近東京證券交易所股票的大幅度下跌。modest, slight, small適度的/略微的/少量的下降steady穩步的下降rapid, sharp, steep, sudden快速的/急劇的/猛烈的/突然的下降unexpected出人意料的下降continuing, further持續的/進一步的下降overall (especially BrE) 全面下降catastrophic災難性的下跌VERB + FALLbring, cause, contribute to, lead to, trigger導致下跌;引起下跌;促成下跌;造成下降;引發下降see, suffer看到/有所下跌Share prices suffered a slight fall yesterday.昨天股價略有下跌。record, reveal, show記錄/顯露/表明下降The opinion polls show a significant fall in her popularity.民意調查顯示她的支持率明顯降低。report報告下降Both companies reported a fall in profits in the first quarter of this year.兩家公司都報告說今年第一季度利潤有所下降。represent (especially BrE) 表示下降This figure represents a fall of 21% on the same period last year.這一數字表明與去年同期相比下降了 21%。FALL + VERBoccur下降出現The fall in age at first marriage occurred during the second half of the 18th century.初婚年齡下降出現在 18 世紀下半葉。PREPOSITIONfall in在⋯方面的下降a large fall in share prices股票價格的大幅度下跌


4defeat失敗VERB + FALL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERB + FALLbring about, cause, contribute to, lead to導致/引起/促成/使走向衰敗the actions that led to his eventual fall from power導致他最終下台的行動PREPOSITIONfall from從⋯垮台PHRASESthe rise and fall of sth⋯的興衰a book charting the rise and fall of the Habsburg Empire講述哈布斯堡帝國興衰的一本書


5 (NAmE) autumn秋季ADJECTIVE | FALL + NOUN ADJECTIVElast, this past剛過去的秋天;剛過去的這個秋天the following, next, this, this coming接下來的/下一個/這個/即將到來的這個秋天early, late初秋;晚秋FALL + NOUNweather秋天的天氣color秋色The trees were on fire with vibrant fall colors.樹木呈現出鮮明的秋日色彩,層林盡染,像一團火。foliage秋日的樹葉New England's gorgeous fall foliage新英格蘭絢麗的秋葉harvest秋季的收成equinox秋分semester, term秋季學期He returned to school a month into the fall semester.他在秋季學期開始後一個月重返校園。 note at season (for more collocates)


1drop to the ground落下ADVERB | VERB + FALL | PREPOSITION ADVERBheavily重重落下She fell heavily to the ground.她重重地摔倒在地。steadily不斷地落下The rain was falling steadily.雨一直在下。freely自由下落Tears fell freely from her eyes.她任由淚水奪眶而出。limply無力地落下Her hands fell limply to her sides.她雙手無力地垂在身旁。down, off, overboard跌落;摔下;從船邊跌下A tile fell off the roof.一片瓦從房簷上落下。He fell overboard in heavy seas.他從船上掉進了波濤洶湧的大海中。VERB + FALLbe about to將要落下let sb/sth讓⋯落下She lifted her arm, but then let it fall.她抬起手臂,然後又放了下來。PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯摔下He fell from the fourth floor.他從四層樓上摔了下來。into掉入⋯One of the kids fell into the river.其中一個孩子掉進了河裏。on落在⋯上the snow falling on the fields落在田野中的雪onto落在⋯上Loose bricks were falling down onto the ground.鬆脫的磚塊正往地上掉。to掉在⋯上The plate fell to the floor.盤子掉在了地板上。


2suddenly stop standing跌倒ADVERB | VERB + FALL | PHRASES ADVERBalmost, nearly幾乎/差點兒跌倒He stumbled and almost fell.他絆了一下,幾乎摔倒。headlong一頭栽下去She fell headlong, with a cry of alarm.她驚叫一聲,一頭栽了下去。down, over跌倒;跌下One of the children fell over.其中一個孩子跌倒了。backwards/backward, forward向後/向前跌倒VERB + FALLbe about to將要倒下The house looked as if it was about to fall down.這座房子看上去搖搖欲墜。PHRASESstumble and fall, trip and fall絆倒


3decrease降低ADVERB | VERB + FALL | PREPOSITION ADVERBdramatically, rapidly, sharply, significantly, steeply大幅/迅速/猛烈/顯著/急劇下降The price of coal fell sharply.煤炭價格急劇下跌。slightly略微下降steadily穩步下降VERB + FALLbe expected to, be likely to有望/很可能下跌Demand is likely to fall by some 15%.需求有可能下降 15% 左右。continue to繼續下跌PREPOSITIONbelow下降到⋯以下Winter temperatures never fall below 10°C.冬天氣溫從來沒有低於 10 攝氏度。by下降幅度為⋯Expenditure on education fell by 10% last year.去年教育支出下降了 10%。from從⋯下降The number of people unemployed has fallen from two million to just over one and a half million.失業人數已從 200 萬下降到 150 多一點兒。to降至⋯Her voice fell to a whisper.她的聲音變小,成了耳語。


4belong to a group屬於某類ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBsquarely完全屬於某一類別PREPOSITIONinto屬於⋯範圍Out of over 400 staff there are just 14 that fall into this category.400 多位員工中只有 14 位屬於這一類別。outside不在⋯範圍That topic falls outside the scope of this thesis.那個論題偏離了這篇論文論述的範圍。under歸入⋯項下This falls under the heading of scientific research.這屬於科學研究的領域。within屬於⋯範圍This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.這件事情完全在該委員會的管轄範圍之內。
IELTS BNC: 332 COCA: 410
fall verb
fall1 (the temperature falls) fall2 (fall into the river) fall3 (slip and fall on the ice) rain (rain/snow falls)
fall noun
overthrow (the rise and fall of the Roman Empire) reduction (a fall in popularity)


the temperature falls 温度下降fall into the river 掉进河里slip and fall on the ice 在冰上滑一跤 See also the entry for slump 另见slump条fall ♦︎ decline ♦︎ drop ♦︎ diminish ♦︎ decrease ♦︎ sink ♦︎ come downThese are all words that can be used when the amount, level or number of sth goes down. 这些词均表示数量减少或程度下降。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fall / decline / drop / diminish / decrease / sink / come down by 100, 25%, a half, etc.to fall / decline / drop / decrease / sink / come down from 15 000 to 1 000to decline / diminish / decrease / come down in number, level, size, etc.to decline / diminish / decrease with age, time, experience, etc.numbers fall / decline / drop / diminish / decrease / come downlevels fall / decline / drop / decreaseprices / rates fall / decline / drop / decrease / sink / come downprofits / sales fall / decline / drop / decrease / sinkthe temperature falls / dropssb's voice falls / drops / sinksto fall / decline / drop / diminish / decrease / sink sharply / rapidlyto fall / decline / drop / decrease dramatically / suddenlyto fall / decline / drop / diminish / decrease slightly / slowly / gradually / steadily fall (fell, fallen) [intransitive, transitive] to become lower or less in level, number or strength (数量)减少;(水平)下降;(强度)减小Their profits have fallen by 30 per cent.他们的利润减少了30%。The temperature fell sharply in the night.夜间温度陡降。Falling birth rates could have an impact on future economic growth.下降的出生率可能会对未来的经济增长产生影响。 (written) Her voice fell to a whisper.她的声音变小,成了耳语。Share prices fell 30p.股价下跌了30便士。OPP rise rise see also fall reduction noun decline dɪˈklaɪn [intransitive] (rather formal, especially written) to become lower or less in level, number, size, strength or importance (水平、数量、大小、强度或重要性)减少,下降,衰退The number of tourists visiting the resort declined by 10% last year.去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了10%。Manufacturing industry has slowly declined in importance.制造业已慢慢变得不如从前那么重要了。OPP increase rise see also decline reduction noun drop (-pp-) [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to become lower or less in level, number or strength (数量)减少;(水平)下降;(强度)减小The Dutch team have dropped to fifth place.荷兰队已降至第五名。At last the wind dropped.风势终于减弱了。OPP rise , climb rise see also drop reduction noun NOTE 辨析 Fall, decline or drop?In many cases you can use any of these words. 这些词在很多情况下可以通用Sales have fallen / declined / dropped by 20%.销售额下降了20%。They can all be used to talk about numbers, levels, rates, prices, profits and sales. To talk about a loss of economic strength in a particular place or industry, use decline. 这些词均可描述数量、水平、比率、价格、利润和销售额。描述特定地方或行业的经济实力衰退用declineThe area / city / industry / market / sector has declined (in importance).该地区/城市/行业/市场/领域(的重要性)降低了。You can also use decline to talk about support for or interest in sth, or a person's health. A person's voice can fall or drop. Temperatures fall or drop. The wind can only drop. Things can fall or decline over a period of time, but drop cannot be used in the progressive tenses. * decline还可表示对事物的支持减少、兴趣下降或人的健康状况恶化。人的声音变小或温度下降用fall或drop均可。风势减弱只能用drop。fall和decline均可指在一段时间内减少、下降,而drop不能用于进行时Sales have been falling / declining.销售额一直在下降。falling / declining sales下降的销售额Sales have been dropping. dropping sales diminish dɪˈmɪnɪʃ [intransitive] (rather formal, especially written) to become lower or less in number, amount or strength (数目、数量或强度)减少,下降,变弱The world's resources are rapidly diminishing.世界的资源正在迅速减少。His influence has diminished with time.随着时间的推移,他的影响已不如从前了。Our efforts were producing diminishing returns (= we achieved less although we spent more time or money).我们加大了投入,收益却在递减。Numbers and amounts of sth can diminish, but figures, rates, levels, profits and sales cannot. * diminish可与number和amount搭配,指数量减少,但不能表示数字、比率、水平、利润和销售额下降。 OPP enhance improve 1 decrease [intransitive] (rather formal) to fall in number or level (数量)减少;(水平)下降The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year.今年新生人数从210减少到160。The number of quarrels among children decreases with age (= the older they are, the fewer quarrels they have).儿童间争吵的次数随着年龄增长而减少。OPP increase rise see also decrease reduction noun sink (sank, sunk) [intransitive] (especially business 尤用于商业) to fall in value or strength (价值或强度)降低,减弱The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar.英镑对美元的比价已降到历史新低。His voice sank almost to a whisper.他的声音渐低,几乎成了耳语。 OPP rise rise ˌcome ˈdown

phrasal verb

(came, come)(especially of prices) to fall in level (尤指价格)下降,降低The price of gas is coming down.煤气价格在下跌。Gas is coming down in price.煤气价格在下跌。OPP go up rise


the temperature falls 温度下降fall into the river 掉进河里slip and fall on the ice 在冰上滑一跤fall ♦︎ go down (sth) ♦︎ come down (sth) ♦︎ descend ♦︎ drop ♦︎ sink ♦︎ crash ♦︎ tumble ♦︎ topple ♦︎ plungeThese words all mean to move downwards, especially suddenly and/or by accident. 这些词均表示落下,尤指突然或意外地掉落、跌落。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fall / go / come / drop / sink / crash / tumble downto go down / come down / descend the stairs / stepsto go down / come down / descend a ladderto fall / plunge to your death fall (fell, fallen) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to go from a higher place to a lower place, especially suddenly and/or by accident (尤指突然或意外地)落下,掉落,跌落Several of the books had fallen onto the floor.这些书有几本掉到了地上。One of the kids fell into the river.其中有一个小孩掉进了河里。September had come and the leaves were starting to fall.已到9月了,树叶开始凋落。He fell 23 metres onto the rocks below.他掉到下面23米处的岩石上。 fall


[countable] She was killed in a fall from a horse.她从马背上掉下来摔死了。
ˌgo ˈdown sth ˌgo ˈdown

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone)to move from a higher place to a lower place; to fall to the ground 向下移动;落下;倒在地上I've been going up and down the stairs all day.我一整天都在楼梯上跑来跑去的。The sun went down below the horizon.太阳落到了地平线下。She tripped and went down with a bump.她绊了一下,重重地摔倒在地上。 OPP go up (sth)climb
ˌcome ˈdown sth ˌcome ˈdown

phrasal verb

(came, come)to move from a higher place to a lower place; to break and fall to the ground 向下移动;崩塌;坍塌She came down the steps two at a time.她一步跨两级地走下台阶。The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.随着一声可怕的巨响,天花板塌了下来。 OPP go up (sth)climb NOTE 辨析 Go down or come down? Go is usually used from the point of view of the person who is moving somewhere. Come is usually used from the point of view of the person or place that sb/sth is moving to or towards. * go通常是从行进者的角度出发,come通常是从目的地的角度出发。
descend dɪˈsend [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to go down from a higher place to a lower place 下去;下降The plane began to descend.飞机开始降落。She descended the stairs slowly.她缓慢地走下楼梯。 OPP ascend climb descent


[countable, usually singular] The plane began its descent to Heathrow.飞机开始向希思罗机场降落。
drop (-pp-) [intransitive] to fall by accident; to fall or sit down, especially because you are no longer able to stand (意外地)落下,掉下;(尤指因无法再站立而)倒下,坐下The climber slipped and dropped to his death.那个攀登者一失足掉下去摔死了。He staggered in and dropped into a chair.他摇摇晃晃地走了进来,一屁股坐在椅子上。 sink (sank, sunk) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of a person) to move downwards, especially by falling or sitting down; (of an object) to move slowly downwards (人)倒下,坐下;(物体)下沉,下陷She sank back into her seat.她坐回椅子上。The old man had sunk to his knees.老头跪了下去。The foundations of the building are starting to sink.楼房的地基开始下陷。 crash [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to hit sth hard while moving, causing noise and/or damage 猛撞;碰撞A brick crashed through the window.砖块哗啦一声砸穿了窗户。With a sweep of his hand he sent the glasses crashing to the floor.他一挥手把眼镜碰到地上摔碎了。The door crashed open.门砰的一声给砸开了。 tumble [intransitive] to fall suddenly and in a dramatic way 倒塌;坍塌The scaffolding came tumbling down.脚手架突然坍塌。 tumble


[countable, usually singular] The jockey took a nasty tumble at the third fence.骑师在第三道栅栏处重重摔下马来。
topple [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to become unsteady and fall down (失去平衡而)坠落,倒塌,倒下The pile of books toppled over.那摞书倒了。 plunge [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move suddenly forwards and/or downwards 突然前冲(或下落)She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet to her death.她没有站稳,从100英尺的高处跌下摔死了。


the temperature falls 温度下降fall into the river 掉进河里slip and fall on the ice 在冰上滑一跤fall ♦︎ fall over ♦︎ stumble ♦︎ trip ♦︎ fall downThese words all mean to stop standing suddenly. 这些词均表示突然倒下、跌倒。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to stumble / trip over sth fall (fell, fallen) (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) [intransitive] (especially written) to suddenly stop standing 突然倒下;跌倒She slipped and fell on the ice.她在冰上滑了一跤。 ˌfall ˈover

phrasal verb

(fell, fallen) (especially spoken) to suddenly stop standing 突然倒下;跌倒I fell over and cut my knee.我跌倒划破了膝盖。
stumble [intransitive] to hit your foot against sth while you are walking or running and fall or almost fall 绊脚The child stumbled and fell.孩子绊了一下,摔倒了。I stumbled over a rock.我在石头上绊了一下。 trip (-pp-) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to catch your foot on sth and fall or almost fall 绊;绊倒Someone will trip over that cable.有人会让那条电缆绊倒的。Be careful you don't trip up on the step.你小心别在台阶上绊倒了。 ˌfall ˈdown

phrasal verb

(fell, fallen)to suddenly stop standing 突然倒下;跌倒The house looked as if it was about to fall down.那座房子看起来摇摇欲坠。NOTE 辨析 Fall, fall over or fall down? Fall and fall over are only used to talk about people in this meaning; fall down can be used to talk about people, buildings, or other structures that can stand and then suddenly stop standing. Fall is used more in writing. In British English fall over is used more in speech. In American English fall down is used more in speech. * fall和fall over表达此义时只用于人,fall down可用于人、建筑物或其他可以直立而又突然倒下的结构体。fall多用于书面语。fall over多用于英式英语的口语。 fall down多用于美式英语的口语。
IELTS BNC: 332 COCA: 410
To become less in size, amount or value: crater, decrease, decline...
Relationships and membership of social groups: relationship, connection, association...
Invading and taking control by force: invade, occupy, suppress...
What roads, paths and areas of land do: ascend, bend, bifurcate...
Slopes and sloping: slope, tilt, incline...
What voices can do: break, choke, crack...
What light can do: reflect, flood, fade...
Pronunciation and pronouncing words: pronunciation, pronounce, articulation...
Movements downwards: fall, descent, plunge...
Rates of decrease and the process of decreasing: decrease, reduction, decline...
A defeat in a game or competition: defeat, rout, beating...
Changing social or professional status: acquire, ascent, bankrupt...
Parts of lakes, rivers and streams: backwater, bayou, bed...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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