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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 233 COCA: 232

A1 coins or notes (= special pieces of paper) that are used to buy things, or an amount of these that a person has货币;钱,金钱;财产

"How much money do you have on you?" "€100 in notes and a few coins."“你带了多少钱?”“一共100欧元纸钞和一些硬币。”
We invested the money in a high-interest bank account.我们将钱投入到一个高息银行账户。
I wanted to buy it but it cost too much money (= was too expensive).我想要买,但太贵了。
We spent so much money redecorating the house that we didn't have any left over for a holiday.我们花了太多的钱重新装修房子,没有余钱去度假了。
You'll have to change some money (= buy some foreign money) at the bank.你必须在银行兑换些钱。
How much money do you earn?你挣多少钱?
He enjoyed acting but he wasn't making (= earning) much money.他喜爱演戏,但并没有赚多少钱。
Her investments haven't made (= produced as profit) much money this year.她的投资今年没有很大的回报。
They made their money (= became rich) in the fashion business.他们做时装生意赚了大钱。
He tried to persuade me to put money into the company (= invest in the company).他想说服我投资那家公司。
The school needs to raise (= collect) money for new playground equipment.这间学校需要筹资购买操场设备。
Try to save (= keep) some money for your holiday.尽量多存些钱以备度假之用。
We're saving (= not spending as much) money by using volunteers.我们通过使用志愿者来节省开支。
I didn't like the job, but the money (= amount of pay) was good.我不喜欢那份工作,不过薪水不错。
Money is tight/short (= we don't have much money) at the moment.我们目前手头很紧。
I had some very expensive dental treatment recently, but it was money well spent - it'll save me problems in the future.我最近看牙花费很高,不过花得值,这样就不会有后患了。
money in sth

If you say that there is money in something, you mean that the activity will produce a profit.…有钱可赚,…有利可图

There's money in sport these days.目前体育市场有利可图。
If you help us, there's money in it for you.如果你帮助我们,你可以从中获利。

More examples

Everyone in the office is contributing money for his leaving present.

They've already run out of money and the building isn't even half-finished .

We're really struggling to find enough money to pay the rent at the moment.

Many buildings in the old part of the city are falling down, and the government has no money to repair them.

The organization has enlisted the support of many famous people in raising money to help homeless children.

IELTS BNC: 233 COCA: 232


ADJECTIVE | ... OF MONEY | VERB + MONEY | MONEY + VERB | MONEY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig大錢There is big money in golf for the top players.頂尖高爾夫球手能掙大錢。easy來得容易的錢He started stealing as a way of making easy money.他開始偷東西,靠這種手段輕鬆獲取錢財。bonus, extra獎金;外快 Whenever I have a little extra money, I buy clothes.只要有點兒外快,我就買衣服。hard-earned辛苦賺來的錢federal, government, public, taxpayers'聯邦政府的錢;政府的錢;公眾的錢;納稅人的錢Is this a good way to spend taxpayers' money?這樣用納稅人的錢好嗎?private個人錢財corporate企業的錢pin, pocket, spending零用錢Did your parents give you pocket money when you were little?小時候父母給你零花錢嗎?I don't know how much spending money to take on honeymoon.我不知道該帶多少零用錢去度蜜月。gas, lunch, petrol, rent煤氣錢;午飯錢;汽油錢;房租錢She gave him $5 lunch money.她給了他 5 美元午飯錢。He spent their rent money on beer.他拿他們付租金的錢去買啤酒了。bail保釋金prize獎金grant, scholarship資助款;獎學金sponsorship贊助金borrowed, stolen借來的錢;偷來的錢dirty非法錢財bribe, ransom賄賂金;贖金They demanded $1 million in ransom money.他們索要 100 萬美元的贖金。hush, protection封口費;保護費The company paid hush money to the victims to keep them quiet.公司給受害人付了封口費。soft (NAmE) 軟性捐款He contributed $180 000 in soft money (= unregulated political donations) to the party committee.他向該黨委員會捐贈 18 萬美元軟性捐款。pension, retirement養老金;退休金seed本錢oil石油資金The new airport terminal was built with oil money.新的航站樓是用石油資金建造的。paper紙幣The collection box was full of coins and paper money.募捐箱裏裝滿了硬幣和紙幣。counterfeit, fake (especially NAmE) 偽鈔;假幣Monopoly, play (especially NAmE) 玩具鈔;假錢... OF MONEYamount, sum一筆錢the large sums of money we handle in this store我們在這個商店經手的大筆錢款VERB + MONEYhave有錢I don't have any money left.我一分錢都沒有了。coin, print鑄幣;印鈔count, count out數錢borrow, bring in, collect, earn, get, make, raise, receive借錢;掙錢;募錢;賺錢;籌款;拿到錢He hoped the plan would bring in quite a bit of money.他希望這個計劃能掙大錢。Some people were in the street collecting money for charity.一些人在街上為慈善事業募捐。How much money did he earn last year?他去年掙了多少錢?I'll have to get some more money from somewhere.我得想辦法再從什麼地方弄點兒錢。bank, deposit, pay in, pay into the bank, put in the bank, put into the bank把錢存進銀行;存錢The stallholders bank their money at the end of the day.攤販們結束一天的生意後把錢存入銀行。I need to pay this money in today.我今天得把錢存進銀行。I pay my money into the bank as soon as I get paid.我一拿到報酬就存進銀行。draw out, get out, take out, withdraw從銀行取錢;提取錢款divert, move, transfer轉移錢款;轉賬The money was transferred into an offshore bank account.那筆錢轉進了一個海外銀行賬戶。pay out, shell out, spend付出錢;付(一大筆)錢;花錢I spent all the money on clothes.我把那些錢全都花在衣服上了。fritter away, lose, squander, throw away, waste浪費金錢;輸錢;亂花錢;揮霍金錢;浪費錢She lost a lot of money at the casino.她在賭場輸掉了很多錢。He squandered his money on gambling.他把金錢揮霍在賭博上。run out of花光錢款We ran out of money and had to come home early.我們錢都花光了,不得不提早回家。be careful with, hoard, save, set aside, stash away花錢很小心;積存錢;存錢;留出錢;攢錢an old miser who hoarded his money積蓄錢財的老吝嗇鬼We're trying to set some money aside for a new car.我們正使勁攢錢買新車。She stashed the money away in the bank.她把錢存進了銀行。invest, tie up投資;把錢擱死They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.他們明智地把獎金用於投資而不是花掉。All their money was tied up in long-term investments.他們所有的錢都擱死在長線投資上了。pour, pump, put, sink投入大筆金錢;注資;放錢;投錢Investors were pouring money into Internet start-ups.投資者把大筆錢投進因特網創業公司。He sank most of his money into his struggling business.他把自己的大部份錢都砸在他那勉力維持的生意裏了。contribute, donate, give sb, lend sb, loan sb, pay (sb), provide (sb with), put up捐錢;給某人錢;借給某人錢;貸給某人錢;付錢(給某人);(為某人)提供金錢Half the money raised was donated to charity.募集來的錢一半捐給了慈善事業。He managed to persuade his friend to put up the money for the venture.他說服了朋友為這個風險項目投資。give (sb) back, pay (sb) back, refund (sb), repay (sb)還錢(給某人);退還錢款(給某人);償還借款(給某人)I'll pay the money back next week, I promise.我保證下週還錢。The manager was unwilling to refund my money.經理不願意給我退錢。owe (sb)欠(某人)錢They owe lots of people money.他們欠很多人錢。pool, share湊錢;均分錢The friends pooled their money to buy tickets.這些朋友湊錢買了票。accept, take收下錢款;接受(某種)錢幣I don't think they'll accept Mexican money on the plane.我想飛機上他們不收墨西哥幣。The stores were very happy to take his money.商店都很樂意收他支付的貨幣。cost花費錢These cars cost a lot of money.這些轎車售價不菲。All these improvements will cost money.所有這些改善都是要花錢的。be worth值⋯錢That painting is worth a lot of money.那幅畫值很多錢。change, exchange換錢;兌換錢We changed our money into dollars at the airport.我們在機場把我們帶的錢兌換成了美元。allocate, earmark劃撥錢款;撥出專款The quality of public health care depends on the amount of money allocated to it.公共衞生保健水平取決於劃撥的錢款額度。This money has been earmarked for public projects.這筆錢已指定用於公共項目。channel, direct, funnel (NAmE) 輸送資金;引導資金流向Some of this money was funneled to secret CIA programs.這筆錢一部份撥給了中央情報局的機密項目。embezzle, extort, siphon off, steal挪用/侵佔/抽走/盜竊錢款Government officials were siphoning off money for personal gain.政府官員們把錢抽走用於謀取私利。launder洗錢He was charged with laundering money.他被指控洗錢。MONEY + VERBcome from sth錢來自⋯Money for the extension to the gallery came from the sale of old exhibits.擴建美術館的錢款來自售出舊展品的收入。go (on sth), go to錢(在⋯上)花掉;錢花在⋯上I don't know where all the money goes!我不知道錢都花在哪兒了!All his money went on women.他所有的錢都花在女人身上了。Most of the money went to pay for food.大部份錢都花在食物上了。come in, flow in, pour in, pour into sth錢款進賬;錢款流入;錢款湧入(⋯)She had two children to support and no money coming in.她要養活兩個孩子,卻沒有任何收入。buy sth金錢購買⋯the best car that money can buy用錢能夠買到的最好的轎車MONEY + NOUNmanagement理財manager理財經理You could consider hiring a professional money manager.你可以考慮雇一名專業的理財經理。problems錢的問題laundering洗錢launderer洗錢者market短期資金市場He made a fortune dealing on the money markets.他在短期資金市場上發了一筆大財。supply貨幣供應The solution to inflation lies in the control of the money supply.通貨膨脹問題的解決取決於對貨幣供應的管控。box (especially BrE) 儲錢罐order (NAmE) 匯票PREPOSITIONfor money為了錢He'll do anything for money!為了錢,他什麼都會幹!money for用作⋯的錢Where's the money for the milk?買牛奶的錢在哪兒?PHRASESbet money on sth, put money on sth在⋯上下賭注He's going to leave. I'd bet money on it.他要走,我敢打賭。He stopped to put money on a horse.他停下來在一匹馬上下了注。get money off sth從⋯中減去錢You might get some money off the price if it's an old model.如果是舊型號,可以折一部份價。get your money's worth錢花得上算The boat trip lasts three hours, so you certainly get your money's worth.乘船遊覽有 3 個小時,你的錢當然花得值。on the money完全正確His prediction was right on the money.他的預言對極了。put money in sb's pocket往某人口袋裏放錢The Senate recognized the need to put more money in the pockets of dairy farmers.參議院認識到有必要往奶農們口袋裏多放些錢。the smart money is on sth, the smart money says sth消息靈通人士把賭注押在⋯上;瞭解內情的人說⋯The smart money is on Brazil to win.知情者賭巴西勝出。take money off sth從⋯中扣除錢款He felt sorry for her and took some money off her bill.他很同情她,免去了她賬單上的一部份應付款。throw money at sth在⋯上大把花錢They tend to throw money at problems without trying to work out the best solution.他們往往遇到困難就大把花錢,而不是盡力去找出最好的解決辦法。throw your money around大肆揮霍金錢He thinks he can make friends by throwing his money around.他認為只要肯花錢就能交到朋友。value for money物有所值The hotel gives value for money.這家賓館提供的服務的確物有所值。 topic at business
IELTS BNC: 233 COCA: 232
money noun
money1 (make money) money2 (count the money) money3 (the family's money)


make money 赚钱count the money 点钞the family's money 家产money ♦︎ cash ♦︎ funds ♦︎ capital ♦︎ finance ♦︎ meansThese are all words for money that can be used to buy things. 这些词均表示钱、资金。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配government / public money / cash / funds / capital / financeto have / lack (the) money / cash / funds / capital / finance / the means ( to do sth)to be short of money / cash / funds / capitalto raise / provide / put up money / cash / funds / capital / finance (for sth)to get / obtain money / cash / funds / finance (for sth)to spend / borrow / invest money / cash / funds / capitalto lend money / cash / fundsto pay / save money / cash money [uncountable] what you earn by working or by selling things, and use to buy things 钱;薪水;收入He hoped the project would make money.他希望这个项目能赚钱。He returned the new TV to the store and got his money back.他将新电视机退还给商店,拿到了退款。This desk is worth a lot of money.这张书桌值很多钱。The money (= the pay) is great in my new job.我的新工作薪水很高。 See also the entry for income 另见income条 cash [uncountable] (informal) money that is available to be spent 金钱;资金She refused to part with her hard-earned cash.她拒绝交出辛苦挣来的钱。The company is strapped for cash (= without enough money).公司现在缺钱。 funds [plural] money that is available to be spent 金钱;资金The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine.医院正设法筹钱购买一台新的血液透析器。 see also fund fund noun , fund fund verb , funding investment NOTE 辨析 Cash or funds? Cash is more informal than funds but both words can be used in both a personal and a business context. * cash不如funds正式,但二者均可用于个人语境和商务语境I'm / The government is short of cash / funds.我/政府缺钱。 Cash, but not funds, can be used like an adjective before other nouns. * cash可像形容词一样用在其他名词前,但funds不能这样用The company is having cash flow problems.公司的资金周转出现了问题。The company is having funds flow problems. capital [uncountable, singular] money or property that is owned by a business or person; money that is invested in a business 财富;财产;资本;资金We don't have enough capital to buy new premises.我们没有足够的资金来购置新的营业场所。Our capital is all tied up in property.我们的资金全都投在了房地产上,无法动用。capital assets / goods / stock (= wealth in the form of buildings, equipment, etc.) 资本资产/货物/存量 finance [uncountable] (rather formal) money used to run a business, activity or project 资金Finance for education comes from taxpayers.教育经费来自纳税人。 Finances [plural] are the money available to a person, organization or country or the way this money is managed. 复数形式的finances指个人、组织或国家的财力或财务管理Moving house put a severe strain on our finances.搬家使我们的经济十分紧张。The firm's finances are basically sound.公司的财务状况大体上还不错。 see also finance finance noun , finance fund verb means [plural] the money or income that a person has and can use to pay for things (个人的)财富,钱财People should pay according to their means (= according to what they can afford).人应该依据自己的负担能力来消费。Private school fees are beyond the means of most people (= more than they can afford).私立学校的费用是大多数人无力支付的。Try to live within your means (= not spend more money than you have).要尽可能量入为出。money2


make money 赚钱count the money 点钞the family's money 家产money ♦︎ cash ♦︎ changeThese are all words for money in the form of coins or paper notes. 这些词均表示钱币、钞票。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to draw out / get out / take out / withdraw money / cashready money / cash (= money that you have available to spend immediately) money [uncountable] money in the form of coins or paper notes 钱币;钞票I counted the money carefully.我仔细点过这笔钱。Where can I change my money into dollars?什么地方能把我的钱兑换成美元?paper money (= money that is made of paper, not coins) 纸币 cash [uncountable] money in the form of coins or paper notes 钱币;钞票How much cash do you have on you?你身上带着多少现金?Payments can be made by cheque or in cash.支票或现金付款均可。Customers are offered a 10% discount if they pay cash.顾客若付现金,可获九折优惠。petty cash (= a small amount of money kept in an office for small payments) 办公室的小额备用现金 see also cash cash verb NOTE 辨析 Money or cash?If it is important to contrast money in the form of coins and notes and money in other forms, use cash. 强调现金而非其他形式的货币时用cashHow much money / cash do you have on you?你身上带着多少现金?Payments can be made by cheque or in money. Customers are offered a discount if they pay money. change [uncountable] the money that you get back when you have paid for sth giving more money than the amount it costs; coins rather than paper money 找给的零钱;找头;辅币;硬币That's 40p change.这是找给您的40便士。The ticket machine doesn't give change.自动售票机不找零。Do you have any change for the ticket machine?你有可以在自动售票机购票的硬币吗?a dollar in change (= coins that together are worth one dollar) 总值一元钱的硬币Can you give me change for a ten pound note (= coins or notes that are worth this amount)?你能换给我10英镑的零钱吗?I didn't have any small change (= coins of low value) to leave as a tip.我没有零钱留下来付小费。 see also change cash verb money3


make money 赚钱count the money 点钞the family's money 家产money ♦︎ wealth ♦︎ fortune ♦︎ prosperity ♦︎ riches ♦︎ affluenceThese are all words for the large amount of money and/or property that a rich person, organization or society has. 这些词均表示钱财、财产、财富。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) great wealth / fortune / prosperity / riches / affluencegrowing / increasing / rising wealth / prosperity / affluence(a) personal / family money / wealth / fortune / prosperity(a) private money / wealth / fortune / affluencepublic money / prosperitynational wealth / prosperityto have / possess / accumulate / acquire / inherit money / wealth / a fortune / richesto bring money / wealth / prosperity / riches / affluenceto create money / wealth / prosperity / affluenceto make money / a fortune (on / out of sth) money [uncountable] all the money and property that sb owns (个人的)财产,财富He lost all his money in the 1929 stock market crash.他在1929年的股市崩盘中失去了全部财产。The family made their money in the 18th century.这个家族在18世纪创下了家业。 wealth [uncountable] a large amount of money and property that a person, organization or country owns; the state of being rich 钱财;财富;富有;富裕She called for a redistribution of wealth and power in society.她呼吁对社会的财富和权力进行重新分配。The purpose of industry is to create wealth.勤劳的目的是致富。OPP poverty poverty see also wealthy rich fortune [countable, usually singular] a large amount of money 大笔的钱;巨款She inherited a share of the family fortune.她继承了一份家产。You don't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals.让家里人顿顿吃得美味又健康并不需要花很多钱。That ring must be worth a fortune.那枚戒指肯定价值不菲。A car like that costs a small fortune (= a lot of money).像这样的轿车要花一大笔钱。 prosperity prɒˈsperəti; NAmE prɑːˈsperəti [uncountable] (often approving) the state of being financially successful and able to enjoy a good standard of living 兴旺;富裕;繁荣The future prosperity of the region depends on economic growth.该地区未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity.国家正值太平盛世。 see also prosper do well , prosperous rich riches [plural] (literary) large amounts of money and valuable or beautiful possessions 财富;财产He embarked on a business career that eventually brought him fame and riches.他进入商界,最终名利双收。 see also rich rich affluence ˈæfluəns [uncountable] (sometimes disapproving) the state of being financially successful and able to enjoy a good standard of living 兴旺;富裕;繁荣The 1950s were an age of affluence in America.20世纪50年代是美国的富足时期。 see also affluent rich NOTE 辨析 Prosperity or affluence? Affluence is often used to contrast rich people or societies with poor ones, in a way that suggests that it is not always a good thing. * afflunce常用以对比富人和穷人、富裕的社会和贫穷的社会,暗示富裕并非总是好事the city's mixture of private affluence and public squalor个人的富裕与市容的肮脏共存于这个城市 Prosperity is not used in this way: it is always seen as a good thing and is sth that you can wish for other people. * prosperity没有这种用法,prosperity总是被视为好事,可用以祝福他人the city's mixture of private prosperity and public squalor Please drink to the health and prosperity of the bride and groom.让我们为新娘和新郎的健康和富足干杯。It would be considered greedy to wish for money, wealth, fortune, riches or affluence, even for sb else. 希望自己甚至是祝愿他人拥有money、wealth、fortune、riches或affluence都会被视为贪婪Please drink to the health and money/wealth/fortune/riches/affluence of the bride and groom.
IELTS BNC: 233 COCA: 232

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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