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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

roll verb MOVE

B2 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ] to (cause something to) move somewhere by turning over and over or from side to side(使)翻滚;(使)滚动

The vase rolled off the edge of the table and smashed.花瓶从桌边滚落下来摔得粉碎。
The dog rolled over onto its back.那只狗翻了个身四爪朝天躺着。
I rolled the wheel along the side of the road back to the car.我沿路边把车轮滚回到汽车旁。

B2 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ] to move somewhere easily and without sudden movements滚动;滚移;飘移

A tear rolled down his cheek.一滴泪水顺着他的脸颊滚下。
A wave of cigarette smoke rolled towards me.有人在抽烟,一团烟雾向我这边飘来。
The piano's on wheels, so we can roll it into the room.钢琴装有轮子,所以我们可以把它推进屋里来。

[ I ] If an aircraft or a ship rolls, it leans to one side and then to the other because of the wind or waves.(船或飞机因为风或浪而)摇晃,摇摆

[ I ] If a machine is rolling, it is operating.(机器)运转,启动,开动

Just as the television cameras started rolling, it began to pour down with rain.正当电视摄像机启动拍摄时,突然下起了瓢泼大雨。

C2 [ T ] If you roll your eyes, you move them so that you are looking up, to show that you consider someone or something stupid or silly.(表示认为某人或某事很愚蠢)翻(白眼),向上翻动(眼球)

When he suggested they should buy a new car, she rolled her eyes in disbelief.他建议说他们应该买辆新车,她翻了翻白眼,一副不相信的样子。

More examples

You roll the dice and whoever gets the highest score goes first.

An apple rolled out of the bag.

He rolled the ball back to the goalkeeper.

How do we decide who rolls first?

The ship was rolling violently from side to side.

roll verb TURN OVER

B1 [ T usually + adv/prep ] to (cause something to) turn over onto itself to form the shape of a ball or a tube(使)卷;(使)绕;裹;滚搓

He rolled the clay into a ball in his hands.他把黏土用手搓成一个球。
As I got closer, the hedgehog rolled itself (up) into a ball.我靠近时,刺猬缩成了一个球。

[ T ] to make a cigarette by wrapping a piece of paper around some tobacco卷(烟)

[ I or T, + adv/prep ] to fold over a piece of clothing or material to make it shorter(被)卷起

We rolled back the carpet to see the floorboards.我们把地毯卷了起来查看地板。

More examples

He rolled a cigarette while he was waiting.

You should roll your sleeves up if you don't want them to get dirty.

By rolling up his sleeping bag he was able to fit it into his rucksack.

Roll the mixture in your hands and then dip it into the batter.

She rolled up the newspaper and used it to swat the fly.

roll verb SMOOTH

[ T ] to make something smooth and flat擀平;碾平;滚平

[ + obj + adj ] She borrowed a garden roller to roll the grass flat.她借了一台园圃滚压器来把草地轧平。
When you have rolled (out) the pastry, place it in a pie dish.把馅饼皮擀好后放入馅饼盘里。

roll verb SOUND

[ I ] to make a continuous, repeated, deep sound发出持续而低沉的声音,隆隆作响,轰轰响

The drums rolled as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.在咚咚鼓声的伴奏下,杂技演员在钢丝上行走。

[ T ] If you roll your r's, you pronounce them with your tongue moving quickly and repeatedly against the top of the mouth.发…的舌尖颤音

When you speak Spanish you roll your r's.说西班牙时要用舌尖颤音发r音。

roll noun TUBE

B2 [ C ] a piece of film, paper, or cloth that is rolled into the shape of a tube一卷;筒形物;卷轴

a roll of carpet一卷地毯
a toilet roll (= a roll of toilet paper)一卷卫生纸

[ C ] If a person or animal has rolls of fat on their body, he, she, or it is very fat.(人或动物身上由于肥胖而突起的)赘肉,肥肉

The dog had rolls of fat along its neck.这条狗脖子上有一圈圈的赘肉。

More examples

a roll of film

loo roll

a roll of Sellotape

a roll of wallpaper

a roll of clingfilm

roll noun BREAD

B1 [ C ] also bread roll a small loaf of bread for one person面包卷;小圆面包

Would you like a roll and butter with your soup?要不要来份黄油面包卷配你的汤?
UK I bought a cheese/ham/tuna roll (= a sandwich made with a roll) for lunch.我午饭买了一个奶酪/火腿/金枪鱼面包卷吃。

roll noun LIST

[ C ] an official list of names名单;花名册;登记表

Is your name on the electoral roll (= the list of people who can vote)?你的名字在选民册上吗?
take/call the roll mainly US

If you take/call the roll, you read aloud the names of all the people on the list to make certain that they are present.点名

The teacher called the roll to see if any students were absent.老师点名看是否有学生缺勤。

roll noun MOVEMENT

[ C ] an act of rolling on the ground滚动;打滚;翻滚

The dog went for a roll in the grass.狗跑到草丛里打了个滚。
a roll in the hay humorous

sexual activity that is quick and enjoyable and does not involve serious feelings苟合;野合(快速、享乐的性行为,不涉及认真的感情)

I wouldn't sacrifice my marriage for a roll in the hay with a waitress.我绝不会为了在一个女服务生身上找刺激而牺牲我的婚姻。

[ U ] The roll of a ship or aircraft is its movement from side to side in the water or air.(船或飞机的)左右摇晃,摇摆

roll noun SOUND

[ C usually singular ] a continuous repeated deep sound发出持续而低沉的声音,隆隆作响,轰轰响

a drum roll一阵鼓声
a deafening roll of thunder一阵震耳欲聋的雷声




1bread麪包ADJECTIVEbread麪包捲crusty, soft脆皮麪包捲;軟麪包捲dinner, finger, kaiser, morning, sub, submarine晚餐包;指捲麪包;凱撒捲;早餐小麪包;潛艇三明治brown (especially BrE) , white (especially BrE) , wholegrain, wholemeal, wholewheat黑麪包捲;白麪包捲;全麥麪包捲sweet甜麪包捲cinnamon肉桂捲buttered, filled (BrE) 黃油/夾心麪包捲cheese, ham, lobster (NAmE) , etc.奶酪捲、火腿捲、龍蝦捲等


2list of names名單ADJECTIVE | VERB + ROLL | ROLL + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEblog, honour/honor, jobless, membership, registration, school, tax, welfare (NAmE) 博客名單;光榮榜;失業人員名單;成員名單;登記冊;學校花名冊;納稅清冊;福利救濟人員名冊My daughter's grades improved and she made the honor roll. (NAmE) 我女兒的成績提高了,還上了光榮榜。electoral, voter, voting (NAmE) 選民名冊falling (BrE) 減少的名單Falling rolls could lead to smaller class sizes.名單人數減少可以使班級規模小一些。VERB + ROLLremove sb from把某人從名冊上刪去Eligible voters had been removed from the voting rolls.符合條件的投票人被從選民名冊上刪去了。call, take點名The chairman called the roll (= to see if everyone was present).主席點了名。ROLL + NOUNcall點名Staff evacuated the building and a roll call was taken outside.職員撤離大樓,在外面點名。PREPOSITIONon (the) roll在名冊上There are 340 children on the school roll.該校在冊學童 340 人。PHRASESa roll of honour (BrE) 榮譽名冊Her name was engraved on sport's roll of honour.她的名字記錄在體育光榮榜裏。


1move by turning over滾動ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBslowly慢慢滾動quickly快速滾動He quickly rolled over and got to his feet.他快速滾了幾下後站了起來。gently輕輕滾動smoothly平穩地行駛The black car rolled smoothly down the street.黑色轎車平穩地沿街行駛。lazily懶洋洋地轉動She lazily rolled her head on the pillow.她懶洋洋地把頭在枕頭上轉來轉去。easily容易滾動The boulder easily rolled aside.那塊巨礫很快就滾到了一邊。along, around, away, back, backwards/backward, down, forward, over滾動向前;四處滾動;滾走;滾回來;向後滾;向下滾;向前滾;滾過The tigers rolled over and over in the mud.這些老虎在泥裏滾來滾去。PREPOSITIONdown沿⋯滾下A tear rolled slowly down her cheek.一滴眼淚慢慢從她的臉頰上滾落下來。off滾落


2make sth into the shape of a ball/tube捲成球狀或筒狀ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBtightly緊緊捲起She carried the magazine tightly rolled up in her hand.她手裏拿着一本捲得緊緊的雜誌。up捲起PREPOSITIONinto捲成He rolled the paper into a tight ball.他把紙緊緊團成一個球。


3of a ship/plane船;飛機ADVERBheavily (BrE) 猛烈搖擺slightly微微搖擺
roll noun
roll (a roll of paper/film/coins) list (the electoral roll)
roll verb
roll (roll onto your back) fold (roll up your sleeves) rumble (thunder rolls) slide (a car rolls down a hill) spin (a dog rolls in the mud) wrap sb/sth around/round sb/sth (roll up the carpet)


roll ♦︎ bundle ♦︎ reel ♦︎ wad ♦︎ spoolThese are all words for sth that is rolled up or wrapped around sth in order to make it easier to use or carry. 这些词均表示形状为卷、捆、扎的物品。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a roll / bundle / reel / wad / spool of sthin a roll / bundle / reel / wad / spoolon a roll / reel / spoola big / thick roll / bundle / wad roll [countable] a long piece of a thin material such as paper, fabric or film, that has been wrapped around itself or a tube several times so that it forms the shape of a tube 卷;卷轴She put the new roll of film in the camera.她把新胶卷放入相机中。Wallpaper is sold in rolls.壁纸论卷销售。 (BrE) Around 600 million toilet rolls (= rolls of toilet paper) are sold each year in the UK.英国每年销售约6亿卷卫生纸。Especially in American English, a roll is also a number of round objects such as coins or pieces of candy held together in a tube shape by paper wrapped around them. 尤其在美式英语中,roll亦指一卷包起来的圆柱形物体,如硬币或糖果a roll of dimes / mints一卷面值为一角的硬币;一管薄荷糖 see also roll wrap sb/sth around/round sb/sth bundle [countable] a number of things tied or wrapped together; sth that is wrapped up 一捆,一包,一扎(物品)I dropped the bundle of papers on his desk.我把那捆报纸放到他办公桌上。He tied his belongings up in a bundle and left.他把他的东西打包后离开了。 ˌbundle sth ˈup/toˈgether

phrasal verb

He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag.他把脏衣服捆起来塞进袋子里。
reel [countable] a round object with top and bottom edges that stick out and around which you wind wire or film; the film or wire that is wound around a reel 卷轴;卷盘;卷筒;一卷胶卷(或金属丝)He wanted to buy a new fishing reel.他想买个新的渔线轮。She threaded a new reel of film into the projector.她把一卷新的电影胶片放入放映机。The hero was killed in the final reel (= in the final part of the film).主角在电影结尾被杀。In British English a reel can also be used for winding thread around. 在英式英语中,reel亦可指线轴The sewing basket and a box of cotton reels lay at her feet.她的脚边放着缝纫篮和一盒棉线轴。In American English a reel of thread is called a spool. 在美式英语中,线轴称为spool。 NOTE 辨析 Roll or reel?A roll of film is what you use in a camera for taking still pictures (= photographs). A reel of film is used for making and playing back moving pictures (= films). * a roll of film指一卷相机用的胶卷,a reel of film指一盘电影胶片。 wad wɒd; NAmE wɑːd [countable] a thick pile of sth, especially paper or paper money, that has been folded or rolled together (尤指纸张或钞票的)卷,沓,捆He pulled a thick wad of notes out of his pocket.他从衣袋里掏出厚厚一沓钞票。She came in with tears streaming down her face, clutching a wad of tissues.她进来时泪流满面,手里还攥着一叠纸巾。 spool [countable] (especially NAmE) a reel for/of thread or thin wire 一轴线(或细金属丝);线辘;线轴Place a spool of thread on the sewing machine.把线轴放到缝纫机上。


roll ♦︎ turn (sth) over ♦︎ flip ♦︎ overturn ♦︎ capsize ♦︎ tip (sth) overThese words all mean to turn onto the other side or upside down. 这些词均表示翻转。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to roll / turn / flip / tip sth overto roll / overturn a carto overturn / capsize a boatto overturn / tip over a chaira car turns over / flips over / overturnsa boat turns over / flips over / overturns / capsizes roll [intransitive, transitive] to turn onto the other side or upside down while moving across a surface; to make sb/sth do this (使)翻身,翻转She rolled over to let the sun brown her back.她翻了个身,让太阳把她的背晒成古铜色。I rolled the baby over onto its stomach.我让婴儿翻过身去趴着。Take it in turns to roll the dice (= in a game).轮流掷骰子。 (NAmE) She rolled her car in a 100 mph crash.她在时速100英里时发生撞车事故,车翻了。 ˌturn ˈover ˌturn sth ˈover

phrasal verb

to change position so that the other side is facing outwards or upwards; to make sb/sth do this (使)翻身,翻转She turned over and went to sleep.她翻了个身睡着了。The car skidded and turned over.汽车滑向一侧翻倒了。Brown the meat on one side and then turn it over.先把肉的一面煎至呈褐色,然后翻过来煎另一面。
flip (-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] to turn over with a sudden quick movement; to make sb/sth do this (使)快速翻转,迅速翻动The plane flipped and crashed.飞机猛地翻转,撞毁了。It cannoned into the other car and flipped over onto its roof.它猛地撞到另一辆汽车,翻了个底朝天。He flipped the lid open and looked inside the case.他猛地翻开盖子,朝箱里看。 overturn ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn; NAmE ˌoʊvərˈtɜːrn [intransitive, transitive] to turn upside down or on its side; to make sth do this (使)倾倒,倾覆,翻倒The car skidded and overturned.汽车打滑翻倒了。He stood up quickly, overturning his chair.他猛地站起来,弄翻了椅子。 capsize kæpˈsaɪz; NAmE ˈkæpsaɪz [intransitive, transitive](of a boat) to turn over in the water; to make a boat do this (船)翻转,倾覆;使(船)倾覆The boat capsized and sank.船倾覆沉没了。Wind pressure on the huge rotors could capsize the ship.加在巨大转子上的风压可能会使船倾覆。 ˌtip ˈover ˌtip sth ˈover

phrasal verb

(-pp-)(of sth that stands upright) to turn over and fall; to make sth do this (使从直立状态)跌倒,倾覆The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere.杯子倒了,热咖啡溅得到处都是。The big man stood up, tipping his chair over.高个子男人站了起来,把他的椅子弄倒了。
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of roll
  • # v.
    簸蕩: rock, roll
    翻滾: roll, thresh, wallow
    滾: boil, roll, trundle
    滾動: roll, scroll, trundle, tumble, welter
    捲: carry along, coil, curl, furl, roll, sweep off
    揉: knead, roll, rub
    軋: roll, roll steel, gin
  • # n.
    幅: breadth, roll, width
    籍: birthplace, book, hometown, membership, native land, roll
    卷: reel, roll, spool, book, chapter, examination paper
    面卷: roll
    名冊: register, roll
    壓延: roll

0_0: Definitions of roll
  • # verb.
    - move or cause to move in a particular direction by turning over and over on an axis.
    * the car rolled down into a ditch
    - (of a vehicle) move or run on wheels.
    * the van was rolling along the highway
    - turn (something flexible) over and over on itself to form a cylinder, tube, or ball.
    * he rolled the handkerchief into a ball
    - flatten or spread (something) by using a roller or by passing it between rollers.
    * roll out the dough on a floured surface
    - (of a loud, deep sound such as that of thunder or drums) reverberate.
    * the first peals of thunder rolled across the sky
    - rob (someone, typically when they are intoxicated or asleep).
    * if you don't get drunk, you don't get rolled
  • # noun.
    - a cylinder formed by winding flexible material around a tube or by turning it over and over on itself without folding.
    * a roll of carpet
    - a movement in which someone or something turns or is turned over on itself.
    * a roll of the dice
    - a prolonged, deep, reverberating sound, typically made by thunder or a drum.
    * thunder exploded, roll after roll
    - a very small loaf of bread, to be eaten by one person.
    * soup with a roll
    - an official list or register of names.
    * the school had no one by his name on its roll
    - undulation of the landscape.
    * hidden by the roll of the land was a refinery
    - a roller for flattening something, especially one used to shape metal in a rolling mill.

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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