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🔍 劍橋詞典 🎯
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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 1011 COCA: 1060


ADJECTIVE | VERB + MOUTH | MOUTH + VERB | MOUTH + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, cavernous, enormous, huge, large, wide大嘴;巨口;寬口small, tiny小嘴;小口beautiful, perfect, pretty, rosebud, sensual, sensuous漂亮的嘴巴;完美的嘴巴;玫瑰花蕾般的嘴巴;性感的嘴巴red紅嘴巴firm, hard, strong堅毅的嘴;堅定的嘴A smile played around his strong mouth.他堅毅的嘴角掛着一絲微笑。soft柔軟的嘴hot, warm灼熱的嘴;溫暖的嘴slack鬆弛的嘴巴;嘴不嚴full唇形豐滿的嘴lipless, thin無唇的嘴巴;唇形單薄的嘴toothless無牙的嘴wet濕潤的嘴dry, tight發乾的嘴巴;繃緊的嘴A tight mouth was the only sign of her nerves.只能從她緊閉的嘴巴看出她很緊張。gaping, half-open, open張大的/半張的/張開的嘴巴closed緊閉的嘴巴smiling掛着微笑的嘴hungry嗷嗷待哺者She has four hungry mouths to feed.有四張飢餓的嘴等着她哺餵。sore, swollen疼痛的/腫脹的嘴巴VERB + MOUTHopen張開嘴clamp shut, close, shut, snap shut緊閉嘴巴;閉上嘴巴cover捂住嘴巴He covered his mouth to hide his yawn.他捂着嘴偷偷打了個哈欠。cup, gag扣住/塞住嘴巴Suddenly a hand cupped her mouth.突然,一隻手扣住了她的嘴巴。wipe擦嘴He wiped his greasy mouth on his sleeve.他用袖子擦了擦油乎乎的嘴。rinse, rinse out, wash out漱口The dentist told him to rinse his mouth out.牙醫叫他漱漱口。fill, stuff填滿/塞滿嘴巴He coughed as the blood filled his mouth.他咳出的血弄得滿嘴都是。He began to stuff his mouth with pasta.他開始往嘴裏塞意大利面。foam at, froth at口吐白沫The dog was foaming at the mouth and near death.這隻狗口吐白沫,快要死了。burn燙嘴The hot coffee burned her mouth.熱咖啡燙了她的嘴。kiss親嘴purse噘嘴MOUTH + VERBdrop, drop open, fall open, gape, hang open, open, sag open嘴巴不自覺地張開;嘴巴張開;嘴張着Our mouths dropped open in surprise.我們驚奇地張大了嘴。widen嘴巴咧開His mouth widened to a smile.他咧開嘴笑了。close, shut嘴合上clamp shut, snap shut嘴繃緊;嘴閉緊be contorted, be set, compress, contort, harden, purse, set, tighten, turn down, twist嘴巴歪斜;嘴巴緊閉;嘴巴扭曲;嘴巴噘起;嘴巴緊繃;嘴巴下撇His mouth compressed into a thin, hard line.他緊抿雙唇。'Get out!' she shouted, her mouth contorted by emotion.“滾出去!”她喊道,嘴巴都氣歪了。Her mouth suddenly set in a determined line.她突然雙唇緊閉,神態堅決。curl, curve, lift, quirk, stretch, tilt, turn up撇嘴;噘嘴;咧嘴;歪嘴;翹嘴Her mouth curved into a smile.她嘴角露出一絲微笑。His mouth lifted in a wry smile.他嘴角動了動,苦笑了一下。droop, sag嘴角下垂pout嘴嘟起twitch嘴抽動quiver, tremble嘴巴顫抖water流口水My mouth started watering when I smelled the food.聞到食物的香味,我開始流口水了。be dry, go dry口乾;口渴taste like sth嘴裏好像有⋯味MOUTH + NOUNsore, ulcer (BrE) 口腔潰瘍cancer口腔癌care (especially NAmE) 口腔護理Good mouth care is very important when you are having chemotherapy.接受化療期間口腔護理非常重要。rinse漱口PREPOSITIONaround your mouth嘴巴周圍There were lines of tension around his mouth.他的嘴角透着幾分緊張。across your mouth掠過嘴角A cool smile played across her mouth.她嘴角露出一絲冷笑。in your mouth在口中I could taste blood in my mouth.我能感覺到口中的血腥味。over your mouth覆蓋嘴角She put her hand over her mouth to stifle the cough.她用手捂着嘴避免咳出聲。PHRASESthe back of the mouth, the roof of the mouth口腔後部/頂部I was so thirsty my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth.我口渴極了,舌頭都粘到腭壁去了。the corner of the mouth, the side of the mouth嘴角There was blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.血從他的嘴角流出來。The corners of her mouth turned up in a slight smile.她嘴角上翹,微微笑了笑。keep your mouth shut (= don't speak) 保持緘默(have) your mouth full (= full of food) 滿口食物Don't talk with your mouth full!嘴裏塞滿食物時不要說話!a mouth to feed需要養活的人Twins would mean two extra mouths to feed.雙胞胎就意味着需要多養活兩口人。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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