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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 12406 COCA: 15006

the feeling of being annoyed, especially because you can do nothing to solve a problem惱怒,憤怒;激怒

There is growing exasperation within the government at the failure of these policies to reduce unemployment.由於這些減少失業的政策不能奏效,政府内部越來越多的人感到懊惱。
After ten hours of fruitless negotiations, he stormed out of the meeting in exasperation.經過10個小時徒勞無功的漫長談判,他憤然沖出會場。
BNC: 12406 COCA: 15006


ADJECTIVE | ... OF EXASPERATION | VERB + EXASPERATION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEsheer, utter極其/絕對惱怒mild輕微惱怒... OF EXASPERATIONhint一絲怒氣VERB + EXASPERATIONfeel感到惱怒express, vent表達憤怒;發洩憤怒The organization has expressed its exasperation with the government.這個組織已表達了對政府的憤怒之情。hide掩飾憤怒PREPOSITIONin exasperation憤怒地She rolled her eyes in sheer exasperation.她氣急敗壞地翻了個白眼兒。He groaned in exasperation.他氣憤地抱怨。with exasperation憤怒地He snorted with exasperation.他憤怒地哼了一聲。exasperation at對⋯的惱怒the exasperation he felt at his failure他對自己的失敗產生的惱怒exasperation with對⋯的憤怒their exasperation with the government rules他們對政府規定的憤怒PHRASESa groan, grunt, sigh, etc. of exasperation惱怒的哼聲、咕噥聲、歎息聲等With a groan of exasperation, he picked up the bags himself.他惱怒地歎口氣,自己拿起了行李。
BNC: 12406 COCA: 15006
exasperation noun
BNC: 12406 COCA: 15006
Anger and annoyance: asperity, anger, annoyance...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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