Considering how bad her injuries are, she's coping very well. 考虑到她的伤,她算是应付得很好了。
Young people especially find it difficult to cope with death. 年轻人尤其感到很难面对死亡。
a seminar on coping with stress in the workplace 以“应付职场压力”为主题的研讨会
Jimmy overcame his difficulties to graduate with a first-class degree. 吉米克服了种种困难,以一等的学位成绩毕业。
What can I do to overcome my fear of rejection? 我怎样才能克服对遭到拒绝的恐惧?
Both actors have the stylish self-confidence needed to carry off these roles. 两位演员都具有演好这些角色所需的优雅的自信。
John was able to surmount all these obstacles to become an outstanding leader. 约翰能够克服所有这些障碍并成为一位出色的领导人。
I can't work out what to do. 我想不出该怎么办。
We've worked out our differences. 我们已经消除了我们之间的分歧。
An international peace plan has been worked out. 一项国际和平方案已经被制订出来。
All the staff are trained to handle difficult customers. 所有的工作人员都接受了应付难缠顾客的培训。
‘Do you need any help?' ‘No, I can manage.' “你需要帮忙吗?” “不,我能对付。”
My aunt managed so well after her husband died. 我婶婶在她丈夫死后日子过得还不错。
Can you manage with all those bags? 你拿得动所有那些包吗?
We couldn't have managed without their help. 没有他们的帮助我们没法对付。
She won't shrug off this latest attack quite so well. 她不会那么轻松就把最近遭受的这次攻击化解掉。
The crisis was resolved by negotiation. 通过谈判解决了危机。
A meeting has been called to resolve the dispute. 为解决争端已召开了一个会议。
Oil companies say they will absorb these price rises, and not pass them on to customers. 石油公司说他们会承担价格的上涨,不会把费用转移到顾客身上。
The aim of the agreement is to break down barriers to trade. 签定这份协议的目的是扫除贸易障碍。
Doctors assured her that her symptoms had been caught early enough to treat. 医生让她放心,说她的症状已被及早发现,还来得及治疗。
The company has cleared the main obstacle to concluding the sale. 公司已经清除了完成销售任务的主要障碍。
The first hurdle to clear is persuading investors of the merits of the product. 要跨越的第一道障碍是使投资者相信该产品的优点。
Obviously the misunderstanding will have to be cleared up. 显然这一误解必须得到澄清。
The case was never cleared up. 那个案子一直没有弄清楚。
Her refusal to compromise infuriated her colleagues. 她拒绝让步,这激怒了她的同事。
We simply cannot compromise on the question of human rights. 我们就是不能在人权问题上让步。
She had surgery to correct a defect in her left eye. 她做了左眼矫正手术。
We need to correct the imbalance in men and women's pay. 我们必须纠正男女工资的不平衡。
Caffeine is known to counter tiredness. 人们都知道咖啡因能够消除疲劳。
The film's main characters counter the familiar racial stereotypes. 电影中的主要角色反对人们熟悉的种族陈规。
measures to counteract traffic congestion 缓解交通拥挤的措施
Detectives believe they are near to cracking the case. 侦探们认为他们已经快要侦破这个案件了。
It was a code that seemed impossible to crack. 这是个看似无法破译的密码。
I've been trying all morning to get this to work, and I've finally cracked it. 我整个上午都在想把这个摆弄好,现在终于搞定了。
Better quality control might cure our production problems. 更好的质量管理可能会解决我们的生产问题。
We need to cut through the political rhetoric and see what really lies behind the policy. 我们要透过政治辞令弄清这项政策背后真正的含义。
Please dispose of your litter thoughtfully. 请把废弃物仔细清理干净。
Most complaints can be disposed of pretty quickly. 大多数投诉可以相当快地得到处理。
Ghana had disposed of Togo with a 1–0 victory. 加纳以1比0战胜多哥。
Is it too late to fix their marriage? 挽救他们的婚姻是不是太晚了?
You can't get around the fact that smoking kills. 你不能回避吸烟致命的事实。
There are many hurdles still to get over before the new restaurant can open. 新饭店开张之前,我们还要克服很多的困难。
The refugees will need help to get through the winter. 这些难民需要帮助才能熬过这个冬天。
I just have to get through the first five minutes of my speech, and then I'll be fine. 演讲时只要熬过前5分钟我就不会紧张了。
They're meeting in Berlin to iron out the final details of the contract. 他们将在柏林会面,敲定合同的最后细节。
We'll soon have this thing licked. 我们将很快把这件事解决掉。
You mean you spent Christmas with his family and lived to tell the tale? 你的意思是你和他一家人一起过了圣诞节,并且过得不错,是吗?
Logan hopes to recover lost ground this season after a series of disappointing defeats. 洛根经历了一连串令人沮丧的失败后希望在本赛季东山再起。
He'd given up trying to negotiate the labyrinth of Westminster politics. 他已经放弃了搞清楚错综复杂的英国议会政治的努力。
She seemed to be trying to puzzle out who the caller might be. 她好像在苦苦思索打电话的人可能是谁。
There seems to be no possibility of reconciling the two versions of what happened. 关于发生的事情这两种说法似乎无法进行调和。
Management and labour are attempting to reconcile their differences. 劳资双方都在试图调解他们的分歧。
Research is being undertaken in how to reconcile conservation needs with growing demand for water. 正在研究如何协调保持总蓄水量与不断增加的供水需求之间的矛盾。
I am anxious to rectify this situation. 我迫切想改变这种状况。
The scheme is designed to relieve traffic congestion on the main routes into the city. 该方案的设计是为了缓解城市主干道的交通拥挤。
Cara did her best to rise above the shocking news. 卡拉尽力从这令人震惊的消息中摆脱出来。
It's not an easy task, but I'm sure John will rise to the challenge. 这不是件容易的事,但我确信约翰能应付这个挑战。
He had put a lot of effort into trying to salvage their relationship. 他作了很大努力来挽回他们的关系。
France salvaged some pride with a victory over Ireland in Paris. 在巴黎,法国从对爱尔兰的胜利中挽回了一些面子。
He's trying to smooth over differences between the two leaders. 他在试图消除两位领导人之间的分歧。
The talks are intended to smooth the way for eventual monetary union. 会谈旨在为最后统一货币铺平道路。
We can help you solve your financial problems. 我们能帮你解决财政问题。
It is hoped that diplomatic efforts can solve the crisis peacefully. 人们希望外交努力能和平解决这场危机。
Don't worry about the bill. I'll sort it. 别担心账单的问题,我来解决。
Did you get the tickets sorted? 你把票整理好了吗?
This matter could be sorted out if they would just sit down and talk. 如果他们能坐下来谈谈的话,这件事情就可以得到解决。
If you have a problem, the welfare officer can help you sort yourself out. 如果你有问题,福利人员会帮你解决的。
How does the prime minister square that circle? 首相如何能变圆为方呢?
A team of accountants was brought in to straighten out the firm's finances. 一组会计被请来清理这家公司的财务。
A balance must be struck between meeting housing needs and preserving the environment. 必须找到满足住房需求和保护环境之间的平衡点。
I don't know how I ever survived school. 我不晓得我曾经是如何应付学业的。
Don't worry about Molly – she'll survive. 别为莫利担心,她会有办法对付过去的。
Hopefully the new measures will take the steam out of the refugee crisis. 希望新的措施能缓解难民危机。
Employees are encouraged to think outside the box and develop creative solutions. 鼓励员工们开拓新思路,研究出有创造性的解决方案。
The £400 million loan will help turn the Russian economy around. 这笔4亿英镑的贷款将有助于俄罗斯经济走出低谷。
An improvement in the economy is helping us weather the storm. 经济好转有助于我们渡过难关。
Common sense at last won the day. 常识最终获胜。
It was Collingwood's bowling that finally carried the day for England. 柯林伍德的投球最后使英格兰队获胜。
A skilled craftsman can work around these difficulties.
The talks are intended to smooth the way for a settlement. 会谈旨在为协议铺平道路。
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net