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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 519 COCA: 494
breakverbuk/breɪk/ us/breɪk/ broke, broken

break verb DAMAGE

A2 [ I or T ] to (cause something to) separate suddenly or violently into two or more pieces, or to (cause something to) stop working by being damaged破碎,破裂;打破;打断;损坏,弄坏

The dish fell to the floor and broke.碟子掉到地上摔碎了。
Charles is always breaking things.查尔斯老是打碎东西。
She fell and broke her arm (= broke the bone in her arm).她摔断了胳膊。
I dropped the vase and it broke into pieces.我把花瓶掉在地上摔碎了。
I think I've broken your phone.我想我弄坏了你的电话。
I picked it up and the handle broke off.我把它捡了起来,可手柄断了。
We heard the sound of breaking glass.我们听见玻璃破碎的声音。

More examples

Take an egg and break it into the bowl.

I've broken my leg, but the doctor says that it's a clean break, so it should heal easily.

If you force the zip, it'll break.

Things got a little wild at the party and three windows were broken.

His mother scolded him for breaking her favourite vase.

break verb END

B2 [ I or T ] to destroy or end something, or to come to an end毁坏,打破;结束,终结

Eventually someone spoke, breaking the silence.最后终于有人开口打破了沉默。
She laughed and that broke the tension.她大笑起来,打破了紧张气氛。
The enemy were unable to break the code (= understand it and so make it useless).敌人无法破译密码。
Outside workers were brought in in an attempt to break (= end) the strike.外面的工人被调进来以结束罢工。
break a/the record

B2 to do something better than the best known speed, time, number, etc. previously achieved打破纪录

She broke the record for the 5,000 metres.她打破了5000米的纪录。

More examples

The routine was the same every day, with nothing to break the monotony.

A thrush's song was the only sound to break the silence.

She managed to decipher/break/crack the code.

I'm trying to get him to break the habit of switching on the TV when he comes home at night.

She came perilously close to getting herself killed in her attempt to break the world record.

break verb NOT OBEY

B2 [ T ] to fail to keep a law, rule, or promise破坏;违反;违背

He didn't know he was breaking the law (= doing something illegal).他不知道自己的行为是犯法的。
She broke her promise/word to me (= did not do what she promised she would).她违背了对我的诺言。

More examples

They connived to break the school rules at every opportunity.

She seems to think that it's perfectly all right to break the law.

She is at worst corrupt, and at best has been knowingly breaking the rules.

He broke his promise and there wasn't a thing we could do about it.

They broke with convention by giving up their jobs and becoming self-sufficient.

break verb DIVIDE

[ I or T, + adv/prep ] to (cause something to) divide into two or more parts or groups分散;分开;分解

These enzymes break down food in the stomach (= cause food to separate into smaller pieces).这些酶在胃中分解食物。
I asked her to break her expenses down into food, travel and personal costs.我叫她把日常开支细分为食品、旅行和个人花销。

More examples

An enzyme in the saliva of the mouth starts the process of breaking down the food.

Vitamin B6 helps build and break down carbohydrates, fats, and protein, and aids in the formation and maintenance of the nervous system.

The syllabus is broken down into four main areas: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

The story is broken down into little bits of text to help children read it themselves.

It's much easier if you break down large projects into a series of small tasks.

break verb INTERRUPT

B1 [ T ] to interrupt or to stop something for a short period打断;中断,中止

We usually break for lunch at 12.30.我们通常12点半休息吃午饭。
I needed something to break the monotony of my typing job.我需要做点什么来打发打字工作的单调。
The phone rang, breaking my concentration.电话铃响了,打断了我的注意。
UK They decided to break their journey in Singapore.他们决定在新加坡稍作停留。

More examples

Sara says she needs a clean break with the past.

I need a break, a complete change of scene.

I see it's approaching lunchtime, so let's take a break.

During the break between games, she had a drink of water and wiped the perspiration off her face and arms with a towel.

You shouldn't drive for more than three hours without taking a break.

break verb USE FORCE

C2 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ] to go somewhere or do something by force急冲;猛闯;突破

He threatened to break the door down (= enter using force).他威胁要砸门进来。
The horse tried to break free from its stable.那匹马想从马厩里挣脱出去。
In the storm the boat broke loose from its moorings.暴风雨中船脱开了缆绳。
The thieves broke the safe open and stole the diamonds.盗贼撬开保险箱偷走了钻石。
The police broke up the fight (= ended it forcefully).警方强行制止了打斗。
She broke his grip and ran away.她用力挣脱了他的手,跑开了。

break verb EMOTION

[ I or T ] to lose your confidence, determination, or ability to control yourself, or to make someone do this(使)(自控能力、信心、意志等)崩溃

He thought she would break under the strain.他觉得她在压力之下会崩溃的。
They tried to break his will (= make him lose his control) but he resisted.他们企图使他失去自控,但他顶住了。

break verb BECOME KNOWN

C2 [ I or T ] to become known or to make something become known暴露,泄漏;透露;传开

When the scandal broke (= came to the public's attention), the CEO resigned immediately.丑闻曝光后,首席执行官立刻辞职了。
It was the local newspaper that first broke the story (= told the public).是当地的报纸首先披露了这件事。

break verb WAVES

[ I usually + adv/prep ] (of waves) to reach and move over the beach, hit a cliff or wall, etc.(波浪)拍岸,迸溅

A huge wave broke on/against the shore/over the boat.一个大浪打在岸边/冲上了轮船。

break verb WEATHER

C2 [ I ] (of the weather) to change suddenly and usually become worse(天气)骤变

The forecast is for the hot weather to break today.天气预报说炎热的天气将在今天发生骤变。

break verb STORM

C2 [ I ] (of a storm) to start suddenly(风暴)突起

We arrived just as a storm was breaking.我们抵达时正是风暴突起之时。

break verb DAY

dawn/day breaks

When dawn or day breaks, the sun starts to appear in the sky early in the morning.(晨光)初现;(天)破晓

Dawn broke over the city.城市上空,天光破晓。

break verb VOICE

[ I ] When a boy's voice breaks it begins to sound like a man's.变嗓

His voice broke when he was 13.他是13岁的时候变嗓的。

[ I ] If someone's voice breaks, it changes because of strong emotions.(嗓音)改变

Her voice was breaking with emotion as she pleaded for her child's return.当她苦苦哀求让她的孩子回来时激动得嗓音都变了调。

break verb TENNIS

break serve

(in tennis) to win a game in which another player is serving (= hitting the ball first)(网球比赛中)破发球

Nadal broke Cilic's serve in the second set.纳达尔在第二盘中破了契利奇的发球局。

break verb FOOTBALL

[ I ] If a football team breaks, it gets the ball in its own half and attacks quickly into the opposing team's half.(足球比赛中)反击

Blues broke quickly, catching Wolves on the back foot.蓝队(切尔西队)快速反击,打了狼队(伍尔弗汉普顿流浪队)一个措手不及。


[ C ] an interruption中止,中断

Finally there was a break in the rain and we went out.雨终于停了,我们都出来了。

[ C ] mainly UK the short period of advertisements between television programmes广告时间

I'll make us a cup of tea in the next break.下次插播广告时我去给大家泡杯茶。

A2 [ C ] a short period of rest, when food or drink is sometimes eaten休息;(用茶点的)休息时间

a coffee break喝咖啡的休息时间
UK a tea break茶歇
a lunch/dinner break午/晚餐时间
We'll take another break at 3.30.我们三点半再休息一次。
They worked through the night without a break.他们连续工作了一个晚上。
Do you usually take a morning/afternoon break?你通常上午/下午中间休息吗?

[ U ] mainly UK also break time the regular time in the middle of the morning or afternoon, for school students to talk or play, and sometimes have food or drink课间休息

We were talking about it at break.我们课间休息时在谈论这事。

B1 [ C ] a time away from work or your regular activity, or a holiday(中断工作或日常活动的)休息时间;假期

Take a couple of weeks off - you need a break.请两个星期的假吧——你需要休息。
How long is the Christmas break this year?今年的圣诞假期有多长?
We decided to have a short/spring/winter/weekend break in Paris.我们决定在巴黎停留一下/休春假/休寒假/度周末。
I'll read your report over (= during) the Christmas break.我将在圣诞节休假期间看你的报告。
I need a break from typing.我需要休息一段时间,不打字。
give sb a break

to allow someone some time away from their work or regular activities给…一些休息时间;让…有机会搁下日常的活动或工作

I babysit every Friday to give her a break.每周五我都负责照看孩子,好给她一点休息的时间。

informal to stop criticizing or annoying someone, or behaving in an unpleasant way停止批评…;饶恕…

Give her a break - she's only a child and she didn't mean any harm.饶了她吧——她还只是个孩子,况且她并无恶意。

More examples

Sara says she needs a clean break with the past.

I need a break, a complete change of scene.

I see it's approaching lunchtime, so let's take a break.

During the break between games, she had a drink of water and wiped the perspiration off her face and arms with a towel.

You shouldn't drive for more than three hours without taking a break.

break noun OPPORTUNITY

C2 [ C ] an opportunity for improving a situation, especially one that happens unexpectedly机会;机缘;好运

Her big break came when she was offered a role in a Spielberg movie.她在斯皮尔伯格执导的影片中得到了一个角色,她的机会来了。

break noun DAMAGE

C1 [ C ] a place where something has broken破裂;裂口,裂缝

There's a break in the pipe.管子上有道裂缝。

break noun END

[ C ] the end of a relationship, connection, or way of doing something毁坏;打破;结束,终结

Their decision to not name their daughter Jane was a break with family tradition.他们决定不给女儿起名为简,这违背了家族传统。
make a break also make the break

to stop having a close relationship with someone, especially stop living with them , or to change a course of action that you have had for a long time与…结束关系(尤指不再住在一起);改变(一贯的行为)

You've been in your job for years - it's time you made a break.那份工作你已干了多年了——是时候改变一下了。
When a relationship ends, it's often best to make a clean/complete break (= suddenly and completely stop seeing each other).结束一段感情最好是彻底一刀两断。

break noun SPORT

[ C ] in tennis, a game won by the player who was not serving (= hitting the ball first)(网球中的)破发,接发球得分

Murray must get another break (of serve) to win.穆雷必须再破对方一个发球局才能赢。

[ C ] in snooker and billiards, the number of points that a player gets during one turn at hitting the balls(斯诺克和台球中的)一杆得分,一次连续得分

[ S ] in football, an occasion when a defending team gains possession of the ball in its own half and attacks quickly into the opposing team's half(足球比赛中的)反击

break noun ESCAPE

make a break (from/for)

to escape from/towards somewhere or something, often by force(常指用暴力)逃离,逃脱

A group of prisoners made a break from the jail a few years back.几年前一群犯人越狱逃跑了。
The cat made a break for the door.那只猫向门口跑去。
When he let go, I made a break for it (= escaped quickly).他一放开我,我马上就遛了。
See also

break noun MORNING

break of day [ U ] literary

the time when the sun rises in the morning破晓

We set out at break of day.我们破晓时分出发。
See also

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