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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 2665 COCA: 1781

snow noun WEATHER

A1 [ U ] the small, soft, white pieces of ice that sometimes fall from the sky when it is cold, or the white layer on the ground and other surfaces that it forms雪;积雪

Outside the snow began to fall.外面开始下雪了。
Let's go and play in the snow!我们一起去玩雪吧!
A blanket of snow lay on the ground.地上积着厚厚的一层雪。
Her hair was jet-black, her lips ruby-red and her skin as white as snow.她头发乌黑,嘴唇红润如宝石,肌肤洁白如雪。

[ C ] a single fall of snow一场雪

We haven't had many heavy snows this winter.今年冬天我们这儿没下过几场大雪。

More examples

The snow came down during the night.

By morning there was a light covering of snow.

Many villages have been cut off by the heavy snow.

There was a dusting of snow on the lawn.

Snow had been falling steadily all day.

snow noun DRUG

[ U ] slang → cocaine (同cocaine)

snow verb WEATHER

A2 [ I ] If it snows, snow falls from the sky.下雪,飘雪

It's snowing.下雪了。
It's starting to snow.开始下雪了。
It had snowed overnight and a thick white layer covered the ground.一晚上都在下雪,地上积了厚厚的一层。
be snowed in

C2 to be unable to travel away from a place because of very heavy snow被雪困住

We were snowed in for four days last winter.去年冬天,我们被雪困了4天。

More examples

It had snowed heavily during the night and in the morning the garden was a white fairyland.

Do you think it will snow this Christmas?

I love it when it snows.

It very rarely snows in October.

It snowed heavily all day.

snow verb TRICK

[ T ] US informal to deceive or trick someone by talking a lot or by giving them a lot of information(用花言巧语)欺骗,蒙骗

It felt like she was snowing us with statistics.她让人觉得是在用统计数据蒙骗我们。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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