🔍 牛津詞典
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🔍 劍橋詞典 🎯
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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 20607 COCA: 8646

[ I usually + adv/prep ] to walk with intentionally heavy steps, especially as a way of showing that you are annoyed迈着重重的步子走;(尤指)怒气冲冲地走

She stomped up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door.她噔噔噔地上了楼,重重地关上了卧室的门。
He woke up in a bad mood and stomped off to the bathroom.他一觉醒来心情不佳,噔噔地踩着重步走向浴室。

[ I or T ] US UK stamp to put a foot down on the ground hard and quickly, making a loud noise, often to show anger(常指为表示生气)跺(脚);重踏,重踩

The little boy was stomping his foot and refusing to take his medicine.那个小男孩跺着脚不肯吃药。
She stood by the road, stomping her feet to stay warm.她站在路边,跺着脚让自己暖和些。
I wish those people upstairs would stop stomping around.我希望楼上那些人别再乱跺脚了。
Why did you stomp on that insect?你为什么要踩那只虫子?

Phrasal verb(s)

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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