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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 848 COCA: 735

save verb MAKE SAFE

B1 [ T ] to stop someone or something from being killed, injured, or destroyed挽救,搭救,救助

Wearing seat belts has saved many lives.使用安全带挽救了许多人的生命。
He fell in the river but his friend saved him from drowning.他掉进了河里,不过他的朋友救了他的命。
He had to borrow money to save his business.他只好借钱挽救自己的企业。
He was desperately trying to save their failing marriage.他拼命努力,试图挽救他们濒临破裂的婚姻。
We all need to do our part to save the planet.我们都需要为拯救这个星球尽一份力。
The former tennis champion was now serving to save the match (= to win the next point so that the other player did not win this part of the competition).前网球冠军正在发球争取挽回败局。
save sb's life

B1 to stop someone from being killed使(某人)免遭杀害;救(某人)的性命

informal to help someone escape from a difficult or unpleasant situation帮助(某人)脱离困境(或窘境)

Thanks for helping me with that report - you saved my life!谢谢你帮助我完成那个报告——你真是帮了我大忙!

More examples

Conservationists are fighting to save our hedgerows.

The doctors made one last desperate attempt to save the boy's life.

Many brave men fell in the fight to save the city.

Drastic measures must be taken if we are to save the planet.

We did everything we could to save her but she died.

save verb KEEP

A2 [ I or T ] to keep something, especially money, for use in the future保存,储存;储蓄,攒钱

Tom's been saving his pocket money every week.汤姆每周都把自己的零花钱攒起来。
We're saving (up) for a new car.我们正在攒钱准备买一辆新车。
I save all my old letters in case I want to read them again.我把过去所有的信件都保存了下来,以便再读。
Save me a place at your table, OK?你坐的那张桌子给我留个位子好吗?

A2 [ I or T ] to put information into a computer's memory or onto a computer disk将(计算机上的信息)存盘,保存

Don't forget to save your work regularly.不要忘记经常存盘。
To save, press Control S.存盘按Control和S键。

More examples

I've never been very good at saving money.

Try to save some money for your holiday.

I thought I'd save the champagne for a special occasion.

I saved a couple of chocolates to give to Ben.

He'd saved the email to show me.

save verb NOT WASTE

B1 [ I or T ] to prevent time, money, or effort being wasted or spent节约,节省

You'll save time if you take the car.开车会省些时间。
[ + two objects ] Thanks for your help - it saved me a lot of work.谢谢你的帮助——这省了我很多事。
[ + -ing verb ] I'll lend you a bag for your trip - it'll save you buying one.我借给你一个旅行包——省得你专门再买一个。
informal Can you save it for later (= tell me your news later when I am less busy)?你能等一下(在我不这么忙的时候)再告诉我吗?

More examples

If we cut across the field, it'll save time.

We'd save time on our journey if we went by train.

It would save time if we did the two tasks together.

I'll pick up your book while I'm there and it will save you the bother.

I could speak on your behalf and it would save you from going.

save verb SPORT

B2 [ T ] in football and similar games, to stop the ball from going into the goal when a player on the other team has kicked or hit it(足球等球类运动中)救(球),阻止对方得(分)

in football or similar games, when a player stops the ball from going into the goal when it is hit or kicked by a player from the other team(足球等球类运动中)救(球),阻止对方得(分)

The goalkeeper made a great save in the last minute of the game.守门员在比赛的最后关头有一次精彩的扑救。
saveprepositionuk/seɪv/ us/seɪv/ also save for formal or old-fashioned

but or except for除…外

They found all the lost documents save one.除了其中有一份文件没有找到之外,他们找到了所有丢失的文件。
TOEFL BNC: 848 COCA: 735


in football/soccer, hockey, etc.足球;曲棍球ADJECTIVE | VERB + SAVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrilliant, excellent, fine, good, great, magnificent, outstanding, smart, spectacular, stunning, superb漂亮的救球;精彩的救球;絕妙的救球;出色的救球;聰明的救球;令人目瞪口呆的救球crucial, important, vital關鍵的救球;至關重要的救球diving, one-handed, reflex魚躍/單手/反射性救球double兩次救球VERB + SAVEmake, produce, pull off成功救下球;完成救球Casillas made some spectacular saves.卡西拉斯漂亮地救下了幾個險球。PREPOSITIONsave by, save from由⋯救的球some great saves from both goalkeepers雙方守門員各自的幾個精彩救球


1keep sb/sth safe使安全ADVERB | VERB + SAVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBsingle-handedly單槍匹馬解救possibly, potentially, probably可能會解救literally真正解救VERB + SAVEbe able to, can能夠/可以解救Nothing could save us from disaster.什麼也不能把我們從災難中解救出來。be unable to無法解救may, might可能挽救It's a trick that might just save us from total disaster.這是一個滿可以讓我們免遭潰敗的招數。help (to), try to幫助/試圖拯救She helped save my career.她幫我挽回了事業。battle to, be determined to, be on a mission to, fight to奮力拯救;決心挽救;身負拯救重任Doctors battled to save the little boy's life.醫生們奮力搶救小男孩的生命。find a way to, manage to找到救助⋯的方法;設法挽救We managed to save the animals from being put down.我們設法救下了那些動物,使他們免於人道毀滅。PREPOSITIONfrom使免遭⋯They saved the paintings from destruction.他們使這些油畫免遭損毀。PHRASESan attempt to save sth, an effort to save sth挽救⋯的嘗試/努力a last desperate attempt to save his marriage他最後一次不顧一切挽救婚姻的努力a battle to save sth, a bid to save sth, a campaign to save sth, a fight to save sth拯救⋯的戰役/努力/運動/戰鬥be responsible for saving sb/sth有責任救助⋯He is responsible for saving the lives of the aircrew.他有責任挽救機組人員的生命。beyond saving無法挽回The furniture was beyond saving.傢具已經修不好了。


2not spend money不花錢ADVERB | VERB + SAVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBup存錢I'm saving up to buy a new car.我正存錢買新車。VERB + SAVElook to, try to指望/試圖存錢manage to設法存錢PREPOSITIONfor為⋯存錢We're trying to save up for our honeymoon.我們正為度蜜月努力攢錢。on在⋯上省錢They're hoping to save on printing costs.他們希望能節省印刷成本。PHRASESscrimp and save省吃儉用We scrimp and save to send our children to a private school.我們省吃儉用,為的是送孩子去私立學校上學。thereby saving從而節省⋯We use video conferencing for our meetings, thereby saving thousands in travel expenses.我們召開視頻會議,從而節省了數千元的差旅費。


3in football/soccer, hockey, etc.足球;曲棍球ADVERBbrilliantly, superbly漂亮地/精彩地救球bravely, comfortably勇敢地/輕鬆地救球
TOEFL BNC: 848 COCA: 735
save verb
save1 (save sb's life) save2 (save up for a new bike) save3 (save a little each week) save4 (save time/energy) keep2 (save some for tomorrow) reserve (save sb a seat)


save sb's life 救某人的命save up for a new bike 攒钱买辆新自行车save a little each week 每星期存一点钱save time/energy 节省时间/精力 See also the entry for protect 另见protect条save ♦︎ rescue ♦︎ bail sb out ♦︎ redeemThese words all mean to prevent sb/sth from dying, losing sth or being harmed or embarrassed. 这些词均表示拯救、挽救。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to save / rescue / redeem sb / sth from sthto save / rescue / redeem a situationto save / redeem sinners / mankindto rescue sb / bail sb out financially save [transitive] to prevent sb/sth from dying, being harmed or destroyed or losing sth 救;救助;挽救;拯救Doctors were unable to save him.医生没能把他救活。Money from local businesses helped save the school from closure.当地企业出资拯救了这所濒临关闭的学校。We made one last attempt to save our marriage.我们为挽救婚姻做了最后的努力。There's no doubt that the firefighters saved my daughter's life (= prevented her from dying).毫无疑问,是消防员救了我女儿的命。 rescue [transitive] to save sb/sth from a dangerous or harmful situation 营救;援救;抢救He was drowned in an attempt to rescue the child.他为营救那个孩子而溺水身亡。They were rescued by a passing cruise ship.他们被一艘经过的游轮救了上来。You rescued me from a very embarrassing situation.当时我处境非常尴尬,你为我解了围。 rescue


[uncountable, countable] A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation.一个富有的赞助人慷慨解囊救了他们。Ten fishermen were saved in a daring sea rescue.在一次惊心动魄的海上营救行动中,有十名渔民获救。
ˌbail sb ˈout

phrasal verb

to rescue sb/sth from a difficult situation, especially by providing money (尤指提供资金)帮助⋯摆脱困境Don't expect me to bail you out if it all goes wrong.等到一切搞砸了,别指望我来解救你。The government had to bail the company out of financial difficulty.政府只得帮助这家公司渡过财务难关。
redeem rɪˈdiːm [transitive] (formal, religion 宗教) (in Christianity) to save sb from the power of evil (基督教)拯救,救赎He was a sinner, redeemed by the grace of God.他是个罪人,蒙神恩得到救赎。 Redeem is also used in non-religious language in the phrase redeem a situation, which means to prevent a situation from being as bad as it might be. * redeem也可用于非宗教语言,如短语redeem a situation,表示挽回局面In an attempt to redeem the situation, Jed offered to help sell tickets.为了挽救局面,杰德主动提出帮忙售票。 redemption rɪˈdempʃn


[uncountable] the redemption of the world from sin将世界从罪恶中拯救出来


save sb's life 救某人的命save up for a new bike 攒钱买辆新自行车save a little each week 每星期存一点钱save time/energy 节省时间/精力 See also the entry for cut 1 另见cut条第1义save ♦︎ budget ♦︎ economize ♦︎ tighten your belt ♦︎ skimpThese words all mean to spend less money. 这些词均表示节省、节俭。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to save up / budget for sthto economize / skimp on sth save [intransitive] to keep money instead of spending it, often in order to buy a particular thing (常指为了购买某物而)储蓄,攒钱I'm not very good at saving.我不太会攒钱。I'm saving for a new bike.我正攒钱想买辆新自行车。We've been saving up to go to Australia.我们一直在攒钱,打算去澳大利亚。 see also savings fund noun budget [intransitive, transitive] to be careful about the amount of money you spend; to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose (花钱)精打细算;把⋯编入预算If we budget carefully we'll be able to afford the trip.只要精打细算一点,我们就能负担得起这次旅行。I've budgeted for two new assistants.我已经把两名新助理的开支编入预算。Ten million euros has been budgeted for the project.已经为该工程编制了1 000万欧元的预算。The project has been budgeted at ten million euros.已经为该工程编制了1 000万欧元的预算。 see also budget fund noun economize (BrE also economise) [intransitive] to use less money, time, etc. than you normally use 节省金钱;节约时间;节俭Old people often try to economize on heating, thus endangering their health.老年人常想方设法少用暖气来省钱,结果却损害了他们的健康。Managers have been ordered to economize.经理们被要求紧缩开支。 tighten your ˈbelt


(rather informal) to spend less money because there is less available 勒紧腰带;省吃俭用With price increases on most goods, we are all having to tighten our belts.由于大多数商品价格上涨,我们都不得不勒紧腰带过日子。
skimp [intransitive] to try to spend less money or time on sth than is really needed (在必需品上)节省,吝惜Older people should not skimp on food or heating.老年人在吃饭或取暖方面不应吝惜。


save sb's life 救某人的命save up for a new bike 攒钱买辆新自行车save a little each week 每星期存一点钱save time/energy 节省时间/精力save ♦︎ deposit ♦︎ put/set sth aside ♦︎ bankThese words all mean to keep money instead of spending it. 这些词均表示储蓄、攒钱。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to save / deposit / put aside / set aside / bank money / £100, etc.to save / deposit cashto deposit / bank a cheque save [transitive] to keep money instead of spending it 储蓄;攒(钱)You should save a little each week.你应该每星期存一点钱。I've saved almost £100 so far.我至今已经攒了差不多100英镑。 see also savings fund noun deposit dɪˈpɒzɪt; NAmE dɪˈpɑːzɪt [transitive] to put money into a bank account 把(钱)存入银行;存储Millions were deposited in Swiss bank accounts.巨额的款项存入了瑞士的银行账户。You can withdraw and deposit money in any of our branches.您可在我们任何一家分行办理存取款业务。 ˌput sth aˈside set sth aˈside

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put; setting, set, set) (especially spoken) to save money for a particular purpose (为特定目的)攒钱,积蓄How much have you got put aside?你攒了多少钱?We ought to set some money aside for emergencies.我们应该积蓄点钱以备急用。Put sth aside is used slightly more in British English; set sth aside is used slightly more in American English. * put sth aside略多用于英式英语,set sth aside略多用于美式英语。
bank [transitive] to put money, especially a lot of money, into a bank account, especially because you have been paid (尤指收到付款后)把(大笔款项)存入银行She is believed to have banked (= been paid) $10 million in two years.据信她两年内在银行账户里存入了1 000万元。 See also the entry for make 3 另见make条第3义


save sb's life 救某人的命save up for a new bike 攒钱买辆新自行车save a little each week 每星期存一点钱save time/energy 节省时间/精力save ♦︎ conserveThese words both mean to use no more of sth than necessary. 这两个词均表示节约、不浪费。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to save / conserve energy / water / fuel save [transitive, intransitive] to avoid wasting sth such as time, money or resources, or using more than necessary 节省,节约(时间、金钱或资源)We'll take a cab to save time.为节省时间我们将乘出租车。Book early and save £50!及早订票可节省50英镑!Factory and farm managers were told to save electricity during peak hours.工厂和农场的经营者都被要求在高峰时段节约用电。This new system could save us a lot of money.这个新系统可为我们节省很多钱。I save on fares by walking to work.我步行上班,省下了车费。 conserve kənˈsɜːv; NAmE kənˈsɜːrv [transitive] (rather formal) to use as little of sth as possible so that it lasts a long time, especially natural resources such as water or fuel 节省,节约(尤指水或燃料等自然资源)You can conserve heat by insulating your home.你可对住宅做隔热处理来节约暖气。Desert rats conserve water by remaining underground by day.沙漠里的老鼠白天待在地下以保存体内水分。 conservation


[uncountable] to encourage the conservation of water / fuel鼓励节约用水/燃料energy conservation能源的节约

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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