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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 1590 COCA: 1499


ADJECTIVE | VERB + BIRTH | BIRTH + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElive活產Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer still births.生活條件改善,活產嬰數會增加,死產嬰數會減少。normal正常分娩;順產difficult難產breech臀位分娩Caesarean, vaginal剖宮產;陰道分娩natural (= without the use of drugs) 自然分娩premature, preterm早產multiple多胎產illegitimate, out-of-wedlock (NAmE) 非婚生home, hospital在家中/醫院分娩water (= in water) 水中分娩VERB + BIRTHgive生孩子She gave birth to a baby boy.她生了一個小男孩。register登記出生celebrate慶祝出生They recently celebrated the birth of their second daughter.不久前他們慶祝了第二個女兒降生。await等待出生He was anxiously awaiting the birth of his child.他在焦急地等待孩子出生。announce宣佈出生attend接生A doctor and three midwives attended the birth.一位醫生和 3 名助產士給接生的。BIRTH + NOUNcertificate出生證明records出生記錄date出生日期place (usually birthplace) 出生地weight (usually birthweight) 出生體重process出生過程complications分娩併發症defect出生缺陷canal產道the mother's birth canal母親的產道mother生母attendant (= person who assists a woman giving birth) 助產士partner (= person a woman chooses to be with when giving birth) 分娩伴侶plan分娩計劃You should prepare a birth plan with your obstetrician.你應該跟你的產科大夫一起制訂一個分娩計劃。announcement出生通告rate出生率a low / high birth rate低/高出生率 (see also birth control) PREPOSITIONat birth出生時The baby weighed seven pounds at birth.這個嬰兒出生時體重是 7 磅。at a/the birth, during a/the birth在出生的時候/過程中The child's father was present at the birth.孩子出生時爸爸在場。by birth在出身上He was American by birth, but lived in France.他出生在美國,但住在法國。PHRASESbirths, deaths and marriages, births, marriages and deaths出生、死亡和結婚;出生、結婚和死亡announcements of births, marriages and deaths出生、結婚和死亡通告your date of birth, your place of birth出生日期/地點of low birth, of noble birth (both old-fashioned) 出身低微/高貴the moment of birth出生時刻

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 劍橋詞典 📚 – cambridge.mister5️⃣.net
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